Sussex AI seminar: Ivor Simpson
By: Aleks Kossowska
Last updated: Monday, 17 March 2025
Ivor Simpson
'Machine Learning for Inverse Problems: Opportunities and Risks'. Ivor Simpson is Associate Professor in AI (Informatics), Academic Lead for Sussex AI, and Course Convenor for MRes in Advanced AI.
Ill-posed inverse problems in high-dimensional imaging applications, as commonly found in medical imaging and computer vision, often lack a definitive ground truth and can challenge traditional inference methods. This talk will introduce some recent approaches where our team, and others, have developed machine learning (ML) approaches that empirically show promising benefits (in terms of speed and robustness to noise) for medical imaging applications. I will conclude with a discussion of the risks associated with employing ML in these tasks, and identify some specific challenges and promising research opportunities in this evolving field.
Talk delivered on 12th March 2025 as part of Sussex AI seminar series. Watch the recording on YouTube.
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