Fellow (Institute of Development Studies)
My main research interests are: tax administration, tax policy, public finance, economic development.
Journal articles
Mascagni, G. (forthcoming) From the Lab to the Field: A Review of Tax Experiments. Journal of Economic Surveys
Mascagni, G. and Timmis, E. (2017) Fiscal Effects of Aid in Ethiopia: Evidence from CVAR Applications. Journal of Development Studies
Mascagni, G. (2016) Aid and Taxation in Ethiopia. Journal of Development Studies
Working papers
Mascagni, G., Nell, C. and Monkam, N. (2017) One size does not fit all: A field experiment on the drivers of tax compliance and delivery methods in Rwanda. ICTD Working Paper 58
Hirvonen K., Mascagni G. and Roelen K (2016) Linking taxation and social protection Evidence on redistribution and poverty reduction in Ethiopia. WIDER Working Paper Series 111
Mascagni, G. and Mengistu, A. (2016) The Corporate Tax Burden in Ethiopia: Evidence from Anonymised Tax Returns. ICTD Working Paper 48
Mascagni, G., Nell, C., Monkam, N. and Mukama, D. (2016) The Carrot and the Stick: Evidence on Voluntary Tax Compliance from a Pilot Field Experiment in Rwanda. ICTD Working Paper 57
Mascagni, G., Nell, C. and Monkam, N. (2016) Unlocking the Potential of Administrative Data in Africa: Tax Compliance and Progressivity in Rwanda. ICTD Working Paper 56
Mascagni, G. (2016) From the Lab to the Field: A Review of Tax Experiments. ICTD Working Paper 46
Mascagni, G. (2016) A Fiscal History of Ethiopia: Taxation and Aid Dependence 1960-2010. ICTD Working Paper 49
Mascagni, G. (2015) Tax Experiments in Developing Countries: A Critical Review and Reflections on Feasibility. CDI Practice Paper No. 11
Mascagni G., Moore, M., and McCluskey, R. (2014) Tax Revenue Mobilization in Developing Countries: Issues and Challenges. European Parliament Working Paper, European Union
Masset E., Mascagni G., Acharya A., Egger E.M., and Saha A. (2014) A Review of Systematic Reviews of Cost Effectiveness Studies in Low and Middle Income Countries, ITAD Report
Masset E., Mascagni G., Acharya A., Egger E.M., and Saha A. (2014) A Systematic Review of methods for Cost-effectiveness Analyses of Complex Interventions in Low and Middle Income Countries, ITAD Report
Mascagni, G. and Timmis, E. (2014) Fiscal Effects of Aid in Ethiopia: Evidence from CVAR Applications. CREDIT Working Paper No. 14/06, University of Nottingham
Mascagni, G. (2014) Aid and Taxation: Evidence from Ethiopia. Working Paper No. 73-2014, University of Sussex