Selected publications
Collins, Nick (2012) Automatic composition of electroacoustic art music utilizing machine listening. Computer Music Journal, 36 (3). pp. 8-23. ISSN 01489267
Collins, Nick (2006) BBCut2: incorporating beat tracking and on-the-fly event analysis. Journal of New Music Research, 35 (1). pp. 63-70. ISSN 0929-8215
Collins, Nick (2006) Composing to subvert content retrieval engines. Array (Winter). pp. 37-41.
Collins, Nick, McLean, Alex, Rohrhuber, Julian and Ward, Adrian (2003) Live coding techniques for laptop performance. Organised Sound, 8 (3). pp. 321-330. ISSN 1355-7718
Collins, Nick (2003) Generative music and laptop performance. Contemporary Music Review, 22. pp. 67-79. ISSN 0749-4467
Collins, Nick and d'Escrivan, Julio, eds. (2007) The Cambridge companion to electronic music. Cambridge companions to music . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9780521868617
Book Section
Mirza-Babaei, Pejman, Nacke, Lennart, Fitzpatrick, Geraldine Ann, White, Gareth, McAllister, Graham and Collins, Nick (2012) Biometric storyboards: visualising game user research data. In: CHI EA '12 Proceedings of the 2012 ACM annual conference extended abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts. ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 2315-2320. ISBN 9781450310161
Collins, Nick (2006) Investigating computational models of perceptual attack time. In: Baroni, M., Addessi, A.R., Caterina, R. and Costa, M. (eds.) Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Music Perception & Cognition. ICMPC and ESCOM, Bologna, Italy, pp. 923-929. ISBN 8873951554
Collins, Nick (2006) Towards a style-specific basis for computational beat tracking. In: Baroni, M,, Addessi, A.R., Caterina, R. and Costa, M. (eds.) Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Music Perception & Cognition. ICMPC and ESCOM, Bologna, Italy, pp. 461-467. ISBN 8873951554
Edited Book
Wilson, Scott, Cottle, David and Collins, Nick, eds. (2011) The SuperCollider Book. MIT Press. ISBN 9780262232692
Conference or Workshop Item
Mirza-Babaei, Pejman, Nacke, Lennart E., Gregory, John, Collins, Nick and Fitzpatrick, Geraldine Ann (2013) How Does It Play Better? Exploring User Testing and Biometric Storyboards in Games User Research. In: CHI 2013, 27 April - 2 May 2013, Palais de Congrès de Paris, Paris.
Kiefer, Chris, Collins, Nick and Fitzpatrick, Geraldine (2008) Evaluating the Wiimote as a musical controller. In: International Computer Music Conference, 2008, Sonic Arts Research Centre, Queen's University Belfast.
Magnusson, Thor, McLean, Alex and Collins, Nick (2011) Live coding DVD. [Video]