Industrial automation

1) A C. elegans-inspired micro-robot with polymeric actuators and online vision

A C. elegans-inspired micro-robot with polymeric actuators and online vision

Collaborator: Leeds; Funder: EPSRC

The 1mm long Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) is one of the best characterised animals and an important biological model for studies of nervous system function and behavior. This research built a robotic model mimicking the undulatory locomotion of this animal.

2) Optimising Energy Management in Industry - 'OPTEMIN'

Collaborators: Brunel, Cranfield, Queen's U Belfast; Funder: EPSRC

This project takes a whole systems approach to the optimisation of energy management in industry by considering energy flows and demand reduction at different levels to satisfy overall economic and environmental performance considerations and optimisation criteria.

3) Ultrasonic  Viscosity Control for the Extrusion of Recycled Polymers

Ultrasonic  Viscosity Control for the Extrusion of Recycled Polymers

Collaborators: QUB-PPRC, Cherry Pipes, Herrmann Ultrasonics (Germany), TSM Control Systems (Ireland), Polinter S.A. (Spain), DKI Plast A.S. (Denmark), Plastitehase (Estonia), Sirris ASBL (Belgium) and UKMatRI (UK)

This project developed a real time modelling and control of the viscosity of recycled polymers (from bottle recycling) in extrusion processes using ultrasonic modulation.

4) Control of Waste Heat Recovery Systems

Waste Heat Recovery Systems

Collaborators: WiS, QUB, QUINN, AES

This project developed a control algorithm for Waste Heat Recovery (WHR) systems using in gas and diesel engines in power generation, vehicles and industrial production processes to maximise amount of energy recovered from the waste heat through the exhaust and coolant systems and reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.