Selected publications
Grant, Catherine (2015) Film studies in the groove? Rhythmising perception in Carnal Locomotive. NECSUS. European Journal of Media Studies, 4 (1). pp. 85-90. ISSN 2213-0217
Grant, Catherine and Keathley, Christian (2014) The use of an illusion: childhood cinephilia, object relations, and videographic film studies. Photogénie. ISSN 2295-5461
Grant, Catherine (2014) Becoming “Arturo Ripstein”? On collaboration and the “author function” in the transnational film adaptation of El lugar sin límites. Mediático [weblog article, 27 January 2014].
Grant, Catherine (2014) The shudder of a cinephiliac idea? Videographic film studies practice as material thinking. ANIKI: Portuguese Journal of the Moving Image, 1 (1). pp. 49-62. ISSN 2183-1750
Grant, Catherine (2013) Deja viewing?: videographic experiments in intertextual film studies. Mediascape : UCLA's Journal of Cinema and Media Studies. ISSN 1558-478X
Grant, Catherine (2013) Deja-viewing. FilmIdee (6). ISSN 2239-6934
Grant, Catherine (2013) Notes on mirror visions in 'Modesty Blaise'. La Furia Umana (17). ISSN 2255-2812
Grant, Catherine (2012) Film and moving image studies: re-born digital? Some participant observations. Frames, 1 (1).
Grant, Catherine (2011) El fotógrafo del pánico / código desconocido [True Likeness: on peeping tom and code unknown]. Transit: cine y otros desvios.
Grant, Catherine (2002) La función de "los autores": la adaptación cinematográfica transnacional de El lugar sin límites. Revista Iberoamericana, 68 (199). pp. 253-268. ISSN 0034-9631
Grant, Catherine (2002) Recognizing 'Billy Budd' in 'Beau Travail': epistemology and hermeneutics of an auteurist 'free' adaptation. Screen, 43 (1). pp. 57-73. ISSN 0036-9543
Grant, Catherine (2001) Secret agents: feminist theories of women's film authorship. Feminist Theory, 2 (1). pp. 113-130. ISSN 1464-7001
Grant, Catherine (2000) www.auteur.com? Screen, 41 (1). pp. 101-108. ISSN 0036-9543
Grant, Catherine (1997) Camera solidaria. Screen, 38 (4). pp. 311-328. ISSN 0036-9543
Grant, Catherine (1996) A private revolution? Alejandra Pizarnik's 'La bucanera de Pernambuco o Hilda la polígrafa'. Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, 5 (1). pp. 65-82. ISSN 1356-932
Book Section
Grant, Catherine (2008) Auteur machines? Auteurism and the DVD. In: Bennett, J and Brown, T (eds.) Film and television after DVD. Routledge, London, pp. 101-115. ISBN 0415962412
Kuhn, Annette and Grant, Catherine (2006) Screening world cinema. In: Grant, Catherine and Kuhn, Annette (eds.) Screening world cinema: a Screen reader. Screen readers . Routledge. ISBN 0415384281
Grant, Catherine (2004) Home-movies: the curious cinematic collaboration of Anne-Marie Miéville and Jean-Luc Godard. In: Temple, Michael, Williams, James S and Witt, Michael (eds.) For ever Godard. Black Dog Publishing, London, pp. 100-117. ISBN 9781901033694
Grant, Catherine (2003) Still moving images: images of the disappeared in films about the dirty war in Argentina. In: Hughes, A and Noble, A (eds.) Phototextualities: intersections of photography & narrative. University of Minnesota Press. ISBN 0826328253
Grant, Catherine (2000) Intimista transformations: María Luisa Bemberg's first feature films. In: King, J, Whittaker, S and Bosch, R (eds.) An Argentine passion: Maria Luisa Bemberg and her films. Verso, London. ISBN 1859847889
Grant, Catherine (1999) Los de abajo and cinema: an approximate comparison. In: Stewart, Miranda (ed.) Viajes por España y America Latina. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, pp. 30-49. ISBN 9780951416457
Grant, Catherine (1997) Giving up ghosts: Eliseo Subiela's Hombre mirando al sudeste and No te mueras sin decirme a dónde vas. In: Rix, Rob and Rodríguez-Saona, Roberto (eds.) Changing reels: Latin American cinema against the odds. Leeds Iberian Papers . Trinity and All Saints University College, Leeds, pp. 89-120. ISBN 9780952563631
Grant, Catherine (1996) "Queer theorrhea" (and what it all might mean for feminists). In: Jackson, S and Scott, S (eds.) Feminism and sexuality: a reader. Columbia Press, New York, pp. 166-171. ISBN 9780231107099
Grant, Catherine (1996) Gender, genre and the social imaginary in some films from Argentina's 'cinema of redemocratization' (1983-1993). In: Rodgers, Eamonn (ed.) Cinema and ideology. Strathclyde Modern Language Studies, Glasgow, pp. 17-33. ISBN 9780951416426
Grant, Catherine (1993) Women or words? The indigenous nodriza in the work of Rosario Castellanos. In: Davies, C (ed.) Women writers in twentieth-century Spain and Spanish America. Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, NY, pp. 85-100. ISBN 0889464235
Edited Book
Grant, Catherine and Kuhn, Annette, eds. (2006) Screening world cinema: a screen reader. Screen readers . Routledge, London. ISBN 0415384281
Edited Special Journal Issue
Grant, Catherine, ed. (2012) Film and moving image studies re-born digital? Frames Cinema Journal, 1 (1). ISSN 2053-8812
Grant, Catherine and Stacey, Jackie, eds. (1997) Special Latin American issue. Screen, 38 (4). ISSN 0036-9543
Grant, Catherine (2012) Bonus Tracks: The making of 'Touching the film object' and 'Skipping ROPE (through Hitchcock’s joins)'. University of St. Andrews, Film Studies.