Currenty I conduct the following seminars at the University of Sussex:
- Marx and historical materialism & alienation
- Weber - class, power and politics & the Protestant ethic
- Durkheim - division of labour, individualism, solidarism
- Freud, Individual and Society
- Foucault, power and discourse
- Power, social order and capitalism
- Bourdieu, 'the game', social fields
- Feminist social and political theory
- Interaction, identity and social life
- Is contemporary capitalism still a class society?
- Class and cultural capital
- Bowling alone: is there a new crisis of community in contemporary capitalism?
- Is capitalism the cause of or solution to environmental problems?
- Gender, Power and Violence
- Race, Racism and the State
- Women Who Kill and Gender Representation
- The alternative to capitalism: socialist societies in the 20th Century
- Globalisation, Culture and Politics
- Risk, Capitalism and Edgework
- Capitalism and postmodernism
Previously I have taught: