Pharmaceutical Care
The increasing complexity and cost of medicines required by an aging population with co-morbidities underpins the drive to ensure that patients get the best out of their medicines. This would be facilitated by my research into the development and evaluation of pharmaceutical care models as service frameworks for pharmacists and other healthcare professionals, with an emphasis on medicines optimisation for people with long-term conditions such as dementia. These new models of care focusing on the medication needs of patients would contribute to improved health outcomes in patients at increased risk of drug-related morbidity.
Pharmacy Education
With the advent of student fees, research into the education of students has become increasingly important as students transition to client mode and begin to demand value for money. We need to understand the mechanisms that underpin learning and adopt sound pedagogical approaches in our teaching, inculcating in our students habits of excellence as they progress through their university studies. Gaining an understanding through my educational research on how students learn, the learning styles of millennial students and their preferences for pedagogical approaches should help reduce some of the barriers that currently exist.