Selected publications
Lee, Po-Han (2020) The politics of evidence: ‘Doing nothing’ about LGBT health inequities by the WHO. LaPSe of Reason.
Lee, Po-Han (2019) First in Asia, now what? Taiwan and marriage quasi-equality. Kyoto Journal, 96. pp. 36-39. ISSN 0913-5200
Lee, Po-Han (2019) Against political circumvention: Taiwan’s innovative approach to internalising international human rights. Law Sense Magazine (20). pp. 8-11. ISSN 2219-3669
Lee, Po-Han (2019) After the storm, comes a calm? The compromised ‘Asia’s first’ same-sex marriage. 199X Dorm (2).
Lee, Po-Han (2019) The struggle for marriage equality and intimate citizenship: a field occupied by multiple hegemonic discourses. Taiwan Human Rights Journal, 5 (1). pp. 173-186. ISSN 2224-6622
Cheng, Kai-Yuan, Lee, Po-Han, Tseng, Po-Chang, Tu, Yunhung and Wang, Shun-Te (2019) Asking ‘what it does’ rather than ‘what it is’: the invisibility and opportunity of Taiwan’s role on the global health stage. Taiwan Insight [weblog article, 8 April 2019].
Lee, Po-Han (2018) Sexuality, health and relationship education: A perspective of ‘children as rights-holders’. Gender Equity Education Quarterly, 84. pp. 111-120. ISSN 1562-9716
Lee, Po-Han (2018) Undoing sovereignty/identity, queering the ‘international’: the politics of law. E-International Relations [weblog article, 22 October 2018]. ISSN 2053-8626
Lee, Po-Han (2018) The demagogies of ‘Lack’: The WHO’s ambivalence to the right to health of LGBT people. Global Health Governance, XII (1). pp. 17-21. ISSN 1939-2389
Lee, Po-Han (2018) ‘Amo, ergo (non) sum?’: On the inevitable incommensurability of loves. Siyi Journal, 6. pp. 6-11. ISSN 2058-4261
Lee, Po-Han (2017) The paradox of international law as the law of nations: the (re)production of refugee and statelessness. Cultural Studies Quarterly, 160. pp. 35-44. ISSN 2076-2755
Lee, Po-Han (2017) Decolonising and queering praxis: the unanswerable questions for ‘Queer Asia'. E-International Relations. ISSN 2053-8626
Lee, Po-Han (2017) Beyond the text: ‘Global’ SOGI rights movement versus ‘International’ human rights law. Taiwan International Law Quarterly, 14 (2). pp. 39-70. ISSN 1818-4185
Lee, Po-Han (2017) Queer ‘East Asia’ as an assemblage of power, alterity, and postcolonial affect: an action note. HYSTERIA Periodical, 8. pp. 86-93.
Lee, Po-Han (2017) Queer activism in Taiwan: an emergent rainbow coalition from the assemblage perspective. Sociological Review, 65 (4). pp. 682-698. ISSN 0038-0261
Lee, Po-Han (2016) Between criminality and addiction: multiple penumbrae of global anti-drug normativity. Cultural Studies Quarterly, 155. pp. 35-46. ISSN 2076-2755
Lee, Po-Han (2016) LGBT rights versus Asian values: de/re-constructing the universality of human rights. International Journal of Human Rights, 20 (7). pp. 978-992. ISSN 1364-2987
Chang, Chueh, Lee, Po-Han, Wen, Kuei-Chun and Chang, Chu-Hui (2015) International human rights law and the right to mental health. Formosa Journal of Mental Health, 28 (3). pp. 449-468. ISSN 1023-7283
Book Section
Lee, Po-Han (2019) Queer Asia’s Body without Organs: In the Making of Queer/Decolonial Politics. In: Luther, J Daniel and Loh, Jennifer Ung (eds.) Queer Asia: decolonising and reimagining sexuality and gender. Zed Books, London. ISBN 9781786995827
Lee, Po-Han (2017) Against discrimination: The core principle and ultimate goal of international human rights law [國際人權法的核心原則與終極目標:消弭歧視]. In: The law of living in jianghu: Plain Law Movement [江湖在走,法律要懂:法律白話文小學堂]. UNITAS Publishing Co., Taipei. ISBN 9789863232292
Lee, Po-Han (2017) Taiwan’s participation in international organisations: The World-Health-Assembly model [台灣是如何參與國際組織的? 以世衛模式為例]. In: The law of living in jianghu: Plain Law Movement [江湖在走,法律要懂:法律白話文小學堂]. UNITAS Publishing Co., Taipei.
Lee, Po-Han (2017) A peace messenger or imperialist rogue? On the United Nations and its Human Rights Council [是帶來和平的使者還是橫行無阻的流氓?談聯合國與人權理事會]. In: The law of living in jianghu: Plain Law Movement [江湖在走,法律要懂:法律白話文小學堂]. UNITAS Publishing Co., Taipei. ISBN 9789863232292
Lee, Po-Han (2017) The socially forgotten in those years: Refugees and stateless persons in Taiwan [那些年,被社會遺忘的難民和無國籍人]. In: The law of living in jianghu: Plain Law Movement [江湖在走,法律要懂:法律白話文小學堂]. UNITAS Publishing Co., Taipei. ISBN 9789863232292
Lee, Po-Han (2019) How is ‘nothing’ produced and justified? International inaction in the face of the health disparities of sexual and gender minorities. Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Sussex.
Zhou, Tianyang and Lee, Po-Han (2017) [Blog] Queer parenting and the right of children in diverse families to be heard. Light Blue Network.
Moscati, Maria, Buratto, Enrico and Infante, Vittorio (2016) 暴风雨后的彩虹:米洛和他爸爸们一起去找调解人. University of Sussex.