James Revill is a Researcher with the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Researchand an Associate Fellow with the Harvard Sussex Program at SPRU. Over the course of completing his PhD prior to joining the Harvard Sussex Program James worked as a consultant to the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) and completed research fellowships with the Landau Network Centro Volta in Italy and the Bradford Disarmament Research Centre in the UK. James’ research interests focus on the evolution of the biological and chemical weapons treaty regime, especially analysis of the Biological Weapons Conventions, the interplay between science and security, the role and risk of non-state groups in chemical, biological and explosive terrorism and compliance and enforcement with WMD-related regimes. He has published widely in these areas, including a book length study on the history of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs); several papers on issues pertaining to the Biological Weapons Convention; and more recently an assessment of the risk of chemical and biological terrorism.
My main research interests are in the prevention of chemical and biological weapons, and more generally, the interplay between science and security. As a Research Fellow with the Harvard Sussex Program, SPRU, have written and presented widely on these topics. I also lecture on a number of modules, including Science, Technology and Contemporary Security Challenges, Public Management and Innnovation in Biomedical Science.