My research interests range from Art Historiography, 20th Century Visual Culture, Art History, Feminist Art History and Middle Eastern Studies to Post-Colonial Studies.
Currently I am working on my post-doc research project entitled "Re-visiting Feminist Temporalities in Art and Art History in Turkey from 1970s onwards." My research discusses not only the feminist art from Turkey, but also the state of this art practice in contemporary art historical narratives. I am conducting interviews with artists, bringing their knowledge into my research. In this way, I aim to present a comprehensive perspective on the particular trajectory of feminist art from Turkey. Despite the fact that my current focus lies on Turkey, I am gathering like-minded scholars from the Middle East and North Africa in two panels at the conferences of the AAH and the CAA in 2017, with a view of leading this to both a publication and a deeper understanding of vernacular art histories from different geographies.
My post-doctoral work will be published as a monograph. My PhD thesis is already forthcoming from The History Foundation Yurt Publishers in Turkey. I have also authored chapters on art history writing in Turkey for edited collections, including the book entitled National Art Histories in an Unfinished World, which is forthcoming from McGill-Queen's University Press. At the same time, I have published scholarly articles in refereed academic journals and national art magazines. These articles were not only about my scholarly work, but also about biennials. I am especially interested in the concepts and the use of locations in the Istanbul Biennials. I have also participated in a project of writing an alternative Turkish cultural policy report. I have authored the chapter on the artistic production with P. Basaran for the book entitled Turkish Cultural Policy Report: A Civil Perspective, which was published by Istanbul Bilgi University in 2011.