Recent research includes:
I work with the Migrating out of Poverty Research Consortium.
I worked on an exploratory project on private secondary education in Malawi with Professor Keith Lewin.
I have worked on An evaluation of 'Speed Schools' in Ethiopia, a project aiming to reintegrate children who have dropped out of school into government schools through an accelerated learning programme with Dr Kwame Akyeampong and Dr Ricardo Sabates. This work has been extended to a longitudinal project following children from the project.
My doctoral research was part of the AHRC funded 'Home and Away' project and focused on the experiences of children growing up Bangladeshi in London and their role in social change as they negotiate the reproduction of societies. The project was rated as 'outstanding' by an AHRC review. The research will be published as book by Palgrave in 2015.
My research interests include development, education, childhoods, India and Bangladesh, Islam, migration, transnationalism and multiculturalism.