Miss Giada Brianza

Post:Doctoral Tutor (Informatics)
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Giada Brianza joined the SCHI Lab as an intern in November 2017 and began her PhD with us working on body perception and smell in July 2018. She received her MSc in Clinical, Developmental Psychology and Neuropsychology in 2017 and her BSc in Psychological Science in 2015, both from the University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy). During her internship here she developed an interest in how crossmodal correspondences affect the body perception. For her PhD, she is studying how multisensory stimulation (especially the sense of smell) can impact our body perception, exploiting various techniques such as Virtual Reality. Her ambition is to develop therapies and recommendations for body perception diseases.


PhD Student in the department of Informatics


  1. Internship in SCHILab, Departments of Informatics - Sussex University
  2. MSc in "Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology and Neuropsychology" - Università di Milano Bicocca (Milan)
  3. BSc in "Psychological Techniques", Psychology CV - Università di Milano Bicocca (Milan)