Photo of Kai OppermannKai Oppermann
Reader in Politics (Sussex European Institute)

Selected publications


Oppermann, Kai and Brummer, Klaus (2020) Who gets what in foreign affairs? Explaining the allocation of foreign ministries in coalition governments. Government and Opposition, 55 (2). pp. 241-259. ISSN 0017-257X

Oppermann, Kai and Hansel, Mischa (2019) The ontological security of special relationships: the case of Germany’s relations with Israel. European Journal of International Security, 4 (1). pp. 79-100. ISSN 2057-5637

Oppermann, Kai (2018) Between a rock and a hard place? Navigating domestic and international expectations on German foreign policy. German Politics. ISSN 0964-4008

Oppermann, Kai and Spencer, Alexander (2018) Narrating success and failure: congressional debates on the ‘Iran nuclear deal’. European Journal of International Relations, 24 (2). pp. 268-292. ISSN 1354-0661

Oppermann, Kai (2016) The divided kingdom: making sense of the 'Brexit' referendum. Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 57 (4). pp. 516-533. ISSN 0032-3470

Oppermann, Kai, Brummer, Klaus and Van Willigen, Niels (2016) Coalition governance and foreign policy decision making. European Political Science, 16 (4). pp. 489-501. ISSN 1680-4333

Oppermann, Kai and Viehrig, Henrike (2016) The media salience of Germany's bilateral relations to the United States, France and Britain. German Politics, 25 (4). pp. 439-456. ISSN 0964-4008

Oppermann, Kai and Spencer, Alexander (2016) "Once upon a time …" fiascos as narratives in foreign policy. Zeitschrift für Politik, 63 (2). pp. 156-169. ISSN 0044-3360

Brummer, Klaus and Oppermann, Kai (2016) Germany's foreign policy after the End of the Cold War: 'becoming normal?'. Oxford Handbooks Online: Political Science. pp. 1-30.

Hansel, Mischa and Oppermann, Kai (2016) Counterfactual reasoning in foreign policy analysis: the case of German nonparticipation in the Libya intervention of 2011. Foreign Policy Analysis, 12 (2). pp. 109-127. ISSN 1743-8586

Oppermann, Kai and Spencer, Alexander (2016) Telling stories of failure: narrative constructions of foreign policy fiascos. Journal of European Public Policy, 23 (5). pp. 685-701. ISSN 1350-1763

Oppermann, Kai (2015) Nach der Unterhauswahl ist vor dem EU-Referendum: die Britische Europapolitik am Scheideweg. Integration, 38 (4). pp. 275-291. ISSN 0720-5120

Oppermann, Kai and Brummer, Klaus (2014) Patterns of junior partner influence on the foreign policy of coalition governments. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 16 (4). pp. 555-571. ISSN 1369-1481

Oppermann, Kai (2014) Delineating the scope conditions of the poliheuristic theory of foreign policy decision making: the noncompensatory principle and the domestic salience of foreign policy. Foreign Policy Analysis, 10 (1). pp. 23-41. ISSN 1743-8586

Oppermann, Kai (2014) Argumentationsmuster zur krise in der eurozone. Eine analyse von debattenbeiträgen der regierung Merkel im Bundestag 2009-2012. Integration, 37 (3). pp. 262-274. ISSN 0720-5120

Oppermann, Kai and Spencer, Alexander (2013) Thinking alike? Salience and metaphor analysis as cognitive approaches to foreign policy analysis. Foreign Policy Analysis, 9 (1). pp. 39-56. ISSN 1743-8586

Oppermann, Kai (2013) The politics of avoiding referendums on the Treaty of Lisbon. Journal of European Integration, 35 (1). pp. 73-89. ISSN 0703-6337

Oppermann, Kai (2013) The politics of discretionary government commitments to European integration referendums. Journal of European Public Policy, 20 (5). pp. 684-701. ISSN 1350-1763

Oppermann, Kai (2012) National role conceptions, domestic constraints and the new ‘normalcy’ in German foreign policy: the Eurozone crisis, Libya and beyond. German Politics, 21 (4). pp. 502-519. ISSN 0964-4008

Oppermann, Kai (2011) The public images of Britain, Germany, and France in the United States. Journal of Transatlantic Studies, 9 (4). pp. 305-325. ISSN 1479-4012

Oppermann, Kai and Röttsches, Dagmar (2010) NGOs as catalysts for international arms control? The ratification of the Chemical Weapons Convention and the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty in the United States. Journal of International Relations and Development, 13 (3). pp. 239-267. ISSN 1408-6980

Oppermann, Kai and Viehrig, Henrike (2009) The public salience of foreign and security policy in Britain, Germany and France. West European Politics, 32 (5). pp. 925-942. ISSN 0140-2382

Jäger, Thomas, Oppermann, Kai, Höse, Alexander and Viehrig, Henrike (2009) The salience of foreign affairs issues in the German Bundestag. Parliamentary Affairs, 62 (3). pp. 418-437. ISSN 0031-2290

Oppermann, Kai and Spencer, Alexander (2008) Don't mention the war or the World Cup. A report on a British German IR conference. Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, 15 (2). pp. 303-314. ISSN 0946-7165

Oppermann, Kai (2008) The Blair government and Europe: the policy of containing the salience of European integration. British Politics, 3 (2). pp. 156-182. ISSN 1746-918X

Oppermann, Kai and Viehrig, Henrike (2008) Issue salience and the domestic legitimacy demands of European integration. The cases of Britain and Germany. European Integration online Papers, 12 (2). ISSN 1027-5193

Oppermann, Kai (2008) Salience and sanctions: a principal-agent analysis of domestic win-sets in two-level games—the case of British European policy under the Blair government. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 21 (2). pp. 179-197. ISSN 0955-7571

Oppermann, Kai and Höse, Alexander (2007) Public opinion and the development of the European security and defence policy. European Foreign Affairs Review, 12 (2). pp. 149-167. ISSN 1384-6299

Hoese, Alexander and Oppermann, Kai (2007) Transatlantic conflict and cooperation: what role for public opinion? Journal of Transatlantic Studies, 5 (1). pp. 43-61. ISSN 1479-4012

Oppermann, Kai (2006) Die britische Ratspräsidentschaft 2005: Zwischen europäischen Erwartungen und innenpolitischen Restriktionen. Integration, 29 (1). pp. 23-37. ISSN 0720-5120


Brummer, Klaus and Oppermann, Kai (2014) Außenpolitikanalyse. Oldenbourg Verlag, München. ISBN 9783486713251

Oppermann, Kai (2008) Prinzipale und Agenten in Zwei-Ebenen-Spielen: die innterstaatlichen Restriktionen der Europapolitik Groβbritanniens unter Tony Blair. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden. ISBN 978-3-531-15733-7

Book Section

Oppermann, Kai and Brummer, Klaus (2017) Veto player approaches in foreign policy analysis. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Oxford University Press, pp. 1-26.

Oppermann, Kai (2017) Derailing the process of European integration? EU referendums and the politics of Euroscepticism. In: Leruth, Benjamin, Startin, Nicholas and Usherwood, Simon (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Euroscepticism. Routledge, New York, pp. 243-255.

Oppermann, Kai (2015) Asymmetrische Sonderbeziehungen und außenpolitische Fiaskos des Juniorpartners: Großbritannien und die special relationship zu den USA. In: Harnisch, Sebastian, Brummer, Klaus and Oppermann, Kai (eds.) Sonderbeziehungen als Nexus zwischen Außenpolitik und internationalen Beziehungen. Aussenpolitik und Internationale Ordnung . Nomos, Baden Baden, pp. 237-260. ISBN 9783848721566

Oppermann, Kai (2012) The transnational spillovers from pledging EU referendums: the case of the European constitution. In: Marxer, Wilfried (ed.) Direct democracy and minorities. Direct democracy in Europe . Springer VS, Wiesbaden, pp. 215-229. ISBN 9783531185811

Oppermann, Kai and De Vries, Catherine E (2011) Analyzing issue salience in international politics: theoretical foundations and methodological approaches. In: Oppermann, Kai and Viehrig, Henrike (eds.) Issue salience in international politics. Routledge advances in international relations and global politics (91). Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 3-19. ISBN 9780415586511

Scott, James and Oppermann, Kai (2009) Blair and the European Union. In: Casey, Terrence (ed.) The Blair legacy: politics, policy, governance, and foreign affairs. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 285-298. ISBN 9780230216624

Edited Book

Harnisch, Sebastian, Brummer, Klaus and Oppermann, Kai, eds. (2015) Sonderbeziehungen als Nexus zwischen Außenpolitik und internationalen Beziehungen. Nomos, Baden Baden. ISBN 9783848721566

Oppermann, Kai, ed. (2012) British foreign and security policy: historical legacies and current challenges. Wiβner Verlag, Augsburg. ISBN 9783896398666

Jäger, Thomas, Höse, Alexander and Oppermann, Kai, eds. (2011) Deutsche Auβenpolitik: Sicherheit, Wohlfahrt, Institutionen und Normen. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden. ISBN 9783531178943

Oppermann, Kai and Viehrig, Henrike, eds. (2011) Issue salience in international politics. Routledge advances in international relations and global politics . Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780415586511