Honorary Lps (School of Law, Politics and Sociology)
Selected publications
Lind, Craig (2014) The truth of unmarried cohabitation and the significance of history [Review] Rebecca Probert (2012) The changing legal regulation of cohabitation: from fornication to family. The Modern Law Review, 77 (4). pp. 641-668. ISSN 1468-2230
Lind, Craig and Hewitt, Tom (2009) Law and the complexities of parenting: parental status and parental function. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 31 (4). pp. 391-406. ISSN 0964-9069
Lind, Craig and Keating, Heather (2008) Introduction: Responsible Parents and a Responsible State. Journal of Law and Society, 35 (1). pp. 1-2. ISSN 0263-323X
Lind, Craig (2006) Evans v United Kingdom - judgments of Solomon: power, gender and procreation. Child and Family Law Quarterly, 18 (4). pp. 576-592. ISSN 1358-8184
Lind, Craig (2003) Stability for children? The adoption and children act 2002. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 25 (2). pp. 173-188. ISSN 0964-9069
Lind, Craig (2003) Re R(Paternity of IVF Baby) - unmarried paternity under the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990. Child and Family Law Quarterly, 15 (3). pp. 327-337. ISSN 1358-8184
Lind, Craig and Barlow, Anne (1999) A Matter of Trust: The Allocation of Rights in the Family Home. Legal Studies, 19 (4). pp. 468-488. ISSN 0261-3875
Lind, Craig (1997) Perception of sex in the legal determination of fatherhood: X, Y and Z v. UK. Child and Family Law Quarterly, 9. pp. 401-408. ISSN 1358-8184
Lind, Craig (1996) 'Pretended familes' and the local state in Britain and the USA. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 10 (2). pp. 134-158. ISSN 1360-9939
Lind, Craig and Barlow, Anne (1996) Family redefinition under Part III of the Family Law Bill 1996. Web Journal of Current Legal Issues (2). ISSN 1360-1326
Lind, Craig (1995) Sexual orientation, family law and the transitional constitution. South African Law Journal, 112. pp. 481-502. ISSN 0258-2503
Lind, Craig (1992) Wrongful-birth and wrongful-life actions. South African Law Journal (109). pp. 428-446. ISSN 0258-2503
Book Section
Lind, Craig (2017) Value in personal relationships and the reallocation of property on divorce. In: Millns, Susan, Wong, Simone and Unset (eds.) Wealth and poverty in close personal relationships: money matters. Routledge, London, pp. 118-133. ISBN 9781472469861
Bridgeman, Jo, Keating, Heather and Lind, Craig (2011) Supporting, Fostering and Coercing? The Legal Regulation of the Exercise of Family Responsibilities. In: Bridgeman, Jo, Keating, Heather and Lind, Craig (eds.) Regulating Family Responsibilities. Ashgate. ISBN 9781409402008
Bridgeman, Jo, Keating, Heather, Lind, Craig and et al, (2011) Introduction: regulating family responsibilities. In: Bridgeman, Jo, Keating, Heather and Lind, Craig (eds.) Regulating Family Responsibilities. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781409402008
Bridgeman, Jo, Keating, Heather and Lind, Craig (2011) Supporting, fostering and coercing? The legal regulation of the exercise of family responsibilities. In: Bridgeman, Jo, Keating, Heather and Lind, Craig (eds.) Regulating Family Responsibilities. Ashgate Publishing Ltd. ISBN 9781409402008
Lind, Craig (2010) Power and the taking of responsibility: shifting the legal family from marriage to friendship. In: Lind, Craig, Keating, Heather and Bridgeman, Jo (eds.) Taking responsibility, law and the changing family. Ashgate, 69 - 88. ISBN 9781409402022
Lind, Craig, Keating, Heather and Bridgeman, Jo (2010) Taking family responsibility or having it imposed? In: Lind, Craig, Keating, Heather and Bridgeman, Jo (eds.) Taking Responsibility, Law and the Changing Family. Ashgate. ISBN 9781409402022
Lind, Craig (2008) Responsible fathers: paternity, the blood tie and family responsibility. In: Bridgeman, J, Keating, H and Lind, C (eds.) Responsibility, Law and the Family. Ashgate, Aldershot, United Kingdom, pp. 191-210. ISBN 9780754671091
Lind, Craig (2008) Unanswerable dilemmas? Legal regulation for cross cultural family norms. In: Andrews, P and Bazilli, S (eds.) Law and rights: global perspectives on constitutionalism and governance. Vandeplas Publishing, pp. 179-197. ISBN 9781600420474
Lind, Craig (2008) Queering marriage? The legal recognition of same-sex relationships around the world. In: Judge, M, Manion, A and de Waal, S (eds.) To have and to hold: the making of same-sex marriage in South Africa. Jacana Media, pp. 284-299. ISBN 9781920196059
Lind, Craig and Keating, Heather (2008) Introduction: responsible parents and a responsible state. In: Lind, Craig and Keating, Heather (eds.) Children, Family Responsibilities and the State. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 9781405183017
Lind, Craig (2005) Domestic partnerships and marital status discrimination. In: Murray, C and O'Sullivan, M (eds.) Advancing Women's Rights: the First Decade of Democracy. Juta, pp. 108-130. ISBN 9780702173158
Lind, Craig (2005) Importing Law, Politics and Sexuality. In: Steyn, M and Van Zyl, M (eds.) Performing Queer: Shaping Sexualities 1994-2004. Kwela Books, South Africa, pp. 335-357. ISBN 978-0795701962
Lind, Craig (2004) Sexuality and same-sex relationships in law. In: Bainham, A, Brookes-Gordon, B, Gelsthorpe, L and Johnson, M (eds.) Sexuality Repositioned: Diversity and the Law. Hart Publishing, pp. 109-130. ISBN 9781841134895
Lind, Craig (2001) Politics, partnership rights and the constitution in South Africa... (and the problem of sexual identity). In: Andenas, M, Cameron, E and Wintemute, R (eds.) Legal recognition of same-sex partnerships: a study of national, European and international law. Hart, Oregon, pp. 279-293. ISBN 9781841131382
Lind, Craig (1999) Law, Childhood Innocence and Sexuality. In: Moran, L, Beresford, S and Monk, D (eds.) Legal Queeries: lesbian, gay, and transgender legal studies. Cassell, pp. 81-95. ISBN 9780304338634