Professor Of Media Law (Sussex European Institute)
Selected publications
Marsden, Chris, Meyer, Trisha and Brown, Ian (2020) Platform values and democratic elections: how can the law regulate digital disinformation? Computer Law and Security Review, 36. a105373 1-18. ISSN 0267-3649
Marsden, Chris (2018) Prosumer law and network platform regulation: the long view towards creating OffData. Georgetown Law Technology Review, 2 (2). pp. 376-398.
Marsden, Chris (2018) How law and computer science can work together to improve the information society. Communications of the ACM, 61 (1). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0001-0782
Marsden, Christopher T (2016) Comparative case studies in implementing net neutrality: a critical analysis of zero rating. SCRIPTed, 13 (1). pp. 1-39. ISSN 1744-2567
Guadamuz, Andres and Marsden, Chris (2015) Blockchains and Bitcoin: regulatory responses to cryptocurrencies. First Monday, 20 (12). pp. 1-46. ISSN 1396-0466
Marsden, Chris (2014) Hyper-power and private monopoly: the unholy marriage of (neo) corporatism and the imperial surveillance state. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 31 (2). pp. 100-108. ISSN 0739-3180
Marsden, Christopher T (2012) Internet co-regulation and constitutionalism: towards European judicial review. International Review of Law Computers and Technology, 26 (2-3). pp. 211-228. ISSN 1360-0869
Marsden, Christopher T (2011) Network neutrality and Internet service provider liability regulation: are the wise monkeys of cyberspace becoming stupid? Global Policy, 2 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN 1758-5880
Marsden, Christopher T (2017) Network neutrality: from policy to law to regulation. Manchester University Press, Manchester. ISBN 9781526107275
Brown, Ian and Marsden, Christopher T (2013) Regulating code: good governance and better regulation in the information age. Information revolution and global politics . MIT Press, Cambridge MA. ISBN 9780262018821
Marsden, Christopher T (2011) Internet co-regulation: European law, regulatory governance and legitimacy in cyberspace. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9781107003484
Marsden, Christopher T (2010) Net neutrality: towards a co-regulatory solution. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781849660068
Tambini, Damian, Leonardi, Danilo and Marsden, Chris (2007) Codifying cyberspace: communications self-regulation in the age of internet convergence. UCL Press, London. ISBN 9781844721450
Book Section
Marsden, Christopher T (2020) The regulated end of internet law, and the return to computer and information law? In: Werbach, Kevin (ed.) After the digital tornado: networks, algorithms, humanity. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 35-57. ISBN 9781108426633
Marsden, Christopher T (2020) Internet liability law case study: private regulation and enforcement in the EU from the citizens’ perspective. In: De Cock Buning, Madeleine and Senden, Linda (eds.) Private regulation and enforcement in the EU: finding the right balance from a citizen’s perspective. Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp. 327-351. ISBN 9781509919529
Marsden, Chris (2015) Law and technology. In: Mansell, Robin, Hwa Ang, Peng, Steinfield, Charles, van der Graaf, Shenja, Ballon, Pieter, Kerr, Aphra, Ivory, James D, Barman, Sandra, Kleine, Dorothea and Grimshaw, David J (eds.) The international encyclopedia of digital communication & society. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 1-19. ISBN 9781118290743
Marsden, Chris (2012) Regulating content and Internet services: from PRS to net neutrality. In: Walden, Ian (ed.) Telecommunications law and regulation, 4th edition. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 701-748. ISBN 9780199656660
Marsden, Chris, Brown, Ian and Veale, Michael Disinformation and digital dominance: regulation through the lens of the election lifecycle. In: Tambini, Damian and Moore, Martin (eds.) Dealing with Digital Dominance. Oxford University Press. (Accepted)
Reports and working papers
Brown, Ian, Marsden, Christopher T, Lee, James and Veale, Michael (2020) Cybersecurity for elections: a Commonwealth guide on best practice. Other. Commonwealth Secretariat, London.
Marsden, Chris and Meyer, Trisha (2019) Regulating disinformation with artificial intelligence: effects of disinformation initiatives on freedom of expression and media pluralism. Project Report. European Parliament, Luxembourg.
Marsden, Chris and Constantino Echeverria, Pedro Rafael (2017) OECD telecommunication and broadcasting review of Mexico 2017. Project Report. OECD, Paris.
Guadamuz, Andres and Marsden, Chris (2014) Bitcoin: the wrong implementation of the right idea at the right time. Working Paper. University of Sussex.