Mrs Kate Haines
Post: | Research Student (Centre for Colonial and Postcolonial Studies) |
Kate Haines is a DPhil student in the School of English at the University of Sussex. Her research explores the ways in which writing by African authors published since 2000 has intervened in the creation of cultural memory. In 2011 she presented on ‘Marketing Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's Half of a Yellow Sun: Cultural Memory and the Making of Contemporary Writing’ at Spectres of World Literature, University of London and in 2012 on ‘Dialogue, Text and Memory: The Production and Reception of Literary Responses to the Post-Election Violence in Kenya’ at The Book in Africa, University of London. She was previously Head of Humanities at Palgrave Macmillan and is currently Associate Editor for the Kwani? Manuscript Project. She is a co-founder, contributor and editor of the blog http://africainwords.com/.
Email: k.haines@sussex.ac.uk
BA English & Related Literature (University of York)
MSc Electronic Publishing (City University)
MA Modern and Contemporary Literature (Birkbeck, University of London)
‘Publishing the Postcolonial: Anglophone West African and Caribbean Writing in the UK 1948-1968 (review)’ Research in African Literatures 43:2
Conference Papers
‘Creative Writing and Women’s Lives in Rwanda’ Focus on Rwanda: A Conference on Gender Research and Activism, Kigali Institute of Education
‘Marketing Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's Half Of A Yellow Sun: Cultural Memory And The Making Of Contemporary Writing’ Spectres Of World Literature, Institute of English Studies, University Of London, September 2011.
‘Literary Responses to the Post-Election Violence in Kenya: Creating Cultural Memory through Writing, Production and Circulation’ Conflict, Memory and Reconciliation, SIT Symposium, Kigali, January 2012.
‘Dialogue, Text and Memory: Social Media and Literary Responses to the Post-Election Violence in Kenya’ Dis/connects: African Studies in the Digital Age, SCOLMA (Libraries and Archives Group on Africa), Oxford, June 2012.
'In conversation with Goretti Kyomuhendo: Writing, Publishing and Literary Networks in the ‘Post-millennial Context’ ASAUK (African Studies Association of the UK), Leeds, September 2012.
‘Dialogue, Text and Memory: The Production and Circulation of Literary Responses to the Post-Election Violence in Kenya’ The Book in Africa, Institute of English Studies, University of London, October 2012.
2004-2006 Commissioning Editor, English and Theatre Studies, Palgrave Macmillan
2007-2010 Head of Humanities / Senior Editor, Humanities, Palgrave Macmillan
2012-to date Associate Editor, Kwani? Manuscript Project
2012-to date Editorial Director, Material Books
Other Activities
Co-founder of the blog http://africainwords.com/
Member of:
African Studies Association UK
Rwanda Association for University Women