Vacancies in the Research Group will appear here:
Position for Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Emergent Photonics Laboratory:
We are looking for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow to work on the project TIMING funded by the European Research Council (for a value of about 1.7 Million GBP). TIMING project involves novel approaches to imaging and a spectrum of nonlinear field-matter interactions, including processes that generate Terahertz waves.
The duration of the position is initially one year, with the possibility of an extension for a further two years based on research requirements. The successful applicant should have a PhD in a field related to our research area, e.g. nonlinear Photonics, Ultrafast Photonics, optical nonlinearity in condensed matter, with a relevant publication record. Experimental and/or theoretical expertise in terahertz imaging, ultrafast imaging or single-pixel imaging is highly desirable, although researchers with other scientific and technical skill-sets relevant to the project will be considered. Experience with photonic benches implementation will also be considered, along with basic knowledge of Terahertz photonics and a history of international involvement and a proficient dissemination strategy. Some of the typical tasks for this position include the operation of high-power lasers and optics, the design of optical benches and the analysis of the observed field-matter interactions.
The successful candidate is expected as a core activity to actively engage in our research plans, provide guidance to undergraduate and postgraduate students, participate in the group's strategic planning, and contribute to drafting successful research bids. They are expected to travel among our network of collaborators. The salary offered will be appropriate to the qualifications, standing and experience of the successful candidate.
More information can be found here.
Please contact Prof Marco Peccianti for more information.
PhD studentship at Sussex Centre for Quantum Technologies: 
Temporal Cavity Solitons Microcombs
We are currently looking for a PhD student to work in the development of novel integrated micro-comb technology.
One of the most exciting recent developments in physics has been the application of cutting-edge science to a generation of new quantum technologies, and the Sussex Centre for Quantum Technologies is one of the world’s leading centres for research in this area.
Miniaturised atomic clocks in a portable format are expected to change the way we access timing, positioning and navigation. They are a fundamental building block for the new generation of quantum sensors and could play a key role in making our ~society resilient to GPS spoofing and jamming.
The successful applicant will join a team within the Emergent Photonics Lab at the Sussex Centre for Quantum Technologies. During the PhD, the students will receive both academic and transferable skills training through the Doctoral and Industry Training Academy and through our membership of the South East Physics Network (, as well as project-specific skills through project supervision.
More information can be found here.
You will gain access to state of the art photonics equipment including two atomic-clock stabilised ultrafast frequency combs. Please head to the University of Sussex's Physics PhD Scholarships for more information.
What we fund
• Fully-paid tuition fees for three and a half years.
• A tax-free bursary for living costs for three and a half years. From October 2021/22 this is expected to be £15609 per year.
• A support grant for three and a half years of £1,650 per year for travel and conferences.
• If you are not a UK national, nor an EU national with UK settled/pre-settled status, you will need to apply for a student study visa before admission
Apply for PhD at EPic Lab
You apply directly to Sussex using our postgraduate application system.
Talk to us!
You may contact Dr Alessia Pasquazi for more info
Undergraduate Projects
We are always looking for motivated MSc or MPhys students to undertake their final year projects with us, please contact Professor Marco Peccianti or Dr Alessia Pasquazi for information on our current projects.