Kate Showers

Selected publications


Showers, Kate B (2011) Electrifying Africa: an environmental history with policy implications. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 93 (3). pp. 193-221. ISSN 0435-3684

Showers, Kate B (2010) Prehistory of Southern African forestry: from vegetable garden to tree plantation. Environment and History, 16 (3). pp. 295-322. ISSN 0967-3407

Showers, Kate B (2009) Congo River's Grand Inga hydroelectricity scheme: linking environmental history, policy and impact. Water History, 1 (1). pp. 31-58. ISSN 1877-7236

Showers, Kate B (2006) From forestry to soil conservaton: British tree management in Lesotho's grassland ecosystem. Conservation and Society, 4 (1). pp. 1-35. ISSN 0972-4923

Showers, Kate B (2002) Water scarcity and urban Africa: an overview of urban-rural water linkages. World Development, 30 (4). pp. 621-648. ISSN 0305-750X

Showers, Kate B (2002) Mapping African soils. Environmental History, 10 (2). pp. 314-320. ISSN 1084-5453


Showers, Kate Barger (2005) Imperial gullies: soil erosion and conservation in Lesotho. Series in ecology & history . Ohio University Press. ISBN 9780821416143

Showers, Kate Barger (1998) Colonial and post-Apartheid water projects in southern Africa: political agendas and environmental consequences. Working papers in African studies . African Studies Centre, Boston University. ISBN B0006R5ELC

Book Section

Showers, Kate (2012) Land use from below: biofuels, urbanization and sustainable soil management in Europe and Africa. In: Gerzabek, Martin H and Winiwarter, Verena (eds.) The challenge of sustaining soils: natural and social ramifications of biomass production in a changing world. Interdisciplinary perspectives . Austrian Academy of Sciences Press. ISBN 9783700172123

Showers, Kate (2011) Beyond mega on a mega continent: Grand Inga on central Africa's Congo River. In: Brunn, Stanley D (ed.) Engineering the Earth: the impacts of megaengineering projects. Springer, pp. 1651-1679. ISBN 9789048199198

Showers, Kate B (2010) Prehistory of Southern African forestry: from vegetable garden to tree plantation. In: Johnson, Sarah (ed.) Bio-invaders. Themes in environmental history . White Horse Press, pp. 144-170. ISBN 9781874267553

Showers, Kate (2006) A history of African soil: perceptions, use and abuse. In: McNeill, John R and Winiwarter, Verena (eds.) Soils and societies: perspectives from environmental history. White Horse Press, pp. 118-176. ISBN 9781874267522

Showers, Kate (2001) Dams and power in Southern Africa. In: Miller, C, Cioc, M and Showers, K B (eds.) Water and the Environment since 1945: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. St James Press, pp. 236-246. ISBN 1558624139

Showers, Kate B (2000) Popular participation in river conservation. In: Boon, P J, Davies, B R and Petts, G E (eds.) Global perspectives on river conservation: science, policy and practice. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 459-474. ISBN 9780471960621