Selected publications
McLaughlin, Colleen, Schwartz, Sharlene, Cobbett, Mary and Kiragu, Susan (2015) Inviting backchat: how schools and communities in Ghana, Swaziland and Kenya support children to contextualize knowledge and create agency through sexuality education. International Journal of Educational Development, 41. pp. 208-2016. ISSN 0738-0593
McLaughlin, Colleen and Ayubayeva, Nazipa (2015) ‘It is the research of self experience’: feeling the value in action research. Educational Action Research, 23 (1). pp. 51-67. ISSN 0965-0792
McLaughlin, Colleen (2014) Guest editorial. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, 52 (5). pp. 232-234. ISSN 1463-5240
McLaughlin, Colleen (2012) Bullets or butterflies? Teaching, research and knowledge creation. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 15 (3). pp. 517-533. ISSN 1434-663X
McLaughlin, Colleen and Swartz, Sharlene (2011) Can we use young people’s knowledge to develop teachers and HIV-related education? Prospects, 41 (4). pp. 429-444. ISSN 1573-9090
Kiragu, Susan and McLaughlin, Colleen (2011) Unveiling their worlds: the use of dialogue as a health-promotion tool for HIV/AIDS education in a poor community in Kenya. Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning, 11 (4). pp. 419-430. ISSN 1472-0825
McLaughlin, Colleen and Clarke, Barbie (2010) Relational matters: a review of the impact of school experience on mental health in early adolescence. Educational and Child Psychology, 27 (1). pp. 91-103. ISSN 0267-1611
McLaughlin, Colleen (2009) Wellbeing or commodification? Interconnections, 4. pp. 23-27.
McLaughlin, Colleen (2008) Emotional well-being and its relationship to schools and classrooms: a critical reflection. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 36 (4). pp. 353-366. ISSN 1469-3534
McLaughlin, Colleen and Ceranic, Helena (2008) Schools learning from research. Learning Teaching Update (20).
McLaughlin, Colleen (2007) Turning the tanker around. Raising Achievement. pp. 8-9.
McLaughlin, Colleen and Black-Hawkins, Kristine (2007) School-university partnerships for educational research-distinctions, dilemmas and challenges. Curriculum Journal, 18 (3). pp. 327-341. ISSN 0958-5176
Plummer, G and McLaughlin, Colleen (2006) Authentic alignment for research and enquiry: effective partnerships between networked learning communities and universities.
McLaughlin, Colleen, Arnold, Ray and Boyd, Eve (2005) Bystanders in schools: What do they do and what do they think? Factors influencing the behaviour of English students as bystanders. Pastoral Care In Education, 23 (2). pp. 17-22. ISSN 1468-0122
Rigby, Ken and McLaughlin, Colleen (2005) Editorial. Pastoral Care In Education, 23 (2). pp. 2-3. ISSN 1468-0122
McLaughlin, Colleen, Rouse, M and Florian, L (2005) Education election briefing. Community Care. ISSN 0307-5508
McLaughlin, Colleen (2004) Partners in research: what's in it for you? Teacher Development, 8 (2-3). pp. 127-136. ISSN 1366-4530
McLaughlin, Colleen and Black-Hawkins, K (2004) A schools-university research partnership: understandings, models and complexities. Journal of In-service Education, 30 (2). pp. 265-285. ISSN 1367-4587
McLaughlin, Colleen (2003) The feeling of finding out: the role of emotions in research. Education Action Research, 11 (1). pp. 65-78. ISSN 0965-0792
McLaughlin, Colleen (2000) The emotional challenge of listening and dialogue. Pastoral Care In Education, 18 (3). pp. 16-20. ISSN 0264-3944
McLaughlin, Colleen (1999) Counselling in schools: looking back and looking forward. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 27 (1). pp. 13-22. ISSN 0306-9885
McLaughlin, Colleen and Ponte, Petra (1997) The emotional aspects of cross-cultural collaboration: assumptions and challenges. Journal of In-Service Education, 23 (1). pp. 101-111. ISSN 1367-4587
McLaughlin, Colleen (1993) [Review] L. M. Brown and C. Gilligan (1992) Meeting at the crossroads: women’s psychology and girls’ development. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 63. pp. 362-364. ISSN 0007-0998
Lodge, C, McLaughlin, Colleen and Best, R (1992) Organising pastoral support for teachers: some comments and a model. Pastoral Care in Education, 10 (2). pp. 7-13. ISSN 1468-0122
McLaughlin, Colleen (1989) Working face to face: aspects of interpersonal work. Support for Learning, 4 (2). pp. 96-101. ISSN 0268-2141
McLaughlin, Colleen and Holliday, Carol (2014) Therapy with children and young people: intergrative counselling in schools and other settings. Sage Publications Ltd.. ISBN 9781446208311
McLaughlin, Colleen, Swartz, Sharlene, Kiragu, Susan, Walli, Shelina and Mohamed, Mussa (2012) Old enough to know : consulting children about sex and AIDS education in Africa. HSRC Press, Cape Town. ISBN 9780796923745
Gray, John, Galton, Maurice, McLaughlin, Colleen, Clarke, Barbie and Symonds, Jennifer (2011) The supportive school : Wellbeing and the young adolescent. Cambridge Scholars Pub, Newcastle Upon Tyne. ISBN 978-1-4438-32090
Book Section
Ruby, Alan and McLaughlin, Colleen (2014) Transferability and the Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools: exploring models of practice transfer. In: Bridges, David (ed.) Educational reform and internationalisation: the case of school reform in Kazakhstan. The Cambridge education research series . Cambridge University Press, pp. 287-300. ISBN 9781107452886
McLaughlin, Colleen, McLellan, Ros, Fordham, Michael, Chandler-Grevatt, Andy and Daubney, Ally (2014) The role of teachers in educational reform in Kazakhstan: teacher enquiry as a vehicle for change. In: Bridges, David (ed.) Educational Reform and Internationalisation: The Case of School Reform in Kazakhstan - See more at: http://education.cambridge.org/uk/subject/cross-curricular/the-cambridge-education-research-series/educational-reform-and-internationalisation-the-case-of-. The Cambridge Education Research Series . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 239-263. ISBN 9781107452886
Waterhouse, Joanne, McLellan, Ros, McLaughlin, Colleen and Morgan, Bethan (2013) Powerful partnership in a schools-university research collaboration. In: Stern, Thomas, Townsend, Andrew, Rauch, Franz and Schuster, Angela (eds.) Action research, innovation and change: international perspectives across disciplines. Routledge, pp. 101-119. ISBN 9780415712309
McLaughlin, Colleen, Kiragu, Susan and Swartz, Sharlene (2012) Learning about HIV/AIDS education for children through consultation and dialogue with school stakeholders. In: MacBeath, John and Younger, Mike (eds.) A common wealth of learning: millennium goals revisited. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780415644839
Hagell, Ann, Gray, John, Galton, Maurice and McLaughlin, Colleen (2012) Educational changes and possible links with adolescent wellbeing: 1970s to 2000s. In: Hagell, Ann (ed.) Changing adolescence: social change and adolescent mental health. Policy Press, Bristol. ISBN 9781447301042
McLaughlin, Colleen and Kiragu, Susan (2011) Voices for change: student voices on sexuality and HIV/AIDS education. In: Czerniawski, Gerry and Kidd, Warren (eds.) The student voice handbook : bridging the academic/practitioner divide. Emerald, Bradford, UK. ISBN 9781780520407
McLaughlin, Colleen (2009) Architektur und Entwicklung der Lehrerforschung im Vereinigten Königreich. [Teacher research in the UK: its architecture and development]. In: Hollenbach, N and Tillmann, K. J. (eds.) Die Schule forschend verändern: Praxisforschung aus nationaler und internationaler Perspektive. IMPULS Laborschule, 17 . Klinkhardt, Band Heilbrunn, pp. 67-84. ISBN 9783781516762
McLaughlin, Colleen (2009) Networks of researching schools: lessons from one study. In: Campbell, Anne and Groundwater-Smith, Susan (eds.) Connecting inquiry and professional learning in education : international perspectives and practical solutions. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780415478120 (hbk.) 9780415478137 (pbk.)
McLaughlin, Colleen (2008) Re-forming the connections: the personal, social and cognitive in learning and young people's lives. In: Chau, Meng Huat and Kerry, Trevor (eds.) International perspectives on education. Continuum, London, pp. 28-42. ISBN 9781847063861 (hbk.) 9781847063878 (pbk.)
McLaughlin, Colleen (2007) Pastoral care: care for pupils as learners, persons and citizens. In: Myers, Kate, Taylor, Hazel, Alder, Sue and Leonard, Diana (eds.) Genderwatch : still watching. Trentham Books, London, pp. 67-73. ISBN 9781858564012
McLaughlin, Colleen (2005) Exploring the psychosocial landscape of ‘problem’ girls: embodiment, relationship and agency. In: Lloyd, Gwynedd (ed.) Problem girls : understanding and working with the troubled and troublesome. RoutledgeFalmer, London, pp. 51-62. ISBN 9780415303132 (hbk.) 9780415303149 (pbk.)
McLaughlin, Colleen (2005) Preparation for adult life - connecting the personal, social and cognitive worlds of young people. A key goal for education in the 21st century. In: The future of the curriculum. Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, London, pp. 1-2.
McLaughlin, Colleen (2000) Parallel processes in learning to learn: a school/university partnership focusing on developing the personal and social aspects of pedagogy. In: Griffiths, Morwenna and Impey, Graham (eds.) Working partnerships : better research and learning. Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, pp. 63-77. ISBN 9781842330500
McLaughlin, Colleen (1999) Children as teachers - listening to children in education. In: Milner, Pat and Carolin, Birgit (eds.) Time to listen to children : personal and professional communication. Routledge, London; New York, pp. 97-112. ISBN 9780203190838 (electronic bk.)
McLaughlin, Colleen (1998) Counselling in a secondary setting - developing policy and practice. In: Edwards, Richard, Harrison, Roger and Tait, Alan (eds.) Telling tales : perspectives on guidance and counselling in learning. Routledge in association with the Open University, London, pp. 127-138.
McLaughlin, Colleen (1997) Stress factors - taking control. In: Craig, Ian (ed.) Managing primary classrooms. Pitman Publishing, London, pp. 164-178. ISBN 9780273627128
McLaughlin, Colleen (1997) Over grenzen: Een niewe manier van werken aan leerlingbegeleiding in Nederland, Rusland Amerika en England. In: Ponte, Petra and Zwaal, Piet (eds.) Over grenzen: een niewe manier van werken aan leerlingbegeleiding in Nederland, Rusland Amerika en England. Garant, Leuven-Appeldoorn, pp. 67-91. ISBN 9053506268
McLaughlin, Colleen (1995) Counselling in schools: its place and purpose. In: Best, Ron, Lang, Peter, Lodge, Caroline and Watkins, Chris (eds.) Pastoral care and personal-social education : entitlement and provision. Continuum in association with the National Association for Pastoral Care in Education, London, pp. 61-75. ISBN 9781441170576 (electronic bk.)
McLaughlin, Colleen and Drummond, M J (1994) Teaching and learning - the fourth dimension. In: Bradley, Howard, Conner, Colin and Southworth, Geoff (eds.) Developing teachers, developing schools. David Fulton, London, pp. 34-47. ISBN 9781853463211
McLaughlin, Colleen (1993) Counselling in a secondary setting - developing policy and practice. In: Bovair, Keith and McLaughlin, Colleen (eds.) Counselling in schools : a reader. David Fulton Publishers, London, pp. 36-51. ISBN 9781853462245
McLaughlin, Colleen (1991) Working with individual pupils. In: Mclaughlin, Colleen, Lodge, Caroline and Watkins, Chris (eds.) Gender and pastoral care: the personal social aspects of the whole school. Blackwell studies in personal and social education and pastoral care . Basil Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 142-159. ISBN 9780631171768
McLaughlin, Colleen (1991) Looking at gender. In: Mclaughlin, Colleen, Lodge, Caroline and Watkins, Chris (eds.) Gender and pastoral care: the personal social aspects of the whole school. Blackwell studies in personal and social education and pastoral care . Basil Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 5-14. ISBN 9780631171768 (hbk.) 9780631171775 (pbk.)
McLaughlin, Colleen (1991) Working with and through others: aspects of communication. In: McLaughlin, Colleen and Rouse, Martyn (eds.) Supporting schools. David Fulton, London, pp. 76-95. ISBN 9781853461477
McLaughlin, Colleen (1989) School management and disaffection. In: Reid, Ken (ed.) Helping troubled pupils in secondary schools. Basil Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 229-240. ISBN 9780631162667
Edited Book
McLaughlin, Colleen, Cordingley, Philippa, Mclellan, Ros and Baumfield, Vivienne, eds. (2015) Making a difference: turning teacher learning inside out. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. ISBN 9781107574953
McLaughlin, Colleen, ed. (2015) The connected school. Supporting children and young people in schools to flourish, thrive and achieve. National Children’s Bureau/Pearson, London.
McLaughlin, Colleen (2013) Teachers learning: professional development and education. Cambridge Education Research . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK ; New York. ISBN 9781107618695
McLaughlin, Colleen, Byers, Richard and Oliver, Caroline, eds. (2012) Perspectives on bullying and difference: supporting young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities in school. National Children's Bureau, London. ISBN 9781907969362
Conference or Workshop Item
McLaughlin, Colleen, McLellan, Ros, Frost, David and Turner, Fay (2013) The role of teachers in educational reform in Kazakhstan: teacher enquiry as a vehicle for change. In: Creativity and Innovation in Educational Research, 13th September 2013, Bahçeşehir University in Istanbul.
Reports and working papers
Banerjee, Robin, McLaughlin, Colleen, Cotney, Jessica Louise, Roberts, Lucy and Peereboom, Celeste (2016) Promoting emotional health, well-being, and resilience in primary schools. Working Paper. Public Policy Institute for Wales, Public Policy Institute for Wales.
McLaughlin, Colleen, Holliday, Carol, Clarke, Barbie and Ilie, Sonia (2013) Research on counselling and psychotherapy with children and young people: asystematic scoping review of the evidence for its effectiveness from 2003-2011. Project Report. British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy, Lutterworth.
McLaughlin, Colleen, Byers, Richard and Peppin-Vaughan, Rosie (2010) Responding to bullying among children with special educational needs and disabilities. Unset. University of Cambridge Faculty of Education for the Anti-Bullying Alliance.
McLaughlin, Colleen, Byers, Richard and Oliver, Caroline (2010) Responding to bullying among children with special educational needs and disabilities. Unset. University of Cambridge Faculty of Education for the Anti-Bullying Alliance.
Gray, J, Glalton, M, McLaughlin, Colleen, Clarke, B and Symonds, J (2009) School experiences and mental health outcomes amongst 10-14 year olds: a review. Unset. University of Cambridge Faculty of Education for Nuffield Foundation, London.
McLaughlin, Colleen, Black-Hawkins, Kristine and McIntyre, Donald (2006) Researching teachers, researching schools, researching networks: a review of the literature. Unset. University of Cambridge.
McLaughlin, Colleen, Black-Hawkins, Kristine and Townsend, Andy (2005) Practitioner research and enquiry in networked learning communities. Project Report. University of Cambridge Faculty of Education for The National College of School Leadership (Networked Learning Communities), Cambridge.
McLaughlin, Colleen and Alexander, Elise (2004) Pupil participation in Post-16 learning. Unset. University of Cambridge and Essex LEA, Learning and Skills Council.
McLaughlin, Colleen and Ebbutt, Dave (1998) Evaluation report of drug and alcohol information campaign -Anglia TV and Eastern region drug action teams. Project Report. University of Cambridge School of Education, Cambridge.
McLaughlin, Colleen (1996) The evaluation of a parent awareness-drugs education programme in Cambridgeshire Local Education Authority: an evaluation report. Project Report. Cambridgeshire LEA.
McLaughlin, Colleen (1994) Evaluation of teacher appraisal in Havering. Project Report. University of Cambridge School of Education, Cambridge.