Emeritus Professor (SPRU - Science Policy Research Unit)
For details of current research on technology and innovation management,
visit the Intrapreneurship Hub and SPRU research site.
Past funded projects:
Development and Exploitation of Financial Innovation
ESRC project, 2010-2012,with Paul Nightingale (SPRU) and Gordon Murray (Exeter). Explores the financing of high-impact firms, defined as the top performing 2-3 per cent of firms that have a major impact on the economy.
Managing Innovation in the New Economy (MINE)
Funded by the Candian Research Council, 2003-2008, and in collaboration with Ecole Polytechnique Montreal & the Industrial Research Institute (IRI), this project identified new patterns & strategies of innovation which transcent traditional sectors. The mixed-methods research included a web survey of more than 500 firms & firm-& project-level case studies.
Managing innovation in design-intensive firms
Including ESRC Programme "Evolution of Business Knowledge" project on "Knowledge Representation in Design Processes" (with Imperial College), 2003-2006.
Managing innovation in service organizations
SPOTS (Strategy, Processes, Organization, Technology & Systems) study of 108 firms in the service sector in the U.K. and U.S.A., 1998-2003.