Honorary Senior Lecturer in Intellectual History (History)
Selected publications
Lim, Vanessa and Paul, Joanne (2018) Commonplaces, Aristophanes, and Clouds in Hamlet. Notes and Queries, 65 (4). pp. 535-536. ISSN 0029-3970
Paul, Joanne (2016) The best counsellors are the dead: counsel and Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Renaissance Studies, 30 (5). pp. 646-665. ISSN 0269-1213
Paul, Joanne (2015) Counsel, command and crisis. Hobbes Studies, 28 (2). pp. 103-131. ISSN 0921-5891
Paul, Joanne (2015) Disseminating the Renaissance in seventeenth-century England: Pomponazzi, Blount and the Three Impostors. Notes and Queries, 62 (2). pp. 266-268. ISSN 0029-3970
Paul, Joanne (2014) The use of kairos in Renaissance political philosophy. Renaissance Quarterly, 67 (1). pp. 43-78. ISSN 0034-4338
Paul, Joanne and Meshkat, Kurosh (2013) Johnson’s Relations: visions of global order, 1601-1630. Journal of Intellectual History and Political Thought (2.1). pp. 108-140. ISSN 2051-6959
Paul, Joanne (2020) Counsel and command in early modern English thought. Ideas in context . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9781108780407
Paul, Joanne (2016) Thomas More. Classic thinkers . Polity, Cambridge. ISBN 9780745692166
Book Section
Paul, Joanne (2021) Obliquus ductus: indirect political advice in the renaissance. In: Kidd, Colin and Rose, Jacqueline (eds.) Political advice: past, present and future. I.B. Tauris, London. ISBN 9781838600044
Paul, Joanne (2020) Thomas Elyot on counsel, kairos and freeing speech in Tudor England. In: Ingram, Robert, Peacey, Jason and Barber, Alex W (eds.) Freedom of speech, 1500–1850. Politics, culture and society in early modern Britain . Manchester University Press, Manchester. ISBN 9781526147103
Paul, Joanne and Schutte, Valerie (2019) The Tudor monarchy of counsel and the growth of reason of state. In: Woodacre, Elena, Dean, Lucinda H S, Jones, Chris, Rohr, Zita and Martin, Russell (eds.) The Routledge history of monarchy. Routledge Histories . Routledge, Abingdon; New York, pp. 655-667. ISBN 9781138703322
Paul, Joanne (2018) [Epilogue] “Publica si domini regerent moderamina cunni”: deciphering queenship and counsel. In: Matheson-Pollock, Helen, Paul, Joanne and Fletcher, Catherine (eds.) Queenship and counsel in early modern Europe. Queenship and Power . Palgrave, Cham, pp. 259-274. ISBN 9783319769738
Paul, Joanne (2016) Sovereign council or counselled sovereign: the Marian conciliar compromise. In: Duncan, Sarah and Schutte, Valerie (eds.) The birth of a queen: essays on the quincentenary of Queen Mary I. Queenship and power . Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 135-153. ISBN 9781137597489
Paul, Joanne (2015) Serving the public by advising the ruler. In: Sagar, Fritz and Overeem, Patrick (eds.) The European public servant: a shared administrative identity? Studies in European political science (2015:1). ECPR Press, Colchester, pp. 37-52. ISBN 9781907301742
Edited Book
Matheson-Pollock, Helen, Paul, Joanne and Fletcher, Catherine, eds. (2018) Queenship and counsel in early modern Europe. Queenship and Power . Palgrave, Cham. ISBN 9783319769738