Early Help services in Brighton & Hove

Early Help involves local services designed to support families and young people who are facing challenges and difficulties across a range of domains -- from serious financial pressures through to problems at school and mental health difficulties. This project builds on a successful programme of pilot work carried out for Brighton & Hove City Council in 2014.  We now are working to finalise and implement an assessment protocol that can be used across the Early Help services in Brighton & Hove City Council to identify psychosocial needs and track progress of marginalised youths over a period of 18 months. 

Our research involves assisting Brighton & Hove City Council by analysing data on key outcomes for families who have received Early Help interventions and support, as well as by conducting an enhanced evaluation of the nature and extent of change experienced by those families.  This includes both quantitative survey data and in-depth qualitative work with young people and their families over time. 

This project involves close collaboration with Professor Janet Boddy, co-director of the Centre for Innovation and Reserach in Childhood and Youth, and Dr Fidelma Hanrahan is the post-doctoral research fellow on this project.