photo of Dora Sampaio

Ms Dora Sampaio

Post:Research Student (Sussex European Institute)
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In 2018 I completed a PhD in Human Geography at the University of Sussex. Previously I worked as a researcher at the Centre for Geographical Studies of the University of Lisbon, where I participated in a number of international projects in field of migration and integration under the supervision of Professor Lucinda Fonseca (including: THEMIS project, NORFACE funded; and GEITONIES project, EU FP7 funded). I hold a MA (specialising in international migration) and BA in Human Geography, both from the University of Lisbon. I am an associate fellow of the Higher Education Academy since 2016.

In my doctoral research, I looked at different types of later-life migration and diversity in older age. I discussed issues related to home and home-making, ageing care, and social and intimate relationships in later-life, considering the role of gender, class, and stage of the life course. As part of my research, I conducted fieldwork in the Portuguese islands of the Azores. This research was supervised by Professor Russell King and Dr Katie Walsh, and supported by the Portuguese Council for Science and Technology (FCT) and the Regional Directorate for Communities of the Government of the Azores.





Recent conference presentations

Sampaio, D. (2017) 'Unconventional migrants': symbolic privilege and social distinction in international retirement migration to the Azores. 14th IMISCOE Annual Conference. 28-30 June, Rotterdam, Netherlands. 

Sampaio, D. (2016) Narratives of estrangement: cultures of ageing amongst Azorean-born return migrants from North America. RGS-IBG Annual International Conference. 30 August – 2 September, London. Session: Later-life (im)mobilities: unpacking the ageing-migration nexus (co-organised with Russell King and Katie Walsh). 

Sampaio, D. (2016) Revisiting 'homeland': experiences of 'home' and wellbeing among aging Azorean returnees. Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting. 29 March - 2 April, San Francisco, United States.  

Sampaio, D. (2015) “ 'Is this really where home is?’ Experiences of ageing and home in a revisited homeland among Azorean returnees”. European Sociological Association Conference. 25-28 August, Prague, Czech Republic.

Sampaio, D. (2015) “Ageing 'here' or 'there'? Narratives of belonging and return aspirations among ageing labour migrants in the Azores, Portugal”. Thinking about going ‘home’: engaging with scenarios of return migration. PREMIG Final Conference. 20-21 August, PRIO, Oslo, Norway. 

Sampaio, D. and Carvalho, R. (2013) " 'Do as I say, not as I do?': Analysing the potential effects of immigrants’ representations of the crisis on migration systems. Insights from a peripheral southern European country". Examining migration dynamics: networks and beyond. THEMIS final conference. 24-26 September, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Sampaio, D. (2013) "Moving south, going rural? Northern European migration to the Algarve, Portugal". XXVth Congress of the European Society for Rural Sociology (ESRS). 29 July-1 August, Florence, Italy.

Sampaio, D. and Carvalho, R. (2013) "International migration in rural Europe in a context of crisis: a case study of Moroccan immigrants in the Algarve, Portugal". XXVth Congress of the European Society for Rural Sociology (ESRS). 29 July-1 August, Florence, Italy.

Sampaio, D. and Esteves, A. (2013) "Language proficiency among immigrants and the establishment of interethnic networks. Evidence from Bilbao, Lisbon and Rotterdam". IV NORFACE conference. Migration: global developments, new frontiers. 10-13 April, London, United Kingdom. 

Sampaio, D. (2012) ‘How can rural areas gain from international retirement migration? An exploratory analysis of its impacts in the local labour market in the Algarve (Portugal)’. XIII world congress of rural sociology. 29 July–4 August, Lisbon, Portugal.

Sampaio, D. (2011) “International retirement migration in rural areas of the Algarve (Portugal): exploring its impacts on local labour market dynamics”. International Metropolis conference. 12-16 September, Azores, Portugal.