Emeritus Professor (School of Global Studies)
Selected publications
Moore, Roger, Fish, Paul, Trinder, Sarah, Czarnomski, Claire, Dabson, Oliver and Fitzgerald, Ross (2022) Engineering geomorphology of HS2: management of geohazards. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 55 (4). ISSN 1470-9236
Gilham, Jamie, Barlow, John and Moore, Roger (2019) Detection and analysis of mass wasting events in chalk sea cliffs using UAV photogrammetry. Engineering Geology, 25. pp. 101-112. ISSN 0013-7952
Gilham, Jamie, Barlow, John and Moore, Roger (2018) Marine control over negative power law scaling of mass wasting events in chalk sea cliffs with implications for future recession under the UKCP09 medium emission scenario. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 43 (10). pp. 2136-2146. ISSN 0197-9337
Smith, Alister, Dixon, Neil, Moore, Roger and Meldrum, Philip (2017) Photographic feature: acoustic emission monitoring of coastal slopes in NE England, UK. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 50 (3). pp. 239-244. ISSN 1470-9236
Barlow, John, Moore, Roger and Gheorghiu, Delia M (2016) Reconstructing the recent failure chronology of a multistage landslide complex using cosmogenic isotope concentrations: St Catherine's Point, UK. Geomorphology, 268. pp. 288-295. ISSN 0169-555X
Moore, Roger and Davis, Geoff (2014) Cliff instability and erosion management in England and Wales. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 19 (6). pp. 771-784. ISSN 1400-0350
Carey, J M, Moore, R and Petley, D N (2014) Patterns of movement in the Ventnor landslide complex, Isle of Wight, southern England. Landslides, 12 (6). pp. 1107-1118. ISSN 1612-510X
Moss, J L, Cartwright, J and Moore, R (2012) Evidence for fluid migration following pockmark formation: examples from the Nile Deep Sea Fan. Marine Geology, 303-6. pp. 1-13. ISSN 0025-3227
Hough, Gayle, Green, Jennifer, Fish, Paul, Mills, Andy and Moore, Roger (2011) A geomorphological mapping approach for the assessment of seabed geohazards and risk. Marine Geophysical Research, 32 (1-2). pp. 151-162. ISSN 0025-3235
Moore, R, Carey, J M and McInnes, R G (2010) Landslide behaviour and climate change: predictable consequences for the Ventnor Undercliff, Isle of Wight. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 43 (4). pp. 447-460. ISSN 1470-9236
Brunsden, Denys and Moore, Roger (1999) Engineering geomorphology on the coast: lessons from West Dorset. Geomorphology, 834 (1-4). pp. 391-409. ISSN 0169-555X
Moore, R and Brunsden, D (1996) Physico-chemical effects on the behaviour of a coastal mudslide. Géotechnique, 46 (2). pp. 259-278. ISSN 0016-8505
Moore, Roger (1991) The mineralogical and chemical controls upon the residual strength of pure and natural clays. Géotechnique, 41 (1). pp. 35-47. ISSN 0016-8505
Chandler, J H and Moore, R (1989) Analytical photogrammetry: a method for monitoring slope instability. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 22 (2). pp. 97-110. ISSN 1470-9236
Moore, Roger and McInnes, R G (2014) Living with ground instability and landslides: an international good practice guide. CH2M, p. 80.
Moore, R and McInnes, R G (2011) Cliff instability and erosion management in Great Britain: a good practice guide. Halcrow Group Ltd, p. 88.
Book Section
Moore, Roger (2020) The Isle of Wight Undercliff. In: Goudie, Andrew and Migoń, Piotr (eds.) Landscapes and landforms of England and Wales. World Geomorphological Landscapes . Springer, Cham, pp. 145-167. ISBN 9783030389567
Moore, Roger, Davis, Geoff and Dabson, Oliver (2017) Applied geomorphology and geohazard assessment for deepwater development. In: Micallef, Aaron, Krastel, Sebastian and Savini, Alessandra (eds.) Submarine Geomorphology. Springer Geology . Springer International Publishing, pp. 459-479. ISBN 3319578510
Siddle, Robin P, Rowe, Stewart and Moore, Roger (2016) Adaptation to coastal cliff instability and erosion and property loss: case study into the Knipe Point cliff retreat Pathfinder project. In: Baptiste, Alison (ed.) Coastal Management: changing coast, changing climate, changing minds. Proceedings of the International Conference, Amsterdam, 8-9 September 2015 . ICE Publishing, London, pp. 163-173. ISBN 9780727761149
Davis, Geoff, Moore, Roger, Cartright, Jon, Daskalopoulos, Dimitri and Browning, Nick (2016) East Cliff, Lyme Regis: the challenges of coastal protection and slope stabilisation of an historic town and community within a World Heritage and SAC site. In: Baptiste, Alison (ed.) Coastal Management: changing coast, changing climate, changing minds. Proceedings of the International Conference, Amsterdam, 8-9 September 2015 . ICE Publishing, London, pp. 739-748. ISBN 9780727761149
McInnes, Robin and Moore, Roger (2016) Global approaches to coastal erosion and landslide management – understanding the risks, empowering communities and building resilience. In: Baptiste, A. (ed.) Coastal Management: changing coast, changing climate, changing minds. Proceedings of the International Conference, Amsterdam, 8-9 September 2015 . ICE Publishing, London, pp. 345-355. ISBN 9780727761149
Dabson, Oliver J N, Barlow, John and Moore, Roger (2016) Morphological controls on submarine slab failures. In: Lamarche, Geoffroy (ed.) Submarine mass movements and their consequences. Advances in natural and technological hazards research, 41 . Springer, Switzerland, pp. 519-528. ISBN 9783319209784
Dixon, N, Moore, R, Spriggs, M, Smith, A, Meldrum, P and Siddle, R (2015) Performance of an acoustic emission monitoring system to detect subsurface ground deformations at Flat Cliffs, North Yorkshire, UK. In: Lollino, Giorgio, Giodran, Daniele, Giovanni, B. Crosta, Corominas, Jordi, Azzam, Rafig, Wasowski, Janusz and Sciarra, Nicola (eds.) Engineering geology for society and territor - volume 2: landslide processes. Conference papers and proceedings, 2 . Springer International Publishing, pp. 117-120. ISBN 9783319090566
Moore, R J, Clark, A R and Lee, E M (1998) Coastal cliff behaviour & management: Blackgang, Isle of Wight. In: Maund, Julian G and Eddleston, Malcolm (eds.) Geohazards in engineering geology. Geological society engineering geology special publications, 15 . Geological Society, London, pp. 49-59. ISBN 9781862390126
Moore, Roger (1990) Landslide geochemistry. In: Allison, Robert (ed.) Landslides of the Dorset Coast. British Geomorphological Research Group, Sheffield. ISBN 0902374060
Conference or Workshop Item
Moore, Roger and Davis, Geoff (2017) Finding safe ground for deepwater development: integrated probabilistic geohazard assessment iPGA for pipeline routing and facilities. In: Offshore Technology Conference, 1-4 May 2017, Houston, Texas, USA.
Conference Proceedings
Barlow, J, Moore, R and Gilham, J (2018) Natural experiments in rock mechanics using high precision monitoring of chalk sea cliffs. Engineering in Chalk 2018, Imperial College, London, UK, 17th and 18th September 2018. Published in: Lawrence, J.A., Preene, M., Lawrence, U.L. and Buckley, R., (eds.) Engineering in chalk. ICE Publishing ISBN 9780727764072
Moore, Roger, Davis, Geoff, Stannard, Matthew and Browning, Nick (2017) Stabilising Lyme Regis – a strategic approach. Published in: Proceedings of the ICE - Civil Engineering. 170 (2) 63-70. Thomas Telford ISSN 0965-089X
Moore, Roger, Stannard, Matthew and Davis, Geoff (2016) East Cliff, Lyme Regis, UK: balancing the needs of coastal protection, landslide prevention and the environment. The 12th International Symposium on Landslides, Napoli, Italy, 12-19 June 2016. Published in: Aversa, Stefano, Cascini, Leonardo, Picarelli, Luciano and Scavia, Claudio, (eds.) Landslides and engineered slopes: experience, theory and practice. Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Landslides, Napoli, Italy, 12-19 June 2016. 3 1477-1484. CRC Press ISBN 9781138029910
Moore, Roger and McInnes, Robin (2016) Ground instability and landslide management: raising awareness and increasing capacity for change within affected societies. The 12th International Symposium on Landslides, Napoli, Italy, 12-19 June 2016. Published in: Aversa, Stefano, Cascini, Leonardo, Picarelli, Luciano and Scavia, Claudio, (eds.) Landslides and engineered slopes: experience, theory and practice. Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Landslides, Napoli, Italy, 12-19 June 2016. 3 1469-1476. CRC Press ISBN 9781138029910
Moore, Roger and McInnes, Robin (2016) The impacts of landslides on global society: planning for change. The 12th International Symposium on Landslides, Napoli, Italy, 12-19 June 2016. Published in: Aversa, Stefano, Cascini, Leonardo, Picarelli, Luciano and Scavia, Claudio, (eds.) Landslides and engineered slopes: experience, theory and practice. Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Landslides, Napoli, Italy, 12-19 June 2016. 3 1461-1468. CRC Press ISBN 9781138029910
Moore, Roger and McInnes, R.G. (2012) Landslides and climate change – innovative approaches to planning policy and stakeholder engagement in England. Published in: Proceedings of the 11th International and 2nd North American Symposium on Landslides and Engineered Slopes. 1 395-400. CRC Press (Taylor & Francis), Banff, Canada. ISBN 978-0-415-62123-6
Reports and working papers
Moore, Roger and McInnes, Robin (2021) Coastal erosion and climate change: guidance for policymakers, planners and stakeholders. Documentation. Jacobs, Texas, USA.