EPic Publications
- Hirsch, L., Adamou, D., Faccio, D., Peccianti, M., & Clerici, M. (2024). Design of an Optimized Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy System Pumped by a 30 W Yb:KGW Source at a 100 kHz Repetition Rate with 245 fs Pulse Duration. Applied Sciences, 14(15), 6688. doi:10.3390/app14156688
Article. View online. - Peters, L., Rocco, D., Olivieri, L., Arregui Leon, U., Cecconi, V., Carletti, L., . . . Peccianti, M. (2024). Resonant Fully Dielectric Metasurfaces for Ultrafast Terahertz Pulse Generation. Advanced Optical Materials, 12(16). doi:10.1002/adom.202303148
Article. View online. - Cooper, A., Olivieri, L., Cutrona, A., Das, D., Peters, L., Chu, S. T., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2024). Parametric interaction of laser cavity-solitons with an external CW pump. Optics Express, 32(12), 21783-21794. doi:10.1364/OE.524838
Article. View online. - Cecconi, V., Kumar, V., Bertolotti, J., Peters, L., Cutrona, A., Olivieri, L., . . . Peccianti, M. (2024). Terahertz Spatiotemporal Wave Synthesis in Random Systems. ACS Photonics, 11(2), 362-368. doi:10.1021/acsphotonics.3c01671
Article. View online. - Peters, L., Rocco, D., Olivieri, L., Leon, U. A., Cecconi, V., Carletti, L., . . . Peccianti, M. (2024). Resonant Fully dielectric metasurfaces for ultrafast Terahertz pulse generation. doi:10.48550/arxiv.2401.10381
Preprint. View online.
- Cutrona, A., Cecconi, V., Hanzard, P. H., Rowley, M., Das, D., Cooper, A., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2023). Nonlocal bonding of a soliton and a blue-detuned state in a microcomb laser. Communications Physics, 6(1). doi:10.1038/s42005-023-01372-0
Article. View online. - Peters, L., Totero Gongora, J. S., Cecconi, V., Olivieri, L., Tunesi, J., Pasquazi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2023). Concurrent Terahertz Generation via Quantum Interference in a Quadratic Media. Advanced Optical Materials, 11(15). doi:10.1002/adom.202202578
Article. View online. - Olivieri, L., Peters, L., Cecconi, V., Cutrona, A., Rowley, M., Totero Gongora, J. S., . . . Peccianti, M. (2023). Terahertz Nonlinear Ghost Imaging via Plane Decomposition: Toward Near-Field Micro-Volumetry. ACS Photonics, 10(6), 1726-1734. doi:10.1021/acsphotonics.2c01727
Article. View online. - Chu, S. T., Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Li, J., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2015). Nonlinear microresonators: towards integrated ultrafast optical clocks. Unknown Journal, 1091. doi:10.11470/jsapmeeting.2015.2.0_1091
Article. View online. - Anvari, B., Celebrano, M., De Angelis, C., Huang, S., Poon, T. -C., Richards, B. S., & Peccianti, M. (2023). Frontiers in photonics spotlight. Frontiers in Photonics, 4. doi:10.3389/fphot.2023.1131853
Article. View online. - Cutrona, A., Rowley, M., Bendahmane, A., Cecconi, V., Peters, L., Olivieri, L., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2023). Stability of laser cavity-solitons for metrological applications. Applied Physics Letters, 122(12). doi:10.1063/5.0134147
Article. View online. - Cecconi, V., Kumar, V., Pasquazi, A., Totero Gongora, J. S., & Peccianti, M. (2022). Nonlinear field-control of terahertz waves in random media for spatiotemporal focusing.. Open research Europe, 2, 32. doi:10.12688/openreseurope.14508.3
Article. View online. - Cecconi, V., Kumar, V., Pasquazi, A., Totero Gongora, J. S., & Peccianti, M. (2023). Nonlinear field-control of terahertz waves in random media for spatiotemporal focusing. Open Research Europe, 2. doi:10.12688/openreseurope.14508.3
Article. View online. - Rocco, D., Arregui Leon, U., Carletti, L., Peters, L., Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., . . . De Angelis, C. (2023). Nonlinear Dielectric Metasurfaces For Terahertz Generation. In 17th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena, Metamaterials 2023 (pp. 309-311). doi:10.1109/Metamaterials58257.2023.10289173
Conference publication. View online. - Cecconi, V., Kumar, V., Gongora, J. S. T., Peters, L., Olivieri, L., Bertolotti, J., . . . Peccianti, M. (2023). Nonlinear Ghost Imaging for Scattering-Assisted Terahertz Waveform Synthesis. In International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz. doi:10.1109/IRMMW-THz57677.2023.10299386
Conference publication. View online. - Olivieri, L., Cecconi, V., Peters, L., Totero Gongora, J. S., Cutrona, A., Pasquazi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2023). Beyond 2D imaging with Sparse Spatiotemporal Terahertz fields. In CLEO: Fundamental Science, CLEO:FS 2023. doi:10.1364/CLEO_FS.2023.jtu4e.5
Conference publication. View online. - Hoang, V. T., Boussafa, Y., Chaves, B. P., Sader, L., Fischer, B., Chemnitz, M., . . . Wetzel, B. (2023). Smart Nonlinear Photonics: From On-chip Pulse Processing to Tailored Nonlinear Fiber Propagation. In CLEO: Fundamental Science, CLEO:FS 2023. doi:10.1364/CLEO_FS.2023.ftu4b.1
Conference publication. View online. - Olivieri, L., Cecconi, V., Peters, L., Totero Gongora, J. S., Cutrona, A., Pasquazi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2023). Beyond 2D imaging with Sparse Spatiotemporal Terahertz fields. In CLEO: Applications and Technology, CLEO:A and T 2023. doi:10.1364/CLEO_AT.2023.JTu4E.5
Conference publication. View online. - Hoang, V. T., Chaves, B. P., Boussafa, Y., Sader, L., Bougaud, A., Fischer, B., . . . Wetzel, B. (2023). On-chip temporal pulse pattern generation and fiber propagation: Multidimensional wave-packet control and characterization. In LEOS Summer Topical Meeting Vol. 2023-July. doi:10.1109/SUM57928.2023.10224416
Conference publication. View online. - Cecconi, V., Tian, Y., Peters, L., Olivieri, L., Cutrona, A., Gongora, J. S. T., . . . Peccianti, M. (2023). Giant Core-Shell Plasmonic Enhancement of Spintronic Terahertz Emission. In 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023. doi:10.1109/CLEO/EUROPE-EQEC57999.2023.10232331
Conference publication. View online. - Cutrona, A., Rowley, M., Bendahmane, A., Cecconi, V., Peters, L., Olivieri, L., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2023). Long-Term Frequency Stability of Laser Cavity Solitons. In 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023. doi:10.1109/CLEO/EUROPE-EQEC57999.2023.10231744
Conference publication. View online. - Kumar, V., Cecconi, V., Peters, L., Olivieri, L., Totero Gongora, J. S., Pasquazi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2023). Deterministic Terahertz Imaging through Scattering media. In 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023. doi:10.1109/CLEO/EUROPE-EQEC57999.2023.10231536
Conference publication. View online.
- Shields, T., Dada, A. C., Hirsch, L., Yoon, S., Weaver, J. M. R., Faccio, D., . . . Clerici, M. (2022). Electro-Optical Sampling of Single-Cycle THz Fields with Single-Photon Detectors. Sensors, 22(23). doi:10.3390/s22239432
Article. View online. - Cutrona, A., Rowley, M., Das, D., Olivieri, L., Peters, L., Chu, S. T., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2022). High parametric efficiency in laser cavity-soliton microcombs. Optics Express, 30(22), 39816-39825. doi:10.1364/OE.470376
Article. View online. - Rowley, M., Hanzard, P. -H., Cutrona, A., Bao, H., Chu, S. T., Little, B. E., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2022). Self-emergence of robust solitons in a microcavity. Nature, 608, 303-309. doi:10.1038/s41586-022-04957-x
Article. View on figshare. - Shields, T., Dada, A. C., Hirsch, L., Yoon, S., Weaver, J. M. R., Faccio, D., . . . Clerici, M. (2022). Electro-Optical Sampling of Single-Cycle THz Fields with Single-Photon Detectors. doi:10.48550/arxiv.2208.02103
Preprint. View online. - Kumar, V., Cecconi, V., Peters, L., Bertolotti, J., Pasquazi, A., Gongora, J. S. T., & Peccianti, M. (2022). Deterministic terahertz wave control in scattering media. ACS Photonics, pages. doi:10.1021/acsphotonics.2c00061
Article. View on figshare. - Pasquazi, A., Rowley, M., Hanzard, P. -H., Cutrona, A., Bao, H., Gongora, J. S. T., . . . Morandotti, R. (2022). Self-Emergence of Robust Micro Cavity-Solitons. doi:10.21203/rs.3.rs-468461/v1
Preprint. View online. - Kumar, V., Cecconi, V., Peters, L., Bertolotti, J., Pasquazi, A., Gongora, J. S. T., & Peccianti, M. (2022). Deterministic Terahertz wave control in scattering media. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsphotonics.2c00061
Preprint. - Leon, U. A., Rocco, D., Carletti, L., Peccianti, M., Maci, S., Valle, G. D., & De Angelis, C. (2022). THz-photonics transceivers by all-dielectric phonon-polariton nonlinear nanoantennas. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1-11. doi:10.1038/s41598-022-08695-y
Article. View on figshare. - Anvari, B., De Angelis, C., Huang, S., Litchinitser, N., Poon, T. -C., Scalari, G., . . . Peccianti, M. (2022). Frontiers in photonics spot light. Frontiers in Photonics, 3, 1-11. doi:10.3389/fphot.2022.853456
Article. View on figshare. - Cecconi, V., Kumar, V., Pasquazi, A., Gongora, J. S. T., & Peccianti, M. (2022). Nonlinear field-control of terahertz waves in random media for spatiotemporal focusing. Open Research Europe, 2(32), pages. doi:10.12688/openreseurope.14508.1
Article. View on figshare. - Fischer, B., Chemnitz, M., Wetzel, B., Roztocki, P., MacLellan, B., Reimer, C., . . . Morandotti, R. (2022). User-friendly, reconfigurable all-optical signal processing with integrated photonics. In 2022 3rd URSI Atlantic and Asia Pacific Radio Science Meeting, AT-AP-RASC 2022. doi:10.23919/AT-AP-RASC54737.2022.9814194
Conference publication. View online. - Kumar, V., Cecconi, V., Peters, L., Bertolotti, J., Pasquazi, A., Gongora, J. S. T., & Peccianti, M. (2022). Deterministic Superfocusing of terahertz waves in random media. In International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz Vol. 2022-August. doi:10.1109/IRMMW-THz50927.2022.9896103
Conference publication. View online. - Cecconi, V., Kumar, V., Pasquazi, A., Gongora, J. S. T., & Peccianti, M. (2022). Terahertz Field Spatiotemporal Superfocusing in Complex Media. In International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz Vol. 2022-August. doi:10.1109/IRMMW-THz50927.2022.9895985
Conference publication. View online. - Olivieri, L., Peters, L., Gongora, J. S. T., Pasquazi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2022). Time-Resolved Nonlinear Ghost-Imaging for Terahertz 3D microscopy. In International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz Vol. 2022-August. doi:10.1109/IRMMW-THz50927.2022.9895765
Conference publication. View online. - Peters, L., Gongora, J. S. T., Olivieri, L., Cecconi, V., Tunesi, J., Pasquazi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2022). Terahertz Generation via Quantum Interference in Quadratic Media. In International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz Vol. 2022-August. doi:10.1109/IRMMW-THz50927.2022.9895526
Conference publication. View online. - Pasquazi, A., Rowley, M., Hanzard, P. H., Cutrona, A., Chu, S. T., Little, B. E., . . . Peccianti, M. (2022). Laser Cavity-Solitons and Turing Patterns Microcombs: the Interaction of Slow and Fast Nonlinearities. In 2022 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2022 - Proceedings.
Conference publication. - Cecconi, V., Kumar, V., Pasquazi, A., Gongora, J. S. T., & Peccianti, M. (2022). Spatiotemporal Superfocusing of Ultrafast Terahertz Waves in Complex Media. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Kumar, V., Cecconi, V., Peters, L., Bertolotti, J., Pasquazi, A., Gongora, J. S. T., & Peccianti, M. (2022). Deterministic Terahertz wave control in complex media. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Olivieri, L., Peters, L., Totero Gongora, J. S., Pasquazi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2022). Terahertz 3D micro-tomography via time-resolved nonlinear ghost imaging. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Cutrona, A., Rowley, M., Bendahmane, A., Hanzard, P. H., Peters, L., Cecconi, V., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2022). Frequency Control of Laser Cavity Solitons for Metrological Applications. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Cecconi, V., Kumar, V., Gongora, J. S. T., Peters, L., Olivieri, L., Bertolotti, J., . . . Peccianti, M. (2022). The Nonlinear Ghost Imaging Route to Harnessing Random Propagation. In 2022 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topicals Meeting Series, SUM 2022 - Proceedings. doi:10.1109/SUM53465.2022.9858289
Conference publication. View online. - Pasquazi, A., Rowley, M., Hanzard, P. H., Cutrona, A., Chu, S. T., Little, B. E., . . . Peccianti, M. (2022). Laser Cavity-Solitons and Turing Patterns Microcombs: the Interaction of Slow and Fast Nonlinearities. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication.
- Leon, U. A., Rocco, D., Carletti, L., Peccianti, M., Maci, S., Valle, G. D., & Angelis, C. (2021). THz-Photonics Transceivers By All-Dielectric Phonon-Polariton Nonlinear Nanoantennas. doi:10.21203/rs.3.rs-1137355/v1
Preprint. View online. - Tunesi, J., Peters, L., Gongora, J. S. T., Olivieri, L., Fratalocchi, A., Pasquazi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2021). Terahertz emission mediated by ultrafast time-varying metasurfaces. Physical Review Research, 3(4), 1-6. doi:10.1103/PhysRevResearch.3.L042006
Article. View on figshare. - Rowley, M., Hanzard, P. H., Cutrona, A., Chu, S. T., Little, B. E., Morandotti, R., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2021). Emergence of Laser Cavity-Solitons in a Microresonator-Filtered Fiber Laser. In 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021. doi:10.1109/CLEO/Europe-EQEC52157.2021.9542409
Conference publication. View online. - Hanzard, P. H., Rowley, M., Cutrona, A., Chu, S. T., Little, B. E., Morandotti, R., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2021). Real-Time Study of Coexisting States in Laser Cavity Solitons. In 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021. doi:10.1109/CLEO/Europe-EQEC52157.2021.9541692
Conference publication. View online. - Cutrona, A., Hanzard, P. H., Rowley, M., Malomed, B., Oppo, G. L., Totero-Gongora, J. S., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2021). Self-Starting Temporal Cavity Solitons in a Laser-based Microcomb. In 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021. doi:10.1109/CLEO/Europe-EQEC52157.2021.9542379
Conference publication. View online. - Tunesi, J., Peters, L., Totero Gongora, J. S., Olivieri, L., Fratalocchi, A., Pasquazi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2021). Terahertz Sources Based on Time-Dependent Metasurfaces. In 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021. doi:10.1109/CLEO/Europe-EQEC52157.2021.9542223
Conference publication. View online. - Peters, L., Gongora, J. S. T., Cecconi, V., Tunesi, J., Olivieri, L., Pasquazi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2021). Quantum Interference Terahertz Generation from ZnTe. In 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021. doi:10.1109/CLEO/Europe-EQEC52157.2021.9541619
Conference publication. View online. - Tucker, R., Peters, L., Gongora, J. S. T., Tunesi, J., Rowley, M., Pasquazi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2021). Subwavelength Video-Rate Terahertz Carrier Microscopy. In 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021. doi:10.1109/CLEO/Europe-EQEC52157.2021.9541710
Conference publication. View online. - Cecconi, V., Kumar, V., Pasquazi, A., Totero Gongora, J. S., & Peccianti, M. (2021). Time-resolved control of terahertz waves in random media. In 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021 Vol. 2021-January. doi:10.1109/CLEO/Europe-EQEC52157.2021.9592645
Conference publication. View online. - Tunesi, J., Peters, L., Totero Gongora, J. S., Olivieri, L., Fratalocchi, A., Pasquazi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2021). Terahertz Emission from Ultrafast Time-Varying Metamaterials. In 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2021 - Proceedings.
Conference publication. - Rowley, M., Henry Hanzard, P., Cutrona, A., Chu, S. T., Little, B. E., Morandotti, R., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2021). Emergence of Laser Cavity-Solitons in a Microresonator-Filtered Fiber Laser. In 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2021 - Proceedings.
Conference publication. - Hanzard, P. H., Rowley, M., Cutrona, A., Chu, S. T., Little, B. E., Morandotti, R., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2021). Real-Time Study of Coexisting States in Laser Cavity Solitons. In 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2021 - Proceedings.
Conference publication. - Totero Gongora, J. S., Peters, L., Tunesi, J., Cecconi, V., Clerici, M., Pasquazi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2021). Phase-matching-free Two-color Terahertz Emission from Quasi-2D media. In 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2021 - Proceedings.
Conference publication. - Pasquazi, A., Bao, H., Hanzard, P. -H., Rowley, M., Cutrona, A., Chu, S. T., . . . Peccianti, M. (2021). Laser cavity solitons and turing patterns in microresonator filtered lasers: Properties and perspectives. In A. M. Armani, A. V. Kudryashov, A. H. Paxton, V. S. Ilchenko, & J. V. Sheldakova (Eds.), Laser Resonators, Microresonators, and Beam Control XXIII (pp. 5). SPIE. doi:10.1117/12.2576645
Conference publication. View online. - Cutrona, A., Hanzard, P. -H., Rowley, M., Gongora, J. S. T., Peccianti, M., Malomed, B. A., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2021). Temporal cavity solitons in a laser-based microcomb: a path to a self-starting pulsed laser without saturable absorption. Optics Express, 29(5), 6629-6646. doi:10.1364/OE.418283
Article. View on figshare. - Cutrona, A., Hanzard, P. -H., Rowley, M., Totero-Gongora, J. S., Peccianti, M., Malomed, B. A., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2021). Temporal Cavity Solitons in a Laser-based Microcomb: A Path to a Self-Starting Pulsed Laser without Saturable Absorption. doi:10.48550/arxiv.2102.01164
Preprint. View online. - Peccianti, M. (2021). Grand challenges in photonics: route to light. Frontiers in Photonics, 1, 1-2. doi:10.3389/fphot.2020.626728
Article. View on figshare. - Tunesi, J., Peters, L., Gongora, J. S. T., Olivieri, L., Fratalocchi, A., Pasquazi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2021). Terahertz sources based on time-dependent metasurfaces. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Peters, L., Gongora, J. S. T., Cecconi, V., Tunesi, J., Olivieri, L., Pasquazi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2021). Quantum interference terahertz generation from ZnTe. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Tucker, R., Peters, L., Gongora, J. S. T., Tunesi, J., Rowley, M., Pasquazi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2021). Subwavelength video-rate terahertz carrier microscopy. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Tunesi, J., Peters, L., Totero Gongora, J. S., Olivieri, L., Fratalocchi, A., Pasquazi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2021). Terahertz emission from ultrafast time-varying metamaterials. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Cecconi, V., Kumar, V., Pasquazi, A., Totero Gongora, J. S., & Peccianti, M. (2021). Full-field spatio-temporal shaping via space-time coupling in random media. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Rowley, M., Hanzard, P. H., Cutrona, A., Chu, S. T., Little, B. E., Morandotti, R., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2021). Spontaneous emergence of microresonator laser cavity-solitons. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Hanzard, P. H., Rowley, M., Cutrona, A., Chu, S. T., Little, B. E., Morandotti, R., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2021). Real-time study of coexisting states in laser cavity solitons. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Tucker, R., Peters, L., Gongora, J. S. T., Tunesi, J., Rowley, M., Pasquazi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2021). Terahertz near-field hot carrier microscopy. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Totero Gongora, J. S., Peters, L., Tunesi, J., Cecconi, V., Clerici, M., Pasquazi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2021). Phase-matching-free two-color terahertz emission from Quasi-2D media. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Cecconi, V., Kumar, V., Pasquazi, A., Totero Gongora, J. S., & Peccianti, M. (2021). Time-resolved control of terahertz waves in random media. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Kumar, V., Cecconi, V., Pasquazi, A., Gongora, J. S. T., & Peccianti, M. (2021). Deterministic spatiotemporal focusing of terahertz waves through scattering media. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Rowley, M., Hanzard, P. H., Cutrona, A., Chu, S. T., Little, B. E., Morandotti, R., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2021). Emergence of laser cavity-solitons in a microresonator-filtered fiber laser. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Cutrona, A., Hanzard, P. H., Rowley, M., Malomed, B., Oppo, G. L., Totero-Gongora, J. S., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2021). Self-starting temporal cavity solitons in a laser-based microcomb. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Hanzard, P. H., Rowley, M., Cutrona, A., Chu, S. T., Little, B. E., Morandotti, R., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2021). Real-time study of coexisting states in laser cavity solitons. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Kumar, V., Cecconi, V., Pasquazi, A., Gongora, J. S. T., & Peccianti, M. (2021). Deterministic spatiotemporal focusing of terahertz waves through scattering media. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Cutrona, A., Hanzard, P. H., Rowley, M., Malomed, B., Oppo, G. L., Totero-Gongora, J. S., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2021). Self-starting temporal cavity solitons in a laser-based microcomb. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Hanzard, P. H., Rowley, M., Cutrona, A., Chu, S. T., Little, B. E., Morandotti, R., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2021). Real-time study of coexisting states in laser cavity solitons. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Tucker, R., Peters, L., Gongora, J. S. T., Tunesi, J., Rowley, M., Pasquazi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2021). Subwavelength video-rate terahertz carrier microscopy. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Tunesi, J., Peters, L., Gongora, J. S. T., Olivieri, L., Fratalocchi, A., Pasquazi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2021). Terahertz sources based on time-dependent metasurfaces. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Peters, L., Gongora, J. S. T., Cecconi, V., Tunesi, J., Olivieri, L., Pasquazi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2021). Quantum interference terahertz generation from ZnTe. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Cecconi, V., Kumar, V., Pasquazi, A., Totero Gongora, J. S., & Peccianti, M. (2021). Time-resolved control of terahertz waves in random media. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication.
- Gongora, J. S. T., Peters, L., Tunesi, J., Cecconi, V., Clerici, M., Pasquazi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2020). All-optical two-color terahertz emission from quasi-2D nonlinear surfaces. Physical Review Letters, 125(26), 1-6. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.263901
Article. View on figshare. - Pasquazi, A., Rowley, M., Hazard, P. H., Bao, H., Olivieri, L., Cutrona, A., . . . Peccianti, M. (2020). Laser Cavity Solitons and Turing Patterns in Microresonator Filtered Lasers. In 2020 IEEE Photonics Conference, IPC 2020 - Proceedings. doi:10.1109/IPC47351.2020.9252327
Conference publication. View online. - Bao, H., Olivieri, L., Rowley, M., Chu, S. T., Little, B. E., Morandotti, R., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2020). Turing patterns in a fiber laser with a nested microresonator: robust and controllable microcomb generation. Physical Review Research, 2(2), 1-11. doi:10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.023395
Article. View on figshare. - Jin, L., Lauro, L. D., Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Moss, D. J., Morandotti, R., . . . Chu, S. T. (2020). Optical multi-stability in a nonlinear high-order microring resonator filter. APL Photonics, 5(5), 1-8. doi:10.1063/5.0002941
Article. View on figshare. - Gongora, J. S. T., Olivieri, L., Peters, L., Tunesi, J., Cecconi, V., Cutrona, A., . . . Peccianti, M. (2020). Route to intelligent imaging reconstruction via terahertz nonlinear ghost imaging. Micromachines, 11(5), pages. doi:10.3390/mi11050521
Article. View on figshare. - Gongora, J. S. T., Olivieri, L., Peters, L., Cecconi, V., Cutrona, A., Tunesi, J., . . . Peccianti, M. (2020). Hyperspectral THz Microscopy via Time-Resolved Nonlinear Ghost Imaging. In Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS Vol. 2020-May.
Conference publication. - Pasquazi, A., Bao, H., Rowley, M., Hazard, P. H., Olivieri, L., Cutrona, A., . . . Peccianti, M. (2020). Microcombs Based on Laser Cavity Solitons. In Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS Vol. 2020-May.
Conference publication. - Olivieri, L., Gongora, J. S. T., Peters, L., Cecconi, V., Cutrona, A., Tunesi, J., . . . Peccianti, M. (2020). Hyperspectral terahertz microscopy via nonlinear ghost-imaging. Optica, 7(2), 186-191. doi:10.1364/OPTICA.381035
Article. View on figshare. - Totero Gongora, J. S., Olivieri, L., Peters, L., Cecconi, V., Cutrona, A., Tunesi, J., . . . Peccianti, M. (2020). Hyperspectral THz microscopy via time-resolved nonlinear ghost imaging. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers Vol. Part F183-CLEO-SI 2020. doi:10.1364/CLEO_SI.2020.SM2F.4
Conference publication. View online. - Pasquazi, A., Cutrona, A., Rowley, M., Henry-Hanzard, P., Olivieri, L., Totero-Gongora, J. S., & Peccianti, M. (2020). Stability properties of temporal cavity solitons in laser micro-cavity based frequency combs. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers Vol. Part F184-IPRSN 2020.
Conference publication. - Totero Gongora, J. S., Olivieri, L., Peters, L., Cecconi, V., Cutrona, A., Tunesi, J., . . . Peccianti, M. (2020). Terahertz Hyperspectral Microscopy via Nonlinear Ghost Imaging. In OSA Advanced Photonics Congress (AP) 2020 (IPR, NP, NOMA, Networks, PVLED, PSC, SPPCom, SOF) (pp. JM2E.6). Optica Publishing Group. doi:10.1364/iprsn.2020.jm2e.6
Conference publication. View online.
- Olivieri, L., Gongora, J. S. T., Peters, L., Cecconi, V., Cutrona, A., Tunesi, J., . . . Peccianti, M. (2019). Hyperspectral terahertz microscopy via nonlinear ghost imaging. doi:10.48550/arxiv.1910.11259
Preprint. View online. - Rong, Y., Large, M., Tripathi, M., Ogilvie, S., Graf, A. A., Mao, B., . . . Dalton, A. (2019). Charge transfer hybrids of graphene oxide and the intrinsically microporous polymer PIM-1. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 11(34), 31191-31199. doi:10.1021/acsami.9b09832
Article. View on figshare. - Rowley, M., Wetzel, B., Lauro, L. D., Gongora, J. S. T., Bao, H., Silver, J., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2019). Thermo-optical pulsing in a microresonator filtered fiber-laser: a route towards all-optical control and synchronization. Optics Express, 27(14), 19242-19254. doi:10.1364/OE.27.019242
Article. View on figshare. - Wetzel, B., Kues, M., Roztocki, P., Reimer, C., Godin, P. L., Rowley, M., . . . Morandotti, R. (2019). Customizing supercontinuum generation via adaptive on-chip pulse splitting. In 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019. doi:10.1109/CLEOE-EQEC.2019.8872354
Conference publication. View online. - Peters, L., Tunesi, J., Ogilvie, S., Gongora, J. S. T., Large, M., Pasquazi, A., . . . Peccianti, M. (2019). Surface-field terahertz emission enhancement via 2D-materials. In 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019. doi:10.1109/CLEOE-EQEC.2019.8873022
Conference publication. View online. - Bao, H., Cooper, A., Rowley, M., Di Lauro, L., Gongora, J. S. T., Chu, S. T., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2019). Observation of laser-cavity solitons in micro-resonators. In 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019. doi:10.1109/CLEOE-EQEC.2019.8872338
Conference publication. View online. - Tunesi, J., Peters, L., Gongora, J. S. T., Pasquazi, A., Fratalocchi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2019). Optically-induced dynamic terahertz metamaterials. In 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019. doi:10.1109/CLEOE-EQEC.2019.8872484
Conference publication. View online. - Gongora, J. S. T., Peters, L., Tunesi, J., Clerici, M., Pasquazi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2019). Two-colour surface optical rectification: Route to all-optical control of terahertz emission from quasi-2D structures. In 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019. doi:10.1109/CLEOE-EQEC.2019.8873183
Conference publication. View online. - Rowley, M., Wetzel, B., Di Lauro, L., Gongora, J. S. T., Bao, H., Silver, J., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2019). Thermo-optical pulsing in a resonator-based laser. In 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019. doi:10.1109/CLEOE-EQEC.2019.8873107
Conference publication. View online. - Bao, H., Gongora, J. S. T., Rowley, M., Chu, S. T., Little, B. E., Morandotti, R., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2019). Self-healing dynamically controllable micro-comb. In 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019. doi:10.1109/CLEOE-EQEC.2019.8872905
Conference publication. View online. - Olivieri, L., Gongora, J. S. T., Cecconi, V., Tucker, R., Pasquazi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2019). Hyperspectral single-pixel reconstruction at THz frequencies using time-resolved nonlinear ghost imaging. In 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019. doi:10.1109/CLEOE-EQEC.2019.8872439
Conference publication. View online. - Clerici, M., Bruhács, A., Faccio, D., Peccianti, M., Spanner, M., Markov, A., . . . Morandotti, R. (2019). Terahertz control of air lasing. Physical Review A (PRA), 99(5), pages. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.99.053802
Article. View on figshare. - Rowley, M., Wetzel, B., Di Lauro, L., Gongora, J. S. T., Bao, H., Silver, J., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2019). Thermo-optical pulsing in a microresonator filtered fiber-laser: a route towards all-optical control and synchronization. doi:10.48550/arxiv.1903.09095
Preprint. View online. - Bao, H., Cooper, A., Rowley, M., Lauro, L. D., Gongora, J. S. T., Chu, S. T., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2019). Laser cavity-soliton microcombs. Nature Photonics, 13, 384-389. doi:10.1038/s41566-019-0379-5
Article. View on figshare. - Olivieri, L., Gongora, J. S. T., Pasquazi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2019). Time-resolved nonlinear ghost imaging: route to hyperspectral single-pixel reconstruction of complex samples at THz frequencies. In Nonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials and Devices XVIII Vol. 10902 (pp. 142-148). San Francisco, California, United States: SPIE. doi:10.1117/12.2508661
Conference publication. View on figshare. - Missori, M., Pawcenis, D., Bagniuk, J., Conte, A. M., Violante, C., Maggio, M. S., . . . Łojewska, J. (2019). Corrigendum to “Quantitative diagnostics of ancient paper using THz time-domain spectroscopy” (Microchemical Journal (2018) 142 (54–61), (S0026265X17308391) (10.1016/j.microc.2018.06.010)). Microchemical Journal, 145, 1241. doi:10.1016/j.microc.2019.01.027
Article. View online. - Bao, H., Cooper, A., Rowley, M., Di Lauro, L., Gongora, J. S. T., Chu, S. T., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2019). Laser Cavity-Soliton Micro-Combs. doi:10.48550/arxiv.1902.09930
Preprint. View online. - Totero Gongora, J. S., Peters, L., Tunesi, J., Clerici, M., Pasquazi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2019). Two-colour surface optical rectification: Route to all-optical control of terahertz emission from quasi-2D structures. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers Vol. Part F140-CLEO_Europe 2019.
Conference publication. - Bao, H., Cooper, A., Rowley, M., Di Lauro, L., Gongora, J. S. T., Chu, S. T., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2019). Observation of laser-cavity solitons in micro-resonators. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers Vol. Part F143-EQEC 2019.
Conference publication. - Bao, H., Gongora, J. S. T., Rowley, M., Chu, S. T., Little, B. E., Morandotti, R., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2019). Self-healing dynamically controllable micro-comb. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers Vol. Part F140-CLEO_Europe 2019.
Conference publication. - Rowley, M., Wetzel, B., Lauro, L. D., Gongora, J. S. T., Bao, H., Silver, J., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2019). Thermo-optical pulsing in a resonator-based laser. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers Vol. Part F140-CLEO_Europe 2019.
Conference publication. - Wetzel, B., Kues, M., Roztocki, P., Reimer, C., Godin, P. L., Rowley, M., . . . Morandotti, R. (2019). Customizing supercontinuum generation via adaptive on-chip pulse splitting. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers Vol. Part F140-CLEO_Europe 2019.
Conference publication. - Olivieri, L., Totero Gongora, J. S., Cecconi, V., Tucker, R., Pasquazi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2019). Hyperspectral single-pixel reconstruction at THz frequencies using time-resolved nonlinear ghost imaging. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers Vol. Part F140-CLEO_Europe 2019.
Conference publication. - Peters, L., Tunesi, J., Ogilvie, S., Totero Gongora, J. S., Large, M., Pasquazi, A., . . . Peccianti, M. (2019). Surface-field terahertz emission enhancement via 2D-materials. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers Vol. Part F140-CLEO_Europe 2019.
Conference publication. - Bao, H., Totero Gongora, J. S., Rowley, M., Olivieri, L., Chu, S. T., Little, B. E., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2019). Self-healing micro-comb. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers Vol. Part F131-IPRSN 2019.
Conference publication. - Bao, H., Cooper, A., Rowley, M., Di Lauro, L., Gongora, J. S. T., Chu, S. T., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2019). Laser cavity-solitons in micro-resonators. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers Vol. Part F131-IPRSN 2019.
Conference publication. - Missori, M., Bagniuk, J., Clerici, M., Lojewska, J., Misiti, M. C., Peters, L., . . . Peccianti, M. (2019). Terahertz waves for ancient manuscripts conservation. In Proceedings 2015 European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2015.
Conference publication. - Peters, L., Tunesi, J., Ogilvie, S., Gongora, J. S. T., Large, M., Pasquazi, A., . . . Peccianti, M. (2019). Surface Terahertz Emission from 2D-flakes micro-junctions. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers Vol. Part F135-NOMA 2019. doi:10.1364/NOMA.2019.NoTh3B.5
Conference publication. View online. - Totero Gongora, J. S., Peters, L., Tunesi, J., Clerici, M., Pasquazi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2019). Two-colour terahertz generation from a quasi-2D system. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers Vol. Part F131-IPRSN 2019.
Conference publication. - Rowley, M., Wetzel, B., Di Lauro, L., Totero Gongora, J. S., Bao, H., Silver, J., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2019). Thermo-optical pulsing in a microresonator filtered fiber-laser. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers Vol. Part F131-IPRSN 2019.
Conference publication. - Tunesi, J., Peters, L., Gongora, J. S. T., Pasquazi, A., Fratalocchi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2019). Terahertz Time-Dependent Random Metamaterials. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers Vol. Part F135-NOMA 2019. doi:10.1364/NOMA.2019.NoTh3B.3
Conference publication. View online. - Clerici, M., Ho, S. P., Mazhorova, A., Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Razzari, L., . . . Morandotti, R. (2019). Micro-slit assisted coherent broadband terahertz detection. In Proceedings 2015 European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2015.
Conference publication.
- Bao, H., Cooper, A., Di Lauro, L., Rowley, M., Wetzel, B., Chu, S. T., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2018). Robust controllable FD-FWM based Micro-combs. In Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, ACP Vol. 2018-October. doi:10.1109/ACP.2018.8595849
Conference publication. View online. - Wetzel, B., Kues, M., Roztocki, P., Reimer, C., Godin, P. -L., Rowley, M., . . . Morandotti, R. (2018). Customizing supercontinuum generation via on-chip adaptive temporal pulse-splitting. Nature Communications, 9(1), 4884 1-10. doi:10.1038/s41467-018-07141-w
Article. View on figshare. - Tomasino, A., Piccoli, R., Jestin, Y., Delprat, S., Chaker, M., Peccianti, M., . . . Morandotti, R. (2018). Ultra-broadband terahertz coherent detection via a silicon nitride-based deep sub-wavelength metallic slit. APL Photonics, 3(11), 110805 ( pages). doi:10.1063/1.5052628
Article. View on figshare. - Tomasino, A., Piccoli, R., Jestin, Y., Busacca, A., Delprat, S., Chaker, M., . . . Morandotti, R. (2018). Silicon nitride-based deep sub-λ slit for ultra-broadband THz coherent detection. In 2018 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2018 - Proceedings.
Conference publication. - Zografopoulos, D. C., Prokopidis, K. P., Ferraro, A., Peters, L., Peccianti, M., & Beccherelli, R. (2018). Numerical and experimental time-domain characterization of terahertz conducting polymers. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 30(17), 1579-1582. doi:10.1109/LPT.2018.2862148
Article. View on figshare. - Olivieri, L., Gongora, J. S. T., Pasquazi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2018). Time-resolved nonlinear ghost imaging. ACS Photonics, 5(8), 3379-3388. doi:10.1021/acsphotonics.8b00653
Article. View on figshare. - Missori, M., Pawcenis, D., Bagniuk, J., Conte, A. M., Violante, C., Maggio, M. S., . . . Lojewskab, J. (2018). Quantitative diagnostics of ancient paper using THz time-domain spectroscopy. Microchemical Journal, 142, 54-61. doi:10.1016/j.microc.2018.06.010
Article. View on figshare. - Bao, H., Cooper, A., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., Morandotti, R., Little, B. E., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2018). Type-II micro-comb generation in a filter-driven four wave mixing laser [Invited]. Photonics Research, 6(5), pages. doi:10.1364/PRJ.6.000B67
Article. View on figshare. - Peters, L., Tunesi, J., Pasquazi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2018). High-energy terahertz surface optical rectification. Nano Energy, 46, 128-132. doi:10.1016/j.nanoen.2018.01.027
Article. View on figshare. - Tomasino, A., Piccoli, R., Jestin, Y., Busacca, A., Delprat, S., Chaker, M., . . . Morandotti, R. (2018). Silicon nitride-based deep sub-λ slit for ultra-broadband THz coherent detection. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers Vol. Part F93-CLEO_QELS 2018. doi:10.1364/CLEO_QELS.2018.FF1E.1
Conference publication. View online. - Peters., Gongora, J. S. T., Tunesi, J., Pasquazi, A., Fratalocchi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2018). Photo-induced THz Plasmonics in Black Silicon. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers Vol. Part F101-IPRSN 2018. doi:10.1364/IPRSN.2018.IW4B.4
Conference publication. View online. - Peters, L., Tunesi, J., Pasquazi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2018). Nonlinear surface THz-optical mechanism at extreme excitations. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers Vol. Part F108-NP 2018. doi:10.1364/NP.2018.NpM4I.6
Conference publication. View online.
- Bao, H., Cooper, A., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., Morandotti, R., Little, B. E., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2017). Novel frontiers in the stabilization of FD-FWM microcombs. In ICOCN 2017 - 16th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks Vol. 2017-January (pp. 1-3). doi:10.1109/ICOCN.2017.8121593
Conference publication. View online. - Ferrera, M., Duchesne, D., Razzari, L., Peccianti, M., Morandotti, R., Cheben, P., . . . Moss, D. J. (2017). Ultra-low power nonlinear optics in a high Q CMOS compatible integrated micro-ring resonator. doi:10.48550/arxiv.1711.04400
Preprint. View online. - Tomasino, A., Mazhorova, A., Clerici, M., Peccianti, M., Ho, S. -P., Jestin, Y., . . . Morandotti, R. (2017). Solid-state-biased coherent detection of ultra-broadband terahertz pulses. Optica, 4(11), 1358-1362. doi:10.1364/OPTICA.4.001358
Article. View on figshare. - Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Razzari, L., Moss, D. J., Coen, S., Erkintalo, M., . . . Morandotti, R. (2018). Micro-combs: a novel generation of optical sources. Physics Reports, 729(2018), 1-81. doi:10.1016/j.physrep.2017.08.004
Article. View on figshare. - Caspani, L., Reimer, C., Kues, M., Roztocki, P., Clerici, M., Wetzel, B., . . . Morandotti, R. (2017). Towards On-Chip Integrated Optical Quantum Frequency Combs. doi:10.48550/arxiv.1710.00500
Preprint. View online. - Peters, L., Tunesi, J., Pasquazi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2017). Optical pump rectification emission: route to terahertz free-standing surface potential diagnostics. Scientific Reports, 7, pages. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-08734-z
Article. View on figshare. - Lauro, L. D., Li, J., Moss, D. J., Morandotti, R., Chu, S. T., Peccianti, M., & Pasquazi, A. (2017). Parametric control of thermal self-pulsation in micro-cavities. Optics Letters, 42(17), 3407-3410. doi:10.1364/OL.42.003407
Article. View on figshare. - Peccianti, M., Fastampa, R., Conte, A. M., Pulci, O., Violante, C., Lojewska, J., . . . Missori, M. (2017). Terahertz absorption by cellulose: Application to ancient paper artifacts. Physical Review Applied, 7(6), 064019 ( pages). doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.7.064019
Article. View on figshare. - Cooper, A., Bao, H., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., Morandotti, R., Little, B. E., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2017). Type II microcomb generation in a filter-driven four wave mixing laser. In 2017 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC) (pp. 1). IEEE. doi:10.1109/cleoe-eqec.2017.8086467
Conference publication. View online. - Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Lamont, M., Morandotti, R., Little, B. E., Chu, S., & Moss, D. J. (2017). Parametric gain and wavelength conversion via third order nonlinear optics a CMOS compatible waveguide. doi:10.48550/arxiv.1705.10423
Preprint. View online. - Struszewski, P., Bieler, M., Humphreys, D., Bao, H., Peccianti, M., & Pasquazi, A. (2017). Characterization of high-speed balanced photodetectors. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 66(6), 1613-1620. doi:10.1109/TIM.2016.2647519
Article. View on figshare. - Tomasino, A., Mazhorova, A., Clerici, M., Peccianti, M., Ho, S. P., Jestin, Y., . . . Morandotti, R. (2017). Affordable, ultra-broadband coherent detection of terahertz pulses via CMOS-compatible solid-state devices. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers Vol. Part F42-CLEO_QELS 2017. doi:10.1364/CLEO_QELS.2017.FW1H.7
Conference publication. View online. - Peters, L., Tunesi, J., Pasquazi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2017). Optical pump rectification emission: Terahertz surface state diagnostics. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers Vol. Part F52-IPRSN 2017. doi:10.1364/IPRSN.2017.ITh2C.3
Conference publication. View online. - Cooper, A., Bao, H., Rowley, M., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., Morandotti, R., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2017). Frequency comb assisted characterisation of a filter-driven four wave mixing laser. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers Vol. Part F82-CLEO_Europe 2017.
Conference publication. - Peters, L., Tunesi, J., Pasquazi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2017). Mapping of surface field via nonlinear optical pump rectification emission. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers Vol. Part F82-CLEO_Europe 2017.
Conference publication. - Bao, H., Cooper, A., Lauro, L. D., Rowley, M., Chu, S. T., Little, B. E., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2017). Repetition rate controllable filter-driven four wave mixing laser. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers Vol. Part F82-CLEO_Europe 2017.
Conference publication. - Lauro, L. D., Jin, L., Moss, D. J., Morandotti, R., Chu, S. T., Peccianti, M., & Pasquazi, A. (2017). Thermal instability control by four wave mixing in optical microcavities. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers Vol. Part F81-EQEC 2017.
Conference publication. - Bao, H., Cooper, A., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., Morandotti, R., Little, B. E., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2017). Type II micro-comb based on a filter-driven four wave mixing laser. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers Vol. Part F52-IPRSN 2017. doi:10.1364/IPRSN.2017.IM4A.4
Conference publication. View online. - di Lauro, L., Jin, L., Moss, D. J., Morandotti, R., Chu, S. T., Peccianti, M., & Pasquazi, A. (2017). Dynamically unstable regimes and chaos control through four wave mixing in ring microresonators. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers Vol. Part F52-IPRSN 2017. doi:10.1364/IPRSN.2017.ITh1B.2
Conference publication. View online. - Cooper, A., Bao, H., Di Lauro, L., Rowley, M., Chu, S. T., Little, B. E., . . . Pasquazi, A. (2017). Filter-driven four wave mixing laser with a controllable repetition rate. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers Vol. Part F52-IPRSN 2017. doi:10.1364/IPRSN.2017.IM4A.2
Conference publication. View online. - Peters, L., Totero Gongora, J. S., Tunesi, J., Pasquazi, A., Fratalocchi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2017). Route to photo-enabled random terahertz metasurfaces. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers Vol. Part F52-IPRSN 2017. doi:10.1364/IPRSN.2017.IM2A.5
Conference publication. View online.
- Mazhorova, A., Clerici, M., Peccianti, M., Ho, S. P., Razzari, L., Jestin, Y., . . . Morandotti, R. (2016). Asymmetric dual-grating micro-slit configuration for broadband solid state coherent detection of THz pulses. In 2016 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2016. doi:10.1364/cleo_si.2016.sm1e.4
Conference publication. View online. - Ferraro, A., Zografopoulos, D. C., Missori, M., Peccianti, M., Caputo, R., & Beccherelli, R. (2016). Terahertz polarizer on flexible and conformai substrate. In International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz Vol. 2016-November. doi:10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2016.7758661
Conference publication. View online. - Jin, L., Pasquazi, A., Di Lauro, L., Peccianti, M., Pun, E. Y. B., Moss, D. J., . . . Chu, S. T. (2016). Demonstration of bi- and multi-stability in a high order ring resonator. In 2016 21st OptoElectronics and Communications Conference, OECC 2016 - Held Jointly with 2016 International Conference on Photonics in Switching, PS 2016.
Conference publication. - Caspani, L., Reimer, C., Kues, M., Roztocki, P., Clerici, M., Wetzel, B., . . . Morandotti, R. (2016). Multifrequency sources of quantum correlated photon pairs on-chip: a path toward integrated Quantum Frequency Combs. Nanophotonics, 5(2), 351-362. doi:10.1515/nanoph-2016-0029
Article. View on figshare. - Stuhler, J., Shields, A. J., Bongs, K., Boyer, V., Cruise, M. A., Freise, A., . . . John, P. (2016). The UK National Quantum Technologies Hub in sensors and metrology (Keynote Paper). In Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers: Quantum Optics Vol. 9900 (pp. 990009 ( pages)). Brussels, Belgium: Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers. doi:10.1117/12.2232143
Conference publication. View on figshare. - Ferraro, A., Zografopulos, D. C., Missori, M., Peccianti, M., Caputo, R., & Beccherelli, R. (2016). Flexible terahertz wire grid polarizer with high extinction ratio and low loss. Optics Letters, 41(9), 2009-2012. doi:10.1364/OL.41.002009
Article. View on figshare. - Jin, L., Pasquazi, A., Di Lauro, L., Peccianti, M., Little, B. E., Moss, D. J., . . . Chu, S. T. (2016). Four wave mixing in 5<sup>th</sup> order cascaded CMOS compatible ring resonators. In 2015 11th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, CLEO-PR 2015 Vol. 1. doi:10.1109/CLEOPR.2015.7375830
Conference publication. View online. - Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2016). Novel ultrafast sources on chip: Filter driven four wave mixing lasers, from high repetition rate to burst mode operation. In Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Vol. 9727. doi:10.1117/12.2211071
Conference publication. View online. - Nguyen, T. G., Shoeiby, M., Ferrera, M., Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Chu, S. T., . . . Moss, D. J. (2016). Microwave and RF applications for micro-resonator based frequency combs. In Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Vol. 9750. doi:10.1117/12.2218883
Conference publication. View online. - Mazhorova, A., Clerici, M., Peccianti, M., Ho, S. P., Razzari, L., Jestin, Y., . . . Morandotti, R. (2016). Asymmetric Dual-Grating Micro-Slit Configuration for Broadband Solid State Coherent Detection of THz Pulses. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication.
- Nguyen, T. G., Shoeiby, M., Ferrera, M., Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Chu, S. T., . . . Moss, D. J. (2015). Microwave and RF Applications for Micro-resonator based Frequency Combs. doi:10.48550/arxiv.1512.06301
Preprint. View online. - Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Moss, D. J., Chu, S. T., Little, B. E., & Morandotti, R. (2016). Harmonic laser mode-locking based on nonlinear microresonators. In Nonlinear optical cavity dynamics: from microresonators to fiber lasers (pp. 213-230). Wiley. doi:10.1002/9783527686476.ch9
Chapter. View on figshare. - Jin, L., Pasquazi, A., Di Lauro, L., Peccianti, M., Little, B. E., Moss, D. J., . . . Chu, S. T. (2015). Four wave mixing in a CMOS compatible 5<sup>th</sup> order cascaded ring resonators. In Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, ACPC 2015.
Conference publication. - Jin, L., Pasquazi, A., Di Lauro, L., Peccianti, M., Little, B. E., Moss, D. J., . . . Chu, S. T. (2015). Four wave mixing in a CMOS compatible 5<sup>th</sup> order cascaded ring resonators. In Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, ACPC 2015. doi:10.1364/acpc.2015.asu4a.5
Conference publication. View online. - Roztocki, P., Kues, M., Reimer, C., Razzari, L., Morandotti, R., Caspani, L., . . . Moss, D. J. (2015). Quantum photonic circuits for optical signal processing. In 2015 Spatiotemporal Complexity in Nonlinear Optics, SCNO 2015. doi:10.1109/SCNO.2015.7324001
Conference publication. View online. - Mazhorova, A., Ho, S. P., Clerici, M., Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Razzari, L., . . . Morandotti, R. (2015). Micro-Slit Based Coherent Detection of Terahertz Pulses in Biased, Solid State Media. In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband, ICUWB 2015. doi:10.1109/ICUWB.2015.7324473
Conference publication. View online. - Reimer, C., Kues, M., Caspani, L., Wetzel, B., Roztocki, P., Clerici, M., . . . Morandotti, R. (2015). Cross-polarized photon-pair generation and bi-chromatically pumped optical parametric oscillation on a chip. Nature Communications, 6(1), pages. doi:10.1038/ncomms9236
Article. View on figshare. - Phing, S. H., Mazhorova, A., Shalaby, M., Peccianti, M., Clerici, M., Pasquazi, A., . . . Morandotti, R. (2015). Sub-wavelength terahertz beam profiling of a THz source via an all-optical knife-edge technique. Scientific Reports, 5(1), pages. doi:10.1038/srep08551
Article. View on figshare. - Ho, S. P., Mazhorova, A., Shalaby, M., Peccianti, M., Clerici, M., Pasquazi, A., . . . Morandotti, R. (2015). Sub-wavelength terahertz beam profiling of a THz source via an all-optical knife-edge technique. doi:10.48550/arxiv.1502.03873
Preprint. View online. - Shalaby, M., Peccianti, M., Cooke, D. G., Hauri, C. P., & Morandotti, R. (2015). Temporal and spectral shaping of broadband terahertz pulses in a photoexcited semiconductor. Applied Physics Letters, 106(5), 1110 ( pages). doi:10.1063/1.4907635
Article. View on figshare. - Caspani, L., Reimer, C., Clerici, M., Ferrera, M., Kues, M., Peccianti, M., . . . Morandotti, R. (2015). Wavelength-multiplexed heralded single photon source on a chip. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Caspani, L., Reimer, C., Kues, M., Wetzel, B., Roztocki, P., Clerici, M., . . . Morandotti, R. (2015). Direct generation of cross-polarized photons on a chip. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Reimer, C., Kues, M., Caspani, L., Wetzel, B., Roztocki, P., Clerici, M., . . . Morandotti, R. (2015). Integrated bi-chromatically pumped optical parametric oscillator for orthogonally polarized photon pair generation. In Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics, IPRSN 2015 (pp. 371p). doi:10.1364/iprsn.2015.is3a.5
Conference publication. View online. - Jin, L., Pasquazi, A., Di Lauro, L., Peccianti, M., Little, B. E., Moss, D. J., . . . Chu, S. T. (2015). Four wave mixing in 5<sup>th</sup> order cascaded CMOS compatible ring resonators. In Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics, IPRSN 2015 (pp. 371p). doi:10.1364/iprsn.2015.it3b.1
Conference publication. View online. - Jin, L., Pasquazi, A., Tsang, K. S., Ho, V., Peccianti, M., Cooper, A., . . . Chu, S. T. (2015). Burst-mode operation of a 655GHz mode locked laser based on an 11-th order microring resonator. In Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics, IPRSN 2015 (pp. 371p). doi:10.1364/iprsn.2015.it2b.3
Conference publication. View online. - Mazhorova, A., Mridha, M. K., Daneau, M., Clerici, M., Peccianti, M., Lavertu, P. L., . . . Morandotti, R. (2015). Low dispersion propagation of broad-band THz pulses in a two-wire waveguide. In Nano-Structures for Optics and Photonics: Optical Strategies for Enhancing Sensing, Imaging, Communication and Energy Conversion (pp. 533-535). doi:10.1007/978-94-017-9133-5_57
Chapter. View online. - Mazhorova, A., Mridha, M. K., Daneau, M., Clerici, M., Peccianti, M., Lavertu, P. L., . . . Morandotti, R. (2015). Low dispersion propagation of broad-band THz pulses in a two-wire waveguide. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics, 68, 533-535. doi:10.1007/978-94-017-9133-5__57
Article. View online. - Clerici, M., Ho, S. P., Mazhorova, A., Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Razzari, L., . . . Morandotti, R. (2015). Micro-slit assisted coherent broadband terahertz detection. In Proceedings 2015 European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2015.
Conference publication. - Missori, M., Bagniuk, J., Clerici, M., Lojewska, J., Misiti, M. C., Peters, L., . . . Peccianti, M. (2015). Terahertz waves for ancient manuscripts conservation. In Proceedings 2015 European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2015.
Conference publication. - Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Clerici, M., Conti, C., & Morandotti, R. (2015). Collapse arrest in instantaneous kerr media via parametric interactions. In Proceedings 2015 European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2015.
Conference publication. - Caspani, L., Reimer, C., Clerici, M., Ferrera, M., Kues, M., Peccianti, M., . . . Morandotti, R. (2015). Wavelength-multiplexed heralded single photon source on a chip. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Caspani, L., Reimer, C., Kues, M., Wetzel, B., Roztocki, P., Clerici, M., . . . Morandotti, R. (2015). Direct generation of cross-polarized photons on a chip. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Clerici, M., Ho, S. P., Mazhorova, A., Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Razzari, L., . . . Morandotti, R. (2015). Micro-slit assisted coherent broadband terahertz detection. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Missori, M., Bagniuk, J., Clerici, M., Lojewska, J., Misiti, M. C., Peters, L., . . . Peccianti, M. (2015). Terahertz waves for ancient manuscripts conservation. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Clerici, M., Conti, C., & Morandotti, R. (2015). Collapse arrest in instantaneous kerr media via parametric interactions. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Li, J., Pasquazi, A., Tsang, K. S., Ho, V., Peccianti, M., Cooper, A., . . . Chu, S. T. (2015). Burst-mode operation of a 655ghz mode locked laser based on an 11th order microring resonator. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication.
- Shalaby, M., Peccianti, M., Ozturk, Y., Al-Naib, I., Hauri, C. P., & Morandotti, R. (2014). Terahertz magnetic modulator based on magnetically clustered nanoparticles. Applied Physics Letters, 106(15), pages. doi:10.1063/1.4898095
Article. View on figshare. - Reimer, C., Caspani, L., Jestin, Y., Clerici, M., Ferrera, M., Peccianti, M., . . . Morandotti, R. (2014). Direct generation of orthogonally polarized photon pairs via spontaneous non-degenerate FWM on a chip. In Frontiers in Optics, FiO 2014. doi:10.1364/fio.2014.ftu2a.2
Conference publication. View online. - Ferrera, M., Reimer, C., Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Clerici, M., Caspani, L., . . . Moss, D. J. (2014). Terahertz bandwidth integrated radio frequency spectrum analyzer via nonlinear optics. doi:10.48550/arxiv.1410.1146
Preprint. View online. - Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Clerici, M., Conti, C., & Morandotti, R. (2014). Collapse arrest in instantaneous Kerr media via parametric interactions. Physical Review Letters (PRL), 113(13), 1-5. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.133901
Article. View on figshare. - Shalaby, M., Peccianti, M., Cooke, D. G., Hauri, C. P., & Morandotti, R. (2014). Temporal and Spectral Shaping of Broadband THz Pulses in a Photoexcited Semiconductor. doi:10.48550/arxiv.1409.6148
Preprint. View online. - Shalaby, M., Peccianti, M., Ozturk, Y., Al-Naib, I., Hauri, C. P., & Morandotti, R. (2014). Terahertz Magnetic Modulator based on Magnetically-Clustered Nanoparticles. doi:10.48550/arxiv.1409.4963
Preprint. View online. - Mridha, M. K., Mazhorova, A., Clerici, M., Al-Naib, I., Daneau, M., Ropagnol, X., . . . Morandotti, R. (2014). Active terahertz two-wire waveguides. Optics Express, 22(19), 22340-22348. doi:10.1364/OE.22.022340
Article. View on figshare. - Tomasino, A., Buccheri, F., Stivala, S., Busacca, A. C., Peccianti, M., & Morandotti, R. (2014). A wideband THz Time Domain Spectroscopy table-top system based on ultrafast pulsed laser: model and experiments. In Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz), 2014 39th International Conference on. Tucson, AZ. doi:10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2014.6956372
Presentation. View on figshare. - Ferrera, M., Reimer, C., Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Clerici, M., Caspani, L., . . . Moss, D. J. (2014). CMOS compatible integrated all-optical radio frequency spectrum analyzer. Optics Express, 22(18), 21488-21498. doi:10.1364/OE.22.021488
Article. View on figshare. - Clerici, M., Mazhorova, A., Ho, S. P., Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Razzari, L., . . . Morandotti, R. (2014). On chip broadband terahertz detection via four-wave mixing in electrically biased silica micro-slits. In Nonlinear Photonics, NP 2014. doi:10.1364/np.2014.ntu4a.3
Conference publication. View online. - Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Clerici, M., Conti, C., & Morandotti, R. (2014). Collapse arrest in instantaneous kerr media via parametric interactions. In Nonlinear Photonics, NP 2014.
Conference publication. - Reimer, C., Caspani, L., Jestin, Y., Clerici, M., Ferrera, M., Razzari, L., . . . Morandotti, R. (2014). Direct generation of orthogonally polarized photon pairs on a chip via spontaneous non-degenerate FWM. In Nonlinear Photonics, NP 2014. doi:10.1364/np.2014.ntu4a.2
Conference publication. View online. - Missori, M., Bagniuk, J., Clerici, M., Lojewska, J., Misiti, M. C., Peters, L., . . . Peccianti, M. (2014). Terahertz waves for ancient manuscripts conservation. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Clerici, M., Ho, S. P., Mazhorova, A., Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Razzari, L., . . . Morandotti, R. (2014). Micro-slit assisted coherent broadband terahertz detection. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Clerici, M., Conti, C., & Morandotti, R. (2014). Collapse arrest in instantaneous kerr media via parametric interactions. In Nonlinear Photonics, NP 2014. doi:10.1364/np.2014.nw4a.3
Conference publication. View online. - Li, J., Pasquazi, A., Tsang, K. S., Ho, V., Peccianti, M., Cooper, A., . . . Chu, S. T. (2014). Burst-mode operation of a 655ghz mode locked laser based on an 11th order microring resonator. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Clerici, M., Mazhorova, A., Ho, S. P., Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Razzari, L., . . . Morandotti, R. (2014). On chip broadband terahertz detection via four-wave mixing in electrically biased silica micro-slits. In Nonlinear Photonics, NP 2014. doi:10.1364/np.2014.ntu4a.3
Conference publication. View online. - Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Clerici, M., Conti, C., & Morandotti, R. (2014). Collapse arrest in instantaneous kerr media via parametric interactions. In Nonlinear Photonics, NP 2014. doi:10.1364/np.2014.nw4a.3
Conference publication. View online. - Reimer, C., Caspani, L., Jestin, Y., Clerici, M., Ferrera, M., Razzari, L., . . . Morandotti, R. (2014). Direct generation of orthogonally polarized photon pairs on a chip via spontaneous non-degenerate FWM. In Nonlinear Photonics, NP 2014. doi:10.1364/np.2014.ntu4a.2
Conference publication. View online. - Mazhorova, A. V., Ho, S. P., Clerici, M., Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Razzari, L., . . . Morandotti, R. (2014). Terahertz field induced second harmonic coherent detection scheme based on a biased nonlinear micro-slit. In CLEO: Science and Innovations. doi:10.1364/CLEO_SI.2014.STu1F.1
Presentation. View on figshare. - Ho, S. P., Mazhorova, A., Shalaby, M., Peccianti, M., Clerici, M., Pasquazi, A., . . . Morandotti, R. (2014). Rectangular-shaped sub-wavelength terahertz beam profiling via an all-optical knife-edge technique. Poster session presented at the meeting of CLEO: QELS\_Fundamental Science.
Poster. View on figshare. - Mridha, M. K., Mazhorova, A., Clerici, M., Al-Naib, I., Daneau, M., Peccianti, M., . . . Vidal, F. (2014). Active terahertz two-wire waveguides. Poster session presented at the meeting of CLEO: QELS\_Fundamental Science.
Poster. View on figshare. - Caspani, L., Reimer, C., Clerici, M., Ferrera, M., Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., . . . Morandotti, R. (2014). Integrated source of multiplexed photon pairs. In CLEO: QELS\_Fundamental Science. doi:10.1364/CLEO_QELS.2014.FW3A.7
Presentation. View on figshare. - Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2014). Ultra-pure RF tone from a micro-ring resonator based optical frequency comb source. doi:10.48550/arxiv.1405.1101
Preprint. View online. - Pasquazi, A., Caspani, L., Peccianti, M., Clerici, M., Ferrera, M., Razzari, L., . . . Morandotti, R. (2014). Novel architecture for ultra-stable micro-ring resonator based optical frequency combs. doi:10.48550/arxiv.1405.1103
Preprint. View online. - Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Azana, J., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2014). Novel extraction algorithm for amplitude and phase measurement of ultrashort optical pulses via spectral phase interferometry. doi:10.48550/arxiv.1405.1104
Preprint. View online. - Shalaby, M., Fabianska, J., Peccianti, M., Ozturk, Y., Vidal, F., Sigg, H., . . . Feurer, T. (2014). Skirting terahertz waves in a photo-excited nanoslit structure. Applied Physics Letters, 104, 171115-1. doi:10.1063/1.4871305
Article. View on figshare. - Caspani, L., Duchesne, D., Dolgaleva, K., Wagner, S., Ferrera, M., Razzari, L., . . . Morandotti, R. (2014). Photonic Integrated Devices for Nonlinear Optics. doi:10.48550/arxiv.1405.0341
Preprint. View online. - Moss, D. J., Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Razzari, L., Duchesne, D., Ferrera, M., . . . Morandotti, R. (2014). Hydex waveguides for nonlinear optics. doi:10.48550/arxiv.1404.7619
Preprint. View online. - Moss, D. J., Jackson, S. D., Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., & Morandotti, R. (2014). Hydex Glass: a New CMOS Compatible Platform for All-Optical Photonic Chips. doi:10.48550/arxiv.1404.5610
Preprint. View online. - Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Park, Y., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2014). Ultrafast modelocked nonlinear micro-cavity laser. doi:10.48550/arxiv.1404.5361
Preprint. View online. - Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Park, Y., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Morandotti, R., . . . Moss, D. J. (2014). Phase-sensitive optical pulse characterization on a chip via Spectral Phase Interferometry for Direct Electric-Field Reconstruction (SPIDER). doi:10.48550/arxiv.1404.5364
Preprint. View online. - Shalaby, M., Fabiańska, J., Peccianti, M., Ozturk, Y., Vidal, F., Sigg, H., . . . Feurer, T. (2014). Skirting Terahertz Waves in a Photo-excited Nanoslit Structure. doi:10.48550/arxiv.1404.0393
Preprint. View online. - Reimer, C., Caspani, L., Clerici, M., Ferrera, M., Kues, M., Peccianti, M., . . . Morandotti, R. (2014). CMOS-compatible, multiplexed source of heralded photon pairs: towards integrated quantum combs. doi:10.48550/arxiv.1403.6180
Preprint. View online. - Reimer, C., Caspani, L., Clerici, M., Ferrera, M., Kues, M., Peccianti, M., . . . Morandotti, R. (2014). Integrated frequency comb source of heralded single photons. Optics express, 22(6), 6535-6546. doi:10.1364/OE.22.006535
Article. View on figshare. - Reimer, C., Caspani, L., Clerici, M., Ferrera, M., Kues, M., Peccianti, M., . . . Morandotti, R. (2014). Integrated source of multiplexed heralded photons. In Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series, 2014 IEEE. Montreal, QC. doi:10.1109/SUM.2014.80
Presentation. View on figshare. - Ferrera, M., Reimer, C., Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Clerici, M., Caspani, L., . . . Moss, D. J. (2014). Characterization of ultra-high repetition rate mode-locked lasers with an integrated all-optical RF spectrum analyzer. In CLEO: Science and Innovations. doi:10.1364/CLEO_SI.2014.SF2E.8
Presentation. View on figshare. - Reimer, C., Caspani, L., Jestin, Y., Clerici, M., Ferrera, M., Peccianti, M., . . . Morandotti, R. (2014). Direct generation of orthogonally polarized photon pairs on a chip via spontaneous non-degenerate FWM. In CLEO: QELS\_Fundamental Science. doi:10.1364/CLEO_QELS.2014.FF1D.2
Presentation. View on figshare. - Caspani, L., Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Reimer, C., Clerici, M., Ferrera, M., . . . Morandotti, R. (2014). CMOS compatible nonlinear optics based on Hydex. In 2014 OptoElectronics and Communication Conference, OECC 2014 and Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology, ACOFT 2014 (pp. 398-400).
Conference publication. - Jin, L., Pasquazi, A., Tsang, K. S., Ho, V., Peccianti, M., Caspani, L., . . . Chu, S. T. (2014). Burst-mode operation of a 650GHz mode locked laser based on a high order microring resonator. In 2014 OptoElectronics and Communication Conference, OECC 2014 and Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology, ACOFT 2014 (pp. 70-72).
Conference publication. - Ferrera, M., Reimer, C., Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Clerici, M., Caspani, L., . . . Moss, D. J. (2014). Characterization of ultra-high repetition rate mode-locked lasers with an integrated all-optical RF spectrum analyzer. In Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest Vol. 2014-January.
Conference publication. - Ho, S. P., Mazhorova, A., Shalaby, M., Peccianti, M., Clerici, M., Pasquazi, A., . . . Morandotti, R. (2014). Rectangular-shaped sub-wavelength terahertz beam profiling via an all-optical knife-edge technique. In Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest Vol. 2014-January.
Conference publication. - Mridha, M. K., Mazhorova, A., Clerici, M., Al-Naib, I., Daneau, M., Ropagnol, X., . . . Morandotti, R. (2014). Active terahertz two-wire waveguides. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Mridha, M. K., Mazhorova, A., Clerici, M., Al-Naib, I., Daneau, M., Ropagnol, X., . . . Morandotti, R. (2014). Active terahertz two-wire waveguides. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Caspani, L., Reimer, C., Clerici, M., Ferrera, M., Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., . . . Morandotti, R. (2014). Integrated source of multiplexed photon pairs. In Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest Vol. 2014-January.
Conference publication. - Mazhorova, A., Ho, S. P., Clerici, M., Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Razzari, L., . . . Morandotti, R. (2014). Terahertz field induced second harmonic coherent detection scheme based on a biased nonlinear micro-slit. In Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest Vol. 2014-January.
Conference publication. - Reimer, C., Caspani, L., Jestin, Y., Clerici, M., Ferrera, M., Peccianti, M., . . . Morandotti, R. (2014). Orthogonally polarized correlated photon pair generation on a chip via self-pumped spontaneous non-degenerate FWM. In Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest Vol. 2014-January.
Conference publication. - Mridha, M. K., Mazhorova, A., Clerici, M., Al-Naib, I., Daneau, M., Ropagnol, X., . . . Morandotti, R. (2014). Active terahertz two-wire waveguides. In Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest Vol. 2014-January.
Conference publication. - Ho, S. P., Mazhorova, A., Shalaby, M., Peccianti, M., Clerici, M., Pasquazi, A., . . . Morandotti, R. (2014). Rectangular-shaped sub-wavelength terahertz beam profiling via an all-optical knife-edge technique. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Ho, S. P., Mazhorova, A., Shalaby, M., Peccianti, M., Clerici, M., Pasquazi, A., . . . Morandotti, R. (2014). Rectangular-shaped sub-wavelength terahertz beam profiling via an all-optical knife-edge technique. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication.
- Moss, D. J., Jackson, S. D., Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., & Morandotti, R. (2013). CMOS compatible chips for applications in nonlinear optics. In Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Vol. 8915. doi:10.1117/12.2035405
Conference publication. View online. - Caspani, L., Reimer, C., Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M. P., Clerici, M., Ferrera, M., . . . Moss, D. J. (2013). A novel integrated laser source without a laser. SPIE Newsroom. doi:10.1117/2.1201312.005240
Article. View online. - Moss, D. J., Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Razzari, L., & Morandotti, R. (2013). CMOS compatible micro-ring resonator lasers. In 2013 IEEE Photonics Conference, IPC 2013 (pp. 424-425). doi:10.1109/IPCon.2013.6656618
Conference publication. View online. - Clerici, M., Caspani, L., Rubino, E., Peccianti, M., Cassataro, M., Busacca, A., . . . Morandotti, R. (2013). Counter-propagating difference-frequency generation in diamond with terahertz fields. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2013). Filter-driven four wave mixing dual-mode mode-locked laser based on an integrated nonlinear microring resonator. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Clerici, M., Faccio, D., Caspani, L., Peccianti, M., Yaakobi, O., Schmidt, B., . . . Morandotti, R. (2013). Spectrally resolved wave-mixing between near- and far-infrared pulses in gas. New Journal of Physics, 15(125011), 1-13. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/15/12/125011
Article. View on figshare. - Ho, S. P., Shalaby, M., Peccianti, M., Clerici, M., Pasquazi, A., Ozturk, Y., . . . Morandotti, R. (2013). Terahertz characterization via an all-optical, ultra-thin-knife-edge technique. In CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science, CLEO:QELS FS 2013.
Conference publication. - Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Clerici, M., Buscemi, C., Busacca, A., & Morandotti, R. (2013). Observation of collapse arrest in pure kerr media sustained by a parametric interaction. In CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science, CLEO:QELS FS 2013.
Conference publication. - Clerici, M., Peccianti, M., Schmidt, B. E., Caspani, L., Shalaby, M., Giguère, M., . . . Morandotti, R. (2013). A scaling mechanism for increasing the terahertz emission from ionization of air. In CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science, CLEO:QELS FS 2013.
Conference publication. - Clerici, M., Peccianti, M., Schmidt, B. E., Caspani, L., Shalaby, M., Giguère, M., . . . Morandotti, R. (2013). A scaling mechanism for increasing the terahertz emission from ionization of air. In CLEO: Science and Innovations, CLEO_SI 2013.
Conference publication. - Clerici, M., Caspani, L., Rubino, E., Peccianti, M., Cassataro, M., Busacca, A., . . . Morandotti, R. (2013). Counter-propagating difference frequency mixing in diamond with terahertz waves. In CLEO: Science and Innovations, CLEO_SI 2013.
Conference publication. - Shalaby, M., Peccianti, M., Ozturk, Y., & Morandotti, R. (2013). A non-reciprocal broadband terahertz isolator. In CLEO: Science and Innovations, CLEO_SI 2013.
Conference publication. - Mridha, M. K., Mazhorova, A., Daneau, M., Clerici, M., Peccianti, M., Lavertu, P. L., . . . Morandotti, R. (2013). Low dispersion propagation of broadband THz pulses in a two-wire waveguide. In CLEO: Science and Innovations, CLEO_SI 2013.
Conference publication. - Tomasino, A., Parisi, A., Stivala, S., Livreri, P., Cino, A. C., Busacca, A. C., . . . Morandotti, R. (2013). Wideband THz time domain spectroscopy based on optical rectification and electro-optic sampling. Scientific Reports, 3(3116), 1-8. doi:10.1038/srep03116
Article. View on figshare. - Clerici, M., Peccianti, M., Schmidt, B. E., Caspani, L., Shalaby, M., Giguère, M., . . . Morandotti, R. (2013). Wavelength scaling of terahertz generation by gas ionization. Physical Review Letters, 110(25). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.253901
Article. View online. - Clerici, M., Faccio, D., Caspani, L., Peccianti, M., Rubino, E., Razzari, L., . . . Morandotti, R. (2013). Nonlinear imaging and 3D-mapping of terahertz fields with Kerr media. doi:10.48550/arxiv.1303.5886
Preprint. View online. - Shalaby, M., Peccianti, M., Ozturk, Y., & Morandotti, R. (2013). A magnetic non-reciprocal isolator for broadband terahertz operation. Nature Communications, 4, 1558 ( pages). doi:10.1038/ncomms2572
Article. View on figshare. - Razzari, L., Toma, A., Clerici, M., Shalaby, M., Das, G., Liberale, C., . . . Di Fabrizio, E. (2013). Terahertz Dipole Nanoantenna Arrays: Resonance Characteristics. Plasmonics, 8(1), 133-138. doi:10.1007/s11468-012-9439-0
Article. View online. - De Panfilis, S., Moroni, C., Peccianti, M., Chiru, O. M., Vashkevich, V., Parisi, G., & Cassone, R. (2013). Multi-point accelerometric detection and principal component analysis of heart sounds. Physiological Measurement, 34(3). doi:10.1088/0967-3334/34/3/L1
Article. View online. - Peccianti, M., Clerici, M., Pasquazi, A., Caspani, L., Ho, S. P., Buccheri, F., . . . Morandotti, R. (2013). Exact reconstruction of thz Sub-λ source features in knife-edge measurements. IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 19(1), 97-107. doi:10.1109/JSTQE.2012.2209176
Article. View online. - Ho, S. P., Shalaby, M., Peccianti, M., Clerici, M., Pasquazi, A., Ozturk, Y., . . . Morandotti, R. (2013). Terahertz characterization via an all-optical, ultra-thin-knife-edge technique. In CLEO: Science and Innovations, CLEO_SI 2013. doi:10.1364/cleo_qels.2013.jth2a.54
Conference publication. View online. - Shalaby, M., Vidal, F., Peccianti, M., Morandotti, R., Enderli, F., Feurer, T., & Patterson, B. D. (2013). Terahertz macrospin dynamics in insulating ferrimagnets. Physical Review B, 88(14), 140301-1. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.88.140301
Article. View on figshare. - Clerici, M., Caspani, L., Rubino, E., Peccianti, M., Cassataro, M., Busacca, A., . . . Morandotti, R. (2013). Counterpropagating frequency mixing with terahertz waves in diamond. Optics Letters, 38(2), 178-180. doi:10.1364/OL.38.000178
Article. View on figshare. - Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Azaña, J., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2013). FLEA: Fresnel-limited extraction algorithm applied to spectral phase interferometry for direct field reconstruction (SPIDER). Optics Express, 21(5), 5743-5758. doi:10.1364/OE.21.005743
Article. View on figshare. - Clerici, M., Faccio, D., Caspani, L., Peccianti, M., Rubino, E., Razzari, L., . . . Morandotti, R. (2013). CCD-based imaging and 3D space--time mapping of terahertz fields via Kerr frequency conversion. Optics letters, 38(11), 1899-1901. doi:10.1364/OL.38.001899
Article. View on figshare. - Pasquazi, A., Caspani, L., Peccianti, M., Clerici, M., Ferrera, M., Razzari, L., . . . Morandotti, R. (2013). Self-locked optical parametric oscillation in a CMOS compatible microring resonator: a route to robust optical frequency comb generation on a chip. Optics express, 21(11), 13333-13341. doi:10.1364/OE.21.013333
Article. View on figshare. - Mridha, M. K., Mazhorova, A., Daneau, M., Clerici, M., Peccianti, M., Lavertu, P., . . . Morandotti, R. (2013). Low dispersion propagation of broadband THz pulses in a two-wire waveguide. In 2013 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2013. doi:10.1364/cleo_si.2013.cth1k.6
Conference publication. View online. - Clerici, M., Peccianti, M., Schmidt, B. E., Caspani, L., Shalaby, M., Giguere, M., . . . Morandotti, R. (2013). A scaling mechanism for increasing the terahertz emission from ionization of air. In 2013 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2013. doi:10.1364/cleo_qels.2013.jf1k.4
Conference publication. View online. - Shalaby, M., Peccianti, M., Ozturk, Y., & Morandotti, R. (2013). A non-reciprocal broadband terahertz isolator. In 2013 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2013. doi:10.1364/cleo_si.2013.cw1k.7
Conference publication. View online. - Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Clerici, M., Buscemi, C., Busacca, A., & Morandotti, R. (2013). Observation of collapse arrest in pure Kerr Media sustained by a parametric interaction. In 2013 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2013. doi:10.1364/cleo_qels.2013.qm4e.8
Conference publication. View online. - Clerici, M., Caspani, L., Rubino, E., Peccianti, M., Cassataro, M., Busacca, A., . . . Morandotti, R. (2013). Counter-propagating difference frequency mixing in diamond with terahertz waves. In 2013 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2013. doi:10.1364/cleo_si.2013.cm4j.5
Conference publication. View online. - Clerici, M., Caspani, L., Rubino, E., Peccianti, M., Cassataro, M., Busacca, A., . . . Morandotti, R. (2013). Counter-propagating difference-frequency generation in diamond with terahertz fields. In 2013 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and International Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-IQEC 2013. doi:10.1109/CLEOE-IQEC.2013.6800795
Conference publication. View online. - Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2013). Filter-driven four wave mixing dual-mode mode-locked laser based on an integrated nonlinear microring resonator. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. doi:10.1109/cleoe-iqec.2013.6800842
Conference publication. View online.
- Clerici, M., Faccio, D., Shalaby, M., Giguère, M., Schmidt, B. E., Peccianti, M., . . . Morandotti, R. (2012). Electric-field induced second-harmonic FROG characterization of long-wavelength, few-cycle pulses. In 2012 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2012.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2012). Stable dual mode high repetition rate mode-locked laser based on an integrated nonlinear microring resonator. In 2012 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2012.
Conference publication. - Shalaby, M., Peccianti, M., Ozturk, Y., Razzari, L., Clerici, M., Mazhorova, A., . . . Morandotti, R. (2012). Polarization-sensitive magnetic field induced modulation of broadband THz pulses in liquid. In 2012 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2012.
Conference publication. - Caspani, L., Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Clerici, M., Razzari, L., Little, B. E., . . . Morandotti, R. (2012). Self-locked low threshold OPO in a CMOS-compatible microring resonator. In 2012 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2012.
Conference publication. - Clerici, M., Peccianti, M., Shalaby, M., Caspani, L., Lotti, A., Couairon, A., . . . Morandotti, R. (2012). Enhanced detection of broadband terahertz fields via the filamentation of chirped optical pulses. In 2012 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2012.
Conference publication. - Moss, D. J., Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., & Morandotti, R. (2012). CMOS compatible chips for nonlinear optics. In 2012 Photonics Global Conference, PGC 2012. doi:10.1109/PGC.2012.6458121
Conference publication. View online. - Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2012). Novel ultrafast integrated sources based on nonlinear frequency conversion. In European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication, ECEOC 2012. doi:10.1364/ECEOC.2012.We.2.F.1
Conference publication. View online. - Peccianti, M., Clerici, M., Shalaby, M., Caspani, L., Lotti, A., Couairon, A., . . . Morandotti, R. (2012). Terahertz field detection boost by nonlinear collapse of normally dispersed optical pulses. In Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics, IPRSN 2012.
Conference publication. - Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2012). Double comb generated by a mode-locked laser based on an integrated nonlinear microring resonator.. In Frontiers in Optics, FIO 2012.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2012). Dual mode mode-locked laser based on an integrated nonlinear microring resonator. In Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics, IPRSN 2012.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2012). Dual mode mode-locked laser based on an integrated nonlinear microring resonator. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Clerici, M., Shalaby, M., Caspani, L., Lotti, A., Couairon, A., . . . Faccio, D. (2012). Terahertz field detection boost by nonlinear collapse of normally dispersed optical pulses. In Access Networks and In-house Communications, ANIC 2012.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Clerici, M., Shalaby, M., Caspani, L., Lotti, A., Couairon, A., . . . Morandotti, R. (2012). Terahertz field detection boost by nonlinear collapse of normally dispersed optical pulses. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Azana, J., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2012). A novel extraction algorithm for spectral phase interferometry. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Caspani, L., Razzari, L., Ferrera, M., Duchesne, D., . . . Morandotti, R. (2012). Self-locked OPO in CMOS-compatible microring resonators. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Clerici, M., Shalaby, M., Caspani, L., Lotti, A., Couairon, A., . . . Morandotti, R. (2012). Terahertz field detection boost by nonlinear collapse of normally dispersed optical pulses. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Clerici, M., Shalaby, M., Caspani, L., Lotti, A., Couairon, A., . . . Morandotti, R. (2012). Terahertz field detection boost by nonlinear collapse of normally dispersed optical pulses. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Azana, J., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2012). Fresnel-limited extraction algorithm for on chip SPIDER. In Frontiers in Optics, FIO 2012.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Caspani, L., Razzari, L., Ferrera, M., Duchesne, D., . . . Morandotti, R. (2012). A self-locking scheme for robust parametric oscillation in CMOS-compatible microring resonators. In Frontiers in Optics, FIO 2012.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2012). Dual mode mode-locked laser based on an integrated nonlinear microring resonator. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2012). Dual mode mode-locked laser based on an integrated nonlinear microring resonator. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Pasquazi, A., Morandotti, R., Peccianti, M., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., & Moss, D. (2012). Towards Ultrafast Integrated Optical Clocks. Optics and Photonics News, 23(12), 54. doi:10.1364/opn.23.12.000054
Article. View online. - Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2012). Stable, dual mode, high repetition rate modelocked laser based on a microring resonator. In Optics Express Vol. 20 (pp. 27355-27362). doi:10.1364/OE.20.027355
Conference publication. View online. - Pasquazi, A., Azaña, J., Peccianti, M., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2012). Toward on-chip phase-sensitive optical temporal waveform measurements. IEEE Photonics Journal, 4(2), 633-637. doi:10.1109/JPHOT.2012.2189759
Article. View online. - Peccianti, M. (2012). Spatiotemporal Dynamics and Light Bullets in Nematic Liquid Crystals. In Unknown Book (pp. 347-359). Wiley. doi:10.1002/9781118414637.ch14
Chapter. View online. - Clerici, M., Caspani, L., Rubino, E., Peccianti, M., Cassataro, M., Busacca, A., . . . Morandotti, R. (2012). Counter-propagating frequency mixing with Terahertz waves in diamond. doi:10.48550/arxiv.1210.2010
Preprint. View online. - Ferrera, M., Duchesne, D., Razzari, L., Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Park, Y. W., . . . Moss, D. J. (2012). Advanced integrated photonics in doped silica glass. Springer Series in Optical Sciences, 170, 47-92. doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-3538-9_2
Article. View online. - Clerici, M., Peccianti, M., Schmidt, B. E., Caspani, L., Shalaby, M., Giguère, M., . . . Morandotti, R. (2012). Scaling mechanism for efficient wavelength conversion in laser plasmas. doi:10.48550/arxiv.1207.4754
Preprint. View online. - Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2012). Nematicons. Physics Reports, 516(4-5), 147-208. doi:10.1016/j.physrep.2012.02.004
Article. View online. - Shalaby, M., Peccianti, M., Ozturk, Y., Clerici, M., Al-Naib, I., Razzari, L., . . . Morandotti, R. (2012). Terahertz Faraday rotation in a magnetic liquid: High magneto-optical figure of merit and broadband operation in a ferrofluid. Applied Physics Letters, 100(24). doi:10.1063/1.4729132
Article. View online. - Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Morandotti, R., Azana, J., & Moss, D. J. (2012). Measurement of high time-bandwidth pulses on a chip with SPIDER. Photonics Letters of Poland, 4(1), 8-10. doi:10.4302/plp.2012.1.04
Article. View online. - Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Park, Y., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2012). Demonstration of a stable ultrafast laser based on a nonlinear microcavity. Nature Communications, 3(765), 1-6. doi:10.1038/ncomms1762
Article. View on figshare. - Caspani, L., Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Clerici, M., Razzari, L., Little, B. E., . . . Morandotti, R. (2012). Self-locked low threshold OPO in a CMOS-compatible microring resonator. In CLEO: Science and Innovations, CLEO_SI 2012. doi:10.1364/cleo_si.2012.cm2m.2
Conference publication. View online. - Clerici, M., Peccianti, M., Shalaby, M., Caspani, L., Lotti, A., Couairon, A., . . . Morandotti, R. (2012). Enhanced detection of broadband terahertz fields via the filamentation of chirped optical pulses. In CLEO: Science and Innovations, CLEO_SI 2012. doi:10.1364/cleo_si.2012.cm2l.6
Conference publication. View online. - Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., & Morando, R. (2012). Stable dual mode high repetition rate mode-locked laser based on an integrated nonlinear microring resonator. In CLEO: Science and Innovations, CLEO_SI 2012. doi:10.1364/cleo_si.2012.cf3m.4
Conference publication. View online. - Shalaby, M., Peccianti, M., Ozturk, Y., Razzari, L., Clerici, M., Mazhorova, A., . . . Morandotti, R. (2012). Polarization-sensitive magnetic field induced modulation of broadband THz pulses in liquid. In CLEO: Science and Innovations, CLEO_SI 2012. doi:10.1364/cleo_si.2012.cm1l.4
Conference publication. View online. - Clerici, M., Faccio, D., Shalaby, M., Giguère, M., Schmidt, B. E., Peccianti, M., . . . Morandotti, R. (2012). Electric-Field induced second-Harmonic FROG characterization of long-wavelength, few-Cycle pulses. In CLEO: Science and Innovations, CLEO_SI 2012. doi:10.1364/cleo_si.2012.cm3j.5
Conference publication. View online. - Peccianti, M., & Morandotti, R. (2012). Disordered media: Beyond ballistic. Nature Physics, 8(12), 858-859. doi:10.1038/nphys2486
Article. View online. - Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2012). Dual mode mode-locked laser based on an integrated nonlinear microring resonator. In Access Networks and In-house Communications, ANIC 2012. doi:10.1364/anic.2012.jm5a.10
Conference publication. View online. - Razzari, L., Toma, A., Clerici, M., Shalaby, M., Tuccio, S., Panaro, S., . . . Di Fabrizio, E. (2012). Terahertz Resonant Dipole Nanoantennas. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Caspani, L., Razzari, L., Ferrera, M., Duchesne, D., . . . Morandotti, R. (2012). Parametric oscillation in CMOS-compatible microring resonators induced with a self-locking scheme. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2012). Mode-locked laser based on an integrated nonlinear microring resonator generating a dual comb.. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Azana, J., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2012). Fresnel-Limited Extraction Algorithm for X-SPIDER. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Clerici, M., Peccianti, M., Schmidt, B. E., Caspani, L., Shalaby, M., Giguère, M., . . . Morandotti, R. (2012). High-field THz pulses from laser-induced ionization and their nonlinear interaction with optical fields. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Caspani, L., Razzari, L., Ferrera, M., Duchesne, D., . . . Morandotti, R. (2012). Self-locked OPO in CMOS-compatible microring resonators. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. doi:10.1364/np.2012.nw1c.3
Conference publication. View online. - Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Azana, J., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2012). Fresnel-limited extraction algorithm for on chip SPIDER. In Frontiers in Optics, FIO 2012. doi:10.1364/fio.2012.fw5e.5
Conference publication. View online. - Peccianti, M., Clerici, M., Shalaby, M., Caspani, L., Lotti, A., Couairon, A., . . . Morandotti, R. (2012). Terahertz field detection boost by nonlinear collapse of normally dispersed optical pulses. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. doi:10.1364/anic.2012.jm5a.9
Conference publication. View online. - Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Azana, J., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2012). A novel extraction algorithm for spectral phase interferometry. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. doi:10.1364/np.2012.nw1c.5
Conference publication. View online. - Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2012). Double comb generated by a mode-locked laser based on an integrated nonlinear microring resonator.. In Frontiers in Optics, FIO 2012. doi:10.1364/fio.2012.fw4e.2
Conference publication. View online. - Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Caspani, L., Razzari, L., Ferrera, M., Duchesne, D., . . . Morandotti, R. (2012). A self-locking scheme for robust parametric oscillation in CMOS-compatible microring resonators. In Frontiers in Optics, FIO 2012. doi:10.1364/fio.2012.fw4e.3
Conference publication. View online.
- Razzari, L., Toma, A., Shalaby, M., Clerici, M., Zaccaria, R. P., Liberale, C., . . . Di Fabrizio, E. (2011). Extremely large extinction efficiency and field enhancement in terahertz resonant dipole nanoantennas. Optics Express, 19(27), 26088-26094. doi:10.1364/OE.19.026088
Article. View online. - Clerici, M., Peccianti, M., Shalaby, M., Ozaki, T., Cooke, D., Faccio, D., & Morandotti, R. (2011). Enhanced detection of broadband terahertz field by filamentation of chirped optical pulses. In IEEE Photonic Society 24th Annual Meeting, PHO 2011 (pp. 415-416). doi:10.1109/PHO.2011.6110603
Conference publication. View online. - Pasquazi, A., Park, Y., Peccianti, M., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Morandotti, R., . . . Moss, D. J. (2011). SPIDER on a chip: A phase sensitive ultrafast oscilloscope. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Park, Y., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2011). Sub-ps laser based on a CMOS compatible integrated microring resonator. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Clerici, M., Peccianti, M., Strain, M. J., Tannouri, P., Pasquazi, A., Ho, S. P., . . . Morandotti, R. (2011). Notch nonlinear frequency shift in AlGaAs bragg grating waveguides. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Park, Y., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2011). Highly stable 200GHz soliton microring resonator laser based on filter-driven four wave mixing. In IEEE Photonic Society 24th Annual Meeting, PHO 2011 (pp. 427-428). doi:10.1109/PHO.2011.6110609
Conference publication. View online. - Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Morandotti, R., Azana, J., & Moss, D. J. (2011). Measurement of high time-bandwidth pulses on a chip with a phase sensitive optical oscilloscope. In SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference Proceedings (pp. 22-24). doi:10.1109/IMOC.2011.6169221
Conference publication. View online. - Tannouri, P., Peccianti, M., Ozaki, T., & Morandotti, R. (2011). Quasi-TEM mode propagation in dual-wire THz waveguide. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Ho, S. P., Buccheri, F., Clerici, M., Busacca, A., Ozaki, T., . . . Morandotti, R. (2011). Space-time features of THz emission from optical rectification in sub-wavelength areas. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Tannouri, P., Peccianti, M., Ozaki, T., & Morandotti, R. (2011). Quasi-TEM mode propagation in dual-wire THz waveguide. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Tannouri, P., Peccianti, M., Ozaki, T., & Morandotti, R. (2011). Quasi-TEM mode propagation in dual-wire THz waveguide. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Morandotti, R., Pasquazi, A., Park, Y., Peccianti, M., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., . . . Moss, D. J. (2011). Novel functionalities and devices based on non-linear frequency conversion in low loss, CMOS compatible integrated waveguide structures. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Tannouri, P., Strain, M. J., Clerici, M., Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Ho, S. P., . . . Morandotti, R. (2011). Notch nonlinear frequency shift in AlGaAs bragg grating waveguides. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Assanto, G., & Morandotti, R. (2011). Third harmonic generation enhancement in nematic liquid crystals via nonlocal solitons propagation. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Pasquazi, A., Park, Y., Peccianti, M., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Morandotti, R., . . . Moss, D. J. (2011). SPIDER on-chip: A subpicosecond phase sensitive optical oscilloscope. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Tannouri, P., Peccianti, M., Lavertu, P. L., Vidal, F., & Morandotti, R. (2011). Quasi-TEM mode propagation in twin-wire THz waveguides. Chinese Optics Letters, 9(11). doi:10.3788/COL201109.110013
Article. View online. - Alberucci, A., Piccardi, A., Peccianti, M., Kaczmarek, M., & Assanto, G. (2011). Tunable self-focusing and self-steering of nematicons. In 2011 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and 12th European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO EUROPE/EQEC 2011. doi:10.1109/CLEOE.2011.5942764
Conference publication. View online. - Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Assanto, G., & Morandotti, R. (2011). Third harmonic generation enhancement in nematic liquid crystals via nonlocal solitons propagation. In 2011 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics: Laser Science to Photonic Applications, CLEO 2011.
Conference publication. - Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Park, Y., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2011). Highly stable 200GHz soliton microring resonator laser based on filter-driven four wave mixing. In 2011 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics: Laser Science to Photonic Applications, CLEO 2011.
Conference publication. - Tannouri, P., Peccianti, M., Ozaki, T., & Morandotti, R. (2011). Quasi-TEM mode propagation in dual-wire THz waveguide. In 2011 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics: Laser Science to Photonic Applications, CLEO 2011.
Conference publication. - Pasquazi, A., Park, Y., Peccianti, M., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Morandotti, R., . . . Moss, D. J. (2011). SPIDER on-chip: A subpicosecond phase sensitive optical oscilloscope. In 2011 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics: Laser Science to Photonic Applications, CLEO 2011.
Conference publication. - Clerici, M., Peccianti, M., Strain, M. J., Tannouri, P., Pasquazi, A., Ho, S. P., . . . Morandotti, R. (2011). Notch nonlinear frequency shift in AlGaAs Bragg grating waveguides. In 2011 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics: Laser Science to Photonic Applications, CLEO 2011.
Conference publication. - Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Park, Y., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Morandotti, R., . . . Moss, D. J. (2011). Sub-picosecond phase-sensitive optical pulse characterization on a chip. Nature Photonics, 5(10), 618-623. doi:10.1038/nphoton.2011.199
Article. View on figshare. - Shalaby, M., Merbold, H., Peccianti, M., Razzari, L., Sharma, G., Ozaki, T., . . . Sigg, H. (2011). Concurrent field enhancement and high transmission of THz radiation in nanoslit arrays. Applied Physics Letters, 99(4). doi:10.1063/1.3617476
Article. View online. - Kwasny, M., Piccardi, A., Alberucci, A., Peccianti, M., Kaczmarek, M., Karpierz, M. A., & Assanto, G. (2011). Nematicon-nematicon interactions in a medium with tunable nonlinearity and fixed nonlocality. Optics Letters, 36(13), 2566-2568. doi:10.1364/OL.36.002566
Article. View online. - Moss, D. J., Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Razzari, L., Duchesne, D., Ferrera, M., . . . Morandotti, R. (2011). High index glass CMOS compatible all-optical chips for telecom and optical interconnects. In 2011 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and 12th European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO EUROPE/EQEC) (pp. 1). IEEE. doi:10.1109/cleoe.2011.5942691
Conference publication. View online. - Moss, D. J., Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Razzari, L., Duchesne, D., Ferrera, M., . . . Morandotti, R. (2011). CMOS compatible waveguides for all-optical signal processing. In Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Vol. 7942. doi:10.1117/12.876964
Conference publication. View online. - Caspani, L., Duchesne, D., Dolgaleva, K., Wagner, S. J., Ferrera, M., Razzari, L., . . . Morandotti, R. (2011). Optical frequency conversion in integrated devices [invited]. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 28(12), A67-A82. doi:10.1364/JOSAB.28.000A67
Article. View online. - Pasquazi, A., Park, Y., Peccianti, M., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Morandotti, R., . . . Moss, D. J. (2011). SPIDER on a chip: A phase sensitive ultrafast oscilloscope. In 2011 Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, OFC/NFOEC 2011. doi:10.1364/ofc.2011.othu1
Conference publication. View online. - Shalaby, M., Peccianti, M., Razzari, L., Sharma, G., Ozaki, T., Morandotti, R., . . . Patterson, B. (2011). Broadband enhanced 26 MV/cm THz radiation in uniform nano-slit arrays. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Shalaby, M., Peccianti, M., Sharma, G., Razzari, L., Ozaki, T., & Morandotti, R. (2011). Ultrafast THz pulse shaping: Generation of half-cycle pulse from multi-cycle THz pulse. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Ho, S. P., Clerici, M., Peccianti, M., Buccheri, F., Busacc, A., Ozaki, T., . . . Morandotti, R. (2011). Spatio-temporal characteristics of THz emission at the subwavelength scale via optical rectification. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Park, Y., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2011). Highly Stable 200GHz Soliton Microring Resonator Laser based on Filter-Driven Four Wave Mixing. In CLEO:2011 - Laser Applications to Photonic Applications (pp. JWA10). OSA. doi:10.1364/cleo_at.2011.jwa10
Conference publication. View online. - Peccianti, M., Ho, S. P., Buccheri, F., Clerici, M., Busacca, A., Ozaki, T., . . . Morandotti, R. (2011). Space-time features of THz emission from optical rectification in sub-wavelength areas. In 2011 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics: Laser Science to Photonic Applications, CLEO 2011. doi:10.1364/cleo_si.2011.cthv2
Conference publication. View online. - Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Park, Y., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2011). Sub-ps laser based on a CMOS compatible integrated microring resonator. In 2011 Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, OFC/NFOEC 2011. doi:10.1364/ofc.2011.othu2
Conference publication. View online. - Shalaby, M., Peccianti, M., Razzari, L., Sharma, G., Ozaki, T., Morandotti, R., . . . Patterson, B. (2011). Broadband enhanced 26 MV/cm THz radiation in uniform nano-slit arrays. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. doi:10.1364/sensors.2011.stua3
Conference publication. View online. - Shalaby, M., Peccianti, M., Sharma, G., Razzari, L., Ozaki, T., & Morandotti, R. (2011). Ultrafast THz pulse shaping: Generation of half-cycle pulse from multi-cycle THz pulse. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. doi:10.1364/sensors.2011.stuc5
Conference publication. View online. - Morandotti, R., Pasquazi, A., Park, Y., Peccianti, M., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., . . . Moss, D. J. (2011). Novel functionalities and devices based on non-linear frequency conversion in low loss, CMOS compatible integrated waveguide structures. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. doi:10.1364/fio.2011.fwg4
Conference publication. View online. - Pasquazi, A., Park, Y., Peccianti, M., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Morandotti, R., . . . Moss, D. J. (2011). SPIDER on-chip: A subpicosecond phase sensitive optical oscilloscope. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. doi:10.1364/cleo_si.2011.ctuo6
Conference publication. View online. - Ho, S. P., Clerici, M., Peccianti, M., Buccheri, F., Busacc, A., Ozaki, T., . . . Morandotti, R. (2011). Spatio-temporal characteristics of THz emission at the subwavelength scale via optical rectification. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. doi:10.1364/sensors.2011.stub3
Conference publication. View online. - Tannouri, P., Strain, M. J., Clerici, M., Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Ho, S. P., . . . Morandotti, R. (2011). Notch nonlinear frequency shift in AlGaAs bragg grating waveguides. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. doi:10.1364/iprsn.2011.iwf4
Conference publication. View online. - Clerici, M., Peccianti, M., Strain, M. J., Tannouri, P., Pasquazi, A., Ho, S. P., . . . Morandotti, R. (2011). Notch nonlinear frequency shift in AlGaAs bragg grating waveguides. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. doi:10.1364/qels.2011.qthd3
Conference publication. View online. - Tannouri, P., Peccianti, M., Ozaki, T., & Morandotti, R. (2011). Quasi-TEM mode propagation in dual-wire THz waveguide. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. doi:10.1364/cleo_at.2011.jthb106
Conference publication. View online.
- Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Park, Y., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2010). Subpicosecond ultra high speed soliton laser based on a C-MOS compatible integrated microring resonator. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Duchesne, D., Peccianti, M., Ferrera, M., Razzari, L., Légaré, F., Morandotti, R., . . . Moss, D. J. (2010). Supercontinuum generation in an integrated high-index glass spiral waveguide. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Ferrera, M., Razzari, L., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Morandotti, R., & Moss, D. J. (2010). Ultrafast optical pulse compression on a chip. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Burgess, I. B., Assanto, G., & Morandotti, R. (2010). Optical bullet trains via modulation instability in nonlocal solitons. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Moss, D. J., Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Razzari, L., Duchesne, D., Ferrera, M., . . . Morandotti, R. (2010). CMOS compatible all-optical chips. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Duchesne, D., Ferrera, M., Burgess, I. B., Razzari, L., Morandotti, R., . . . Moss, D. J. (2010). Nonlinear pulse processing in high-index glass integrated devices: Pulse compression. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Duchesne, D., Ferrera, M., Burgess, I. B., Razzari, L., Morandotti, R., . . . Moss, D. J. (2010). Nonlinear pulse processing in high-index glass integrated devices: Pulse compression. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Park, Y., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2010). Ultra high speed soliton laser based on a C-MOS compatible integrated microring resonator. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Park, Y., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2010). Dissipative four wave mixing sub-ps laser based on a CMOS compatible integrated microring resonator. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Assanto, G., & Morandotti, R. (2010). Enhancement of third harmonic generation in nonlocal solitons. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Buccheri, F., Peccianti, M., Busacca, A., Ozaki, T., & Morandotti, R. (2010). Spatial and spectral properties of small area THz generation for sub-wavelength microscopy.. In IRMMW-THz 2010 - 35th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, Conference Guide. doi:10.1109/ICIMW.2010.5612969
Conference publication. View online. - Mazhorova, A., Gu, J. F., Gorgutsa, S., Peccianti, M., Morandotti, R., OzakiT.., . . . Skorobogatiy, M. (2010). THz metamaterials using aligned metallic or semiconductor nanowires. In IRMMW-THz 2010 - 35th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, Conference Guide. doi:10.1109/ICIMW.2010.5612819
Conference publication. View online. - Mazhorova, A., Gu, J. F., Dupuis, A., Peccianti, M., Tsuneyuki, O., Morandotti, R., . . . Skorobogatiy, M. (2010). Composite THz materials using aligned metallic and semiconductor microwires, experiments and interpretation. Optics Express, 18(24), 24632-24647. doi:10.1364/OE.18.024632
Article. View online. - Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Assanto, G., & Morandotti, R. (2010). Enhancement of third-harmonic generation in nonlocal spatial solitons. Optics Letters, 35(20), 3342-3344. doi:10.1364/OL.35.003342
Article. View online. - Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Park, Y., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2010). Subpicosecond 200GHz soliton laser based on a C-MOS compatible integrated microring resonator. In Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference: 2010 Laser Science to Photonic Applications, CLEO/QELS 2010.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Seyed Sadr, M., Sabau, C., Sharma, G., Blanchard, F., Razzari, L., . . . Morandotti, R. (2010). Evaluation of the electromagnetic hazard of intense THz pulses on neural cells. In Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference: 2010 Laser Science to Photonic Applications, CLEO/QELS 2010.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Ferrera, M., Razzari, L., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Morandotti, R., & Moss, D. J. (2010). Ultrafast optical pulse compression on a chip. In Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference: 2010 Laser Science to Photonic Applications, CLEO/QELS 2010.
Conference publication. - Alberucci, A., Piccardi, A., Peccianti, M., Kaczmarek, M., & Assanto, G. (2010). Propagation of spatial optical solitons in a dielectric with adjustable nonlinearity. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 82(2). doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.82.023806
Article. View online. - Peccianti, M., Duchesne, D., Ferrera, M., Burgess, I. B., Razzari, L., Morandotti, R., . . . Moss, D. J. (2010). Nonlinear pulse processing in high-index glass integrated devices: Pulse compression. In 2010 Conference on Optical Fiber Communication, Collocated National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, OFC/NFOEC 2010.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Ferrera, M., Razzari, L., Morandotti, R., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., & Moss, D. J. (2010). Subpicosecond optical pulse compression via an integrated nonlinear chirper. Optics Express, 18(8), 7625-7633. doi:10.1364/OE.18.007625
Article. View online. - Peccianti, M., Burgess, I. B., Assanto, G., & Morandotti, R. (2010). Space-time bullet trains via modulation instability and nonlocal solitons. Optics Express, 18(6), 5934-5941. doi:10.1364/OE.18.005934
Article. View online. - Duchesne, D., Peccianti, M., Lamont, M. R. E., Ferrera, M., Razzari, L., Legare, F., . . . Moss, D. J. (2010). Supercontinuum generation in a high index doped silica glass spiral waveguide. Optics Express, 18(2), 923-930. doi:10.1364/OE.18.000923
Article. View online. - Duchesne, D., Peccianti, M., Ferrera, M., Razzari, L., Légaré, F., Morandotti, R., . . . Moss, D. J. (2010). Supercontinuum Generation in an Integrated High-Index Glass Spiral Waveguide. In Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference: 2010 Laser Science to Photonic Applications, CLEO/QELS 2010. doi:10.1364/cleo.2010.cmmm2
Conference publication. View online. - Peccianti, M., Burgess, I. B., Assanto, G., & Morandotti, R. (2010). Optical bullet trains via modulation instability in nonlocal solitons. In Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference: 2010 Laser Science to Photonic Applications, CLEO/QELS 2010. doi:10.1364/qels.2010.qtuc4
Conference publication. View online. - Moss, D. J., Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Razzari, L., Duchesne, D., Ferrera, M., . . . Morandotti, R. (2010). CMOS compatible all-optical waveguides. In 35th Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology, ACOFT 2010. doi:10.1109/acoft.2010.5929930
Conference publication. View online. - Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Park, Y., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2010). Subpicosecond 200GHz soliton laser based on a C-MOS compatible integrated microring resonator. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. doi:10.1364/cleo.2010.cpda9
Conference publication. View online. - Peccianti, M., Burgess, I. B., Assanto, G., & Morandotti, R. (2010). Generation of bullet trains via temporal modulation instability in nonlocal solitons. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Park, Y., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2010). Sub-ps laser modelocked dissipative soliton laser in a CMOS compatible integrated microring resonator. In 35th Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology, ACOFT 2010. doi:10.1109/acoft.2010.5929929
Conference publication. View online. - Moss, D. J., Pasquazi, A., Peccianti, M., Razzari, L., Duchesne, D., Ferrera, M., . . . Morandotti, R. (2010). CMOS compatible all-optical chips. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. doi:10.1364/fio.2010.ftho1
Conference publication. View online. - Peccianti, M., Burgess, I. B., Assanto, G., & Morandotti, R. (2010). Generation of bullet trains via temporal modulation instability in nonlocal solitons. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. doi:10.1364/np.2010.nme12
Conference publication. View online. - Peccianti, M., Ferrera, M., Razzari, L., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Morandotti, R., & Moss, D. J. (2010). Ultrafast optical pulse compression on a chip. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. doi:10.1364/qels.2010.qwe3
Conference publication. View online. - Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Park, Y., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2010). Ultra high speed soliton laser based on a C-MOS compatible integrated microring resonator. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. doi:10.1364/np.2010.nthd3
Conference publication. View online. - Peccianti, M., Duchesne, D., Ferrera, M., Burgess, I. B., Razzari, L., Morandotti, R., . . . Moss, D. J. (2010). Nonlinear pulse processing in high-index glass integrated devices: Pulse compression. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. doi:10.1364/nfoec.2010.jwa27
Conference publication. View online. - Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Park, Y., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2010). Dissipative four wave mixing sub-ps laser based on a CMOS compatible integrated microring resonator. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. doi:10.1364/laop.2010.tud4
Conference publication. View online. - Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Park, Y., Little, B. E., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., & Morandotti, R. (2010). Subpicosecond ultra high speed soliton laser based on a C-MOS compatible integrated microring resonator. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. doi:10.1364/fio.2010.ftuc2
Conference publication. View online. - Peccianti, M., Pasquazi, A., Assanto, G., & Morandotti, R. (2010). Enhancement of third harmonic generation in nonlocal solitons. In Advanced Photonics & Renewable Energy (pp. NME60). OSA. doi:10.1364/np.2010.nme60
Conference publication. View online. - Duchesne, D., Ferrera, M., Razzari, L., Morandotti, R., Peccianti, M., Little, B. E., . . . Moss, D. J. (2010). High Performance, Low-loss Nonlinear Integrated Glass Waveguides. PIERS Online, 6(3), 283-286. doi:10.2529/piers080905223048
Article. View online.
- Peccianti, M., Ferrera, M., Duchesne, D., Razzari, L., Burgess, I. B., Morandotti, R., . . . Moss, D. J. (2009). Temporal pulse compression in low dispersion Hydex® glass integrated waveguides. In Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS (pp. 531-532). doi:10.1109/LEOS.2009.5343137
Conference publication. View online. - Ferrera, M., Duchesne, D., Razzari, L., Peccianti, M., Morandotti, R., Cheben, P., . . . Moss, D. J. (2009). Low power parametric wave-mixing in a zero dispersive CMOS compatible micro-ring resonator. In Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS (pp. 481-482). doi:10.1109/LEOS.2009.5343192
Conference publication. View online. - Peccianti, M., Burgess, I. B., Ferrera, M., Duchesne, D., Razzari, L., Morandotti, R., . . . Moss, D. J. (2009). Temporal pulse compression in high-index doped silica glass integrated waveguides. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2009). Soliton emission from a trapping potential. In 2009 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2009 Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, CLEO/QELS 2009.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Burgess, I. B., Ferrera, M., Duchesne, D., Razzari, L., Morandotti, R., . . . Moss, D. J. (2009). Temporal pulse compression in high-index doped silica glass integrated waveguides. In 2009 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2009 Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, CLEO/QELS 2009.
Conference publication. - Assanto, G., Peccianti, M., Alberucci, A., & Piccardi, A. (2009). Routing light with nematicons: Light localization and steering in liquid crystals. In 2009 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2009 Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, CLEO/QELS 2009.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Burgess, I. B., Assanto, G., & Morandotti, R. (2009). Accessible light bullets. In 2009 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2009 Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, CLEO/QELS 2009.
Conference publication. - Ferrera, M., Duchesne, D., Razzari, L., Peccianti, M., Morandotti, R., Cheben, P., . . . Moss, D. J. (2009). Low power four wave mixing in an integrated, micro-ring resonator with Q = 1.2 million. Optics Express, 17(16), 14098-14103. doi:10.1364/OE.17.014098
Article. View online. - Leonetti, M., Capuani, S., Peccianti, M., Ruocco, G., & Conti, C. (2009). Characterization of archeological human bone tissue by enhanced backscattering of light. Applied Physics Letters, 94(10). doi:10.1063/1.3097014
Article. View online. - Piccardi, A., Peccianti, M., Assanto, G., Dyadyusha, A., & Kaczmarek, M. (2009). Voltage-driven in-plane steering of nematicons. Applied Physics Letters, 94(9). doi:10.1063/1.3093529
Article. View online. - Assanto, G., Minzoni, A. A., Peccianti, M., & Smyth, N. F. (2009). Optical solitary waves escaping a wide trapping potential in nematic liquid crystals: Modulation theory. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 79(3). doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.79.033837
Article. View online. - Burgess, I. B., Peccianti, M., Assanto, G., & Morandotti, R. (2009). Accessible Light Bullets via synergetic nonlinearities. doi:10.48550/arxiv.0902.0962
Preprint. View online. - Duchesne, D., Ferrera, M., Razzari, L., Morandotti, R., Peccianti, M., Little, B., . . . Moss, D. J. (2009). High Performance, Low-loss Nonlinear Integrated Glass Waveguides. In PIERS 2009 BEIJING: PROGESS IN ELECTROMAGNETICS RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM, PROCEEDINGS I AND II (pp. 1301-+). Retrieved from https://www.webofscience.com/
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2009). Soliton emission from a trapping potential. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. doi:10.1364/iqec.2009.ime5
Conference publication. View online. - Assanto, G., Peccianti, M., Alberucci, A., & Piccardi, A. (2009). Routing light with nematicons: Light localization and steering in liquid crystals. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. doi:10.1364/iqec.2009.itug1
Conference publication. View online. - Peccianti, M., Burgess, I. B., Assanto, G., & Morandotti, R. (2009). Accessible light bullets. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. doi:10.1364/iqec.2009.ituc3
Conference publication. View online. - Peccianti, M., Burgess, I. B., Assanto, G., & Morandotti, R. (2009). Optical bullet bursts generation in nonlocal media. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. doi:10.1364/nlo.2009.nfa4
Conference publication. View online. - Duchesne, D., Ferrera, M., Razzari, L., Morandotti, R., Peccianti, M., Little, B., . . . Moss, D. J. (2009). High performance, low-loss nonlinear integrated glass waveguides. In Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium Vol. 2 (pp. 1274-1277).
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Burgess, I. B., Assanto, G., & Morandotti, R. (2009). Optical bullet bursts generation in nonlocal media. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2009). Soliton emission from a trapping potential. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Assanto, G., Peccianti, M., Alberucci, A., & Piccardi, A. (2009). Routing light with nematicons: Light localization and steering in liquid crystals. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Burgess, I. B., Assanto, G., & Morandotti, R. (2009). Accessible light bullets. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Burgess, I. B., Peccianti, M., Assanto, G., & Morandotti, R. (2009). Accessible light bullets via synergetic nonlinearities. Physical Review Letters, 102(20), 203903 ( pages). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.203903
Article. View on figshare. - Conti, C., Fratalocchi, A., Peccianti, M., Ruocco, G., & Trillo, S. (2009). Observation of a gradient catastrophe generating solitons. Physical Review Letters, 102(8), 083902 ( pages). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.083902
Article. View on figshare.
- Peccianti, M., Dyadyusha, A., Kaczmarek, M., & Assanto, G. (2008). Escaping solitons from a trapping potential. Physical Review Letters, 101(15), 153902-1. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.153902
Article. View on figshare. - Assanto, G., & Peccianti, M. (2008). Guiding and routing light with nematicons. In Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Vol. 488 (pp. 163-178). doi:10.1080/15421400802240540
Conference publication. View online. - Conti, C., Fratalocchi, A., Peccianti, M., Ruocco, G., & Trillo, S. (2008). Observation of a gradient catastrophe generating solitons. doi:10.48550/arxiv.0809.3407
Preprint. View online. - Piccardi, A., Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2008). Non-linear control of soliton spiraling in nematic liquid crystals. In 2008 IEEE/LEOS Winter Topical Meeting Series (pp. 117-118). doi:10.1109/LEOSWT.2008.4444428
Conference publication. View online. - Conti, C., Fratalocchi, A., Peccianti, M., Ruocco, G., & Trillo, S. (2008). Gas of dark solitons generated by an optical shock. In 2008 IEEE/LEOS Winter Topical Meeting Series (pp. 104-105). doi:10.1109/LEOSWT.2008.4444421
Conference publication. View online. - Peccianti, M., Alberucci, A., & Assanto, G. (2008). Nonlinear bouncing of nematicons at the boundaries. In 2008 IEEE/LEOS Winter Topical Meeting Series (pp. 115-116). doi:10.1109/LEOSWT.2008.4444427
Conference publication. View online. - Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2008). Spatial solitons and their deflection in liquid crystals. In 2008 IEEE/LEOS Winter Topical Meeting Series (pp. 111-112). doi:10.1109/LEOSWT.2008.4444425
Conference publication. View online. - Assanto, G., Peccianti, M., Alberucci, A., & Piccardi, A. (2008). Guiding and Bending Light at Will with Spatial Solitons in Liquid Crystals. International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology, 3(3), 370-376.
- Alberucci, A., Peccianti, M., Assunto, G., Dyadyuska, A., & Kaczmarek, M. (2007). Nonlocal bi-color vector solitons in liquid crystals. In Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest. doi:10.1109/CLEOE-IQEC.2007.4386868
Conference publication. View online. - Peccianti, M., Assanto, G., Dyadyusha, A., & Kaczmarek, M. (2007). Refraction and total internal reflection of nematicons at a voltage controlled didectric interface. In Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest. doi:10.1109/CLEOE-IQEC.2007.4386160
Conference publication. View online. - Peccianti, M., Assanto, G., Dyadyuska, A., & Kaczmarek, M. (2007). Nonlinear Goos-Hänchen shift of Nematicons at a bias-controlled dielectric interface. In Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest. doi:10.1109/CLEOE-IQEC.2007.4386877
Conference publication. View online. - Fratalocchi, A., Piccardi, A., Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2007). Nonlinear controlling the angular momentum of a solitary wave cluster. In Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest. doi:10.1109/CLEOE-IQEC.2007.4386818
Conference publication. View online. - Alberucci, A., Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2007). Nonlinear bouncing of nonlocal spatial solitons at the boundaries. Optics Letters, 32(19), 2795-2797. doi:10.1364/OL.32.002795
Article. View online. - Fratalocchi, A., Piccardi, A., Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2007). Nonlinear management of the angular momentum of soliton clusters: Theory and experiment. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 75(6). doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.75.063835
Article. View online. - Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2007). Nematicons across interfaces: Anomalous refraction and reflection of solitons in liquid crystals. Optics Express, 15(13), 8021-8028. doi:10.1364/OE.15.008021
Article. View online. - Fratalocchi, A., Piccardi, A., Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2007). Nonlinearly controlled angular momentum of soliton clusters. Optics Letters, 32(11), 1447-1449. doi:10.1364/OL.32.001447
Article. View online. - Assanto, G., Fratalocchi, A., & Peccianti, M. (2007). Spatial solitons in nematic liquid crystals: From bulk to discrete. Optics Express, 15(8), 5248-5259. doi:10.1364/OE.15.005248
Article. View online. - Peccianti, M., Assanto, G., Dyadyusha, A., & Kaczmarek, M. (2007). Nonspecular total internal reflection of spatial solitons at the interface between highly birefringent media. Physical Review Letters, 98(11). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.113902
Article. View online. - Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2007). Nonlinear shift of spatial solitons at a graded dielectric interface. Optics Letters, 32(3), 271-273. doi:10.1364/OL.32.000271
Article. View online. - Assanto, G., & Peccianti, M. (2007). Routing light at will. Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials, 16(1), 37-47. doi:10.1142/S0218863507003536
Article. View online. - De Luca, A., Veltri, A., Pezzi, L., Coschignano, G., Umeton, C., Alberucci, A., . . . Assanto, G. (2007). Nematic liquid crystal cells for optical spatial solitons (nematicons). Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 6487. doi:10.1117/12.717527
Article. View online. - Peccianti, M., Assanto, G., Dyadyusha, A., & Kaczmarek, M. (2007). Refraction and total internal reflection of nematicons at a voltage controlled dielectric interface. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Fratalocchi, A., Piccardi, A., Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2007). Nonlinear controlling the angular momentum of a solitary wave cluster. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Assanto, G., Dyadyusha, A., & Kaczmarek, M. (2007). Nonlinear Goos-Hänchen shift of nematicons at a bias-controlled dielectric interface. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Alberucci, A., Peccianti, M., Assanto, G., Dyadyusha, A., & Kacztnarek, M. (2007). Nonlocal bi-color vector solitons in liquid crystals. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2007). Nematicon deflection at a voltage controlled dielectric interface. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2007). Nematicon deflection at a voltage controlled dielectric interface. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2007). Nematicon deflection at a voltage controlled dielectric interface. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. doi:10.1364/bgpp.2007.jmb4
Conference publication. View online. - Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2007). Nematicon deflection at a voltage controlled dielectric interface. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication.
- Fratalocchi, A., Piccardi, A., Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2006). Nonlinear management of the angular momentum of soliton clusters. doi:10.48550/arxiv.physics/0612176
Preprint. View online. - Alberucci, A., Peccianti, M., Assanto, G., Dyadyusha, A., & Kaczmarek, M. (2006). Two-color vector solitons in nonlocal media. Physical Review Letters, 97(15). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.97.153903
Article. View online. - Conti, C., Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2006). Complex dynamics and configurational entropy of spatial optical solitons in nonlocal media. Optics Letters, 31(13), 2030-2032. doi:10.1364/OL.31.002030
Article. View online. - Serak, S. V., Tabiryan, N. V., Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2006). Spatial soliton all-optical logic gates. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 18(12), 1287-1289. doi:10.1109/LPT.2006.875318
Article. View online. - Conti, C., Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2006). Complex dynamics and configurational entropy of spatial optical solitons in nonlocal media. doi:10.48550/arxiv.physics/0604168
Preprint. View online. - Assanto, G., Umeton, C., Peccianti, M., & Alberucci, A. (2006). Nematicons and their angular steering. Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials, 15(1), 33-42. doi:10.1142/S0218863506003153
Article. View online. - Peccianti, M., Dyadyusha, A., Kaczmarek, M., & Assanto, G. (2006). Tunable refraction and reflection of self-confined light beams. Nature Physics, 2(11), 737-742. doi:10.1038/nphys427
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- Conti, C., Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2005). Spatial solitons and modulational instability in the presence of large birefringence: the case of highly non-local liquid crystal. doi:10.48550/arxiv.physics/0512099
Preprint. View online. - Pasquazi, A., Alberucci, A., Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2005). Signal processing by opto-optical interactions between self-localized and free propagating beams in liquid crystals. Applied Physics Letters, 87(26), 1-3. doi:10.1063/1.2158026
Article. View online. - Conti, C., Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2005). Spatial solitons and modulational instability in the presence of large birefringence: The case of highly nonlocal liquid crystals. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 72(6). doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.72.066614
Article. View online. - Pasquazi, A., Alberucci, A., Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2005). Signal processing by opto-optical interactions between self-localized and free propagating beams in liquid crystals. doi:10.48550/arxiv.physics/0509063
Preprint. View online. - Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2005). Observation of power-dependent walk-off via modulational instability in nematic liquid crystals. Optics Letters, 30(17), 2290-2292. doi:10.1364/OL.30.002290
Article. View online. - Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2005). Spectral evolution of an optical pattern in non local nematic liquid crystals. Optics Express, 13(17), 6476-6481. doi:10.1364/OPEX.13.006476
Article. View online. - Alberucci, A., Peccianti, M., Assanto, G., Coschignano, G., De Luca, A., & Umeton, C. (2005). Self-healing generation of spatial solitons in liquid crystals. Optics Letters, 30(11), 1381-1383. doi:10.1364/OL.30.001381
Article. View online. - Peccianti, M., Conti, C., & Assanto, G. (2005). Interplay between nonlocality and nonlinearity in nematic liquid crystals. Optics Letters, 30(4), 415-417. doi:10.1364/OL.30.000415
Article. View online. - Peccianti, M., Conti, C., Alberici, E., & Assanto, G. (2005). Spatially incoherent modulational instability in a non local medium. Laser Physics Letters, 2(1), 25-29. doi:10.1002/lapl.200410142
Article. View online. - Peccianti, M., Alberucci, A., Conti, C., Assanto, G., De Luca, A., Coschignano, G., & Umeton, C. (2005). Anisotropic spatial solitions and their routing in nematic liquid crystals. In Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest (pp. 225). doi:10.1109/CLEOE.2005.1568011
Conference publication. View online. - Peccianti, M., Alberucci, A., Assanto, G., Luca, A. D., Coschignano, G., & Umeton, C. (2005). Walking anisotropic spatial solitons and their steering in nematic liquid crystals. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Fratalocchi, A., Assanto, G., Luca, A. D., & Umeton, C. (2005). Transverse dynamics of anisotropic nematicons. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2005). Power-dependent walk-off in modulationally unstable nematic liquid crystals. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2005). Power-dependent walk-off in modulationally unstable nematic liquid crystals. In Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications, NLGW 2005.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Alberucci, A., Assanto, G., De Luca, A., Coschignano, G., & Umeton, C. (2005). Walking anisotropic spatial solitons and their steering in nematic liquid crystals. In Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications, NLGW 2005.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Fratalocchi, A., Assanto, G., De Luca, A., & Umeton, C. (2005). Transverse dynamics of anisotropic nematicons. In Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications, NLGW 2005.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Fratalocchi, A., Assanto, G., De Luca, A., & Umeton, C. (2005). Transverse dynamics of anisotropic nematicons. In Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications, NLGW 2005. doi:10.1364/nlgw.2005.wd1
Conference publication. View online. - Peccianti, M., Alberucci, A., Assanto, G., De Luca, A., Coschignano, G., & Umeton, C. (2005). Walking anisotropic spatial solitons and their steering in nematic liquid crystals. In Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications, NLGW 2005. doi:10.1364/nlgw.2005.fa1
Conference publication. View online. - Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2005). Power-dependent walk-off in modulationally unstable nematic liquid crystals. In Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications, NLGW 2005. doi:10.1364/nlgw.2005.tub8
Conference publication. View online.
- Peccianti, M., Conti, C., Assanto, G., De Luca, A., & Umeton, C. (2004). Routing of anisotropic spatial solitons and modulational instability in liquid crystals. Nature, 432(7018), 733-737. doi:10.1038/nature03101
Article. View online. - Fratalocchi, A., Peccianti, M., Conti, C., & Assanto, G. (2004). Spiraling and cyclic dynamics of nematicons. In Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Vol. 421 (pp. 197-207). doi:10.1080/15421400490501798
Conference publication. View online. - Peccianti, M., Conti, C., Assanto, G., De Luca, A., & Umeton, C. (2004). Anisotropic nematicons and voltage-controlled steering in Liquid Crystals. In Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS Vol. 2 (pp. 627-628).
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Conti, C., Alberici, E., & Assanto, G. (2004). Spatially incoherent modulational instability in a non local medium. doi:10.48550/arxiv.physics/0409139
Preprint. View online. - Assanto, G., Peccianti, M., & Conti, C. (2004). One-dimensional transverse modulational instability in nonlocal media with a reorientational nonlinearity. IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 10(5), 862-869. doi:10.1109/JSTQE.2004.835999
Article. View online. - Assanto, G., Conti, C., & Peccianti, M. (2004). Highly nonlocal optical solitons and their observation in nematic liquid crystals. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 18(20-21), 2819-2828. doi:10.1142/s0217979204026263
Article. View online. - Conti, C., Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2004). Observation of Optical Spatial Solitons in a Highly Nonlocal Medium. Physical Review Letters, 92(11). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.92.113902
Article. View online. - Conti, C., Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2004). Observation of optical spatial solitons in a highly nonlocal medium. doi:10.48550/arxiv.physics/0403032
Preprint. View online. - Assanto, G., Alberici, E., & Peccianti, M. (2004). Nonlocal Modulation Instability with partially incoherent light in Nematic Liquid Crystals. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Fratalocchi, A., & Assanto, G. (2004). Transverse dynamics of nematicons. Optics Express, 12(26), 6524-6529. doi:10.1364/OPEX.12.006524
Article. View online.
- Peccianti, M., Conti, C., Assanto, G., De Luca, A., & Umeton, C. (2003). Modulation instability and multisoliton generation in nematic liquid crystals. In Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS Vol. 1 (pp. 31-32).
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Conti, C., & Assanto, G. (2003). Optical multisoliton generation in nematic liquid crystals. Optics Letters, 28(22), 2231-2233. doi:10.1364/OL.28.002231
Article. View online. - Conti, C., Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2003). Route to Nonlocality and Observation of Accessible Solitons. Physical Review Letters, 91(7). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.073901
Article. View online. - Conti, C., Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2003). Route to nonlocality and observation of accessible solitons. doi:10.48550/arxiv.physics/0308024
Preprint. View online. - Peccianti, M., Conti, C., & Assanto, G. (2003). Optical modulational instability in a nonlocal medium. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 68(2 2).
Article. - Assanto, G., Peccianti, M., & Conti, C. (2003). Nematicons: Optical Spatial Solitons in Nematic Liquid Crystals. Optics and Photonics News, 14(2), 44. doi:10.1364/opn.14.2.000044
Article. View online. - Peccianti, M., Conti, C., Assanto, G., De Luca, A., & Umeton, C. (2003). Nonlocal optical propagation in nonlinear nematic liquid crystals. Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials, 12(4), 525-538. doi:10.1142/S0218863503001626
Article. View online. - Assanto, G., & Peccianti, M. (2003). Spatial solitons in nematic liquid crystals. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 39(1), 13-21. doi:10.1109/JQE.2002.806185
Article. View online. - Assanto, G., Peccianti, M., Brzda̧kiewicz, K. A., De Luca, A., & Umeton, C. (2003). Nonlinear wave propagation and spatial solitons in nematic liquid crystals. Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials, 12(2), 123-134. doi:10.1142/S0218863503001377
Article. View online. - Assanto, G., Peccianti, M., & Conti, C. (2003). Spatial optical solitons in bulk nematic liquid crystals. Acta Physica Polonica A, 103(2-3), 161-167. doi:10.12693/APhysPolA.103.161
Article. View online. - Assanto, G., Peccianti, M., & Conti, C. (2003). Optical Spatial Solitons in Nematic Crystals: Nematicons. Optics and Photonics News, 14(2), 45-48.
Article. - Peccianti, M., Conti, C., & Assanto, G. (2003). Optical modulational instability in a nonlocal medium. Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, 68(2), 4. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.68.025602
Article. View online. - Peccianti, M., Conti, C., & Assanto, G. (2003). Nonlocal optical solitons in liquid crystals. In 2003 European Quantum Electronics Conference, EQEC 2003 (pp. 207). doi:10.1109/EQEC.2003.1314064
Conference publication. View online.
- Assanto, G., Peccianti, M., Umeton, C., De Luca, A., & Khoo, I. C. (2002). Coherent and incoherent spatial solitons in bulk nematic liquid crystals. In Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology Section A: Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Vol. 375 (pp. 617-629). doi:10.1080/10587250210570
Conference publication. View online. - Assanto, G., Peccianti, M., & Conti, C. (2002). Light-confinement, accessible spatial solitons and their interactions via nonlocal-reorientation in nematic liquid crystals. In Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS Vol. 1 (pp. 211-212).
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Conti, C., Assanto, G., De Luca, A., & Umeton, C. (2002). All-optical switching and logic gating with spatial solitons in liquid crystals. Applied Physics Letters, 81(18), 3335-3337. doi:10.1063/1.1519101
Article. View online. - Peccianti, M., Brzdakiewicz, K. A., & Assanto, G. (2002). Nonlocal spatial soliton interactions in nematic liquid crystals. Optics Letters, 27(16), 1460-1462. doi:10.1364/OL.27.001460
Article. View online. - Peccianti, M., Assanto, G., De Luca, A., Umeton, C., Karpierz, M. A., & Khoo, I. C. (2002). Light self-confinement in planar cells with nematic liquid crystals. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, 47(7), 790-795.
Article. - Peccianti, M., Conti, C., & Assanto, G. (2002). Spatial solitons and their interactions via Nonlocality and Reorientation in nematic liquid crystals. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Conti, C., Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2002). Spatial Solitons in nematic liquid crystals: a new model. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., Assanto, G., De Luca, A., Umeton, C., Karpierz, M. A., & Khoo, I. C. (2002). Light self-confinement in planar cells with nematic liquid crystals. Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, 47(7), 874-880.
Article. - Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2002). Nematic liquid crystals: A suitable medium for self-confinement of coherent and incoherent light. Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, 65(3). doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.65.035603
Article. View online.
- Assanto, G., & Peccianti, M. (2001). Nematic liquid crystals for coherent and incoherent spatial solitons. In Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS Vol. 2 (pp. 503-504).
Conference publication. - Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2001). Incoherent spatial solitary waves in nematic liquid crystals. Optics Letters, 26(22), 1791-1793. doi:10.1364/OL.26.001791
Article. View online. - Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2001). Signal readdressing by steering of spatial solitons in bulk nematic liquid crystals. Optics Letters, 26(21), 1690-1692. doi:10.1364/OL.26.001690
Article. View online. - Peccianti, M., Umeton, L., Khoo, L. C., DeRossi, A., & Assanto, G. (2001). Two-dimensional spatial solitons in nematic liquid crystals. Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, 4271, 372-379. doi:10.1117/12.424716
Article. View online. - Peccianti, M., DeLuca, A., & Assanto, G. (2001). Incoherent spatial solitons in nematic liquid crystals. In International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks Vol. 2001-January (pp. 147-150). doi:10.1109/ICTON.2001.934740
Conference publication. View online. - Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2001). Coherent and Incoherent Spatial Solitons in Bulk Nematic Liquid Crystals. In Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications (pp. TuB2). OSA. doi:10.1364/nlgw.2001.tub2
Conference publication. View online. - Peccianti, M., & Assanto, G. (2001). Coherent and Incoherent Spatial Solitons in Bulk Nematic Liquid Crystals. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers (pp. 370-372).
Conference publication.
- Peccianti, M., De Rossi, A., Assanto, G., De Luca, A., Umeton, C., & Khoo, I. C. (2000). Electrically assisted self-confinement and waveguiding in planar nematic liquid crystal cells. Applied Physics Letters, 77(1), 7-9. doi:10.1063/1.126859
Article. View online. - Peccianti, M., De Rossi, A., Assanto, G., De Luca, A., Umeton, C. P., & Khoo, I. C. (2000). Optical self-confinement and waveguiding in planar nematic liquid crystals. In IQEC, International Quantum Electronics Conference Proceedings.
Conference publication. - Assanto, G., Peccianti, M., De Rossi, A., Umeton, C., & Khoo, I. C. (2000). Spatial solitons in voltage-biased nematic liquid crystals. Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS, 1, 195-196.
Article. - De Rossi, A., Peccianti, M., Assanto, G., De Luca, A., Karpiercz, M. A., & Khoo, I. C. (2000). Light self-confinement in planar cells containing nematic liquid crystals. In International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks Vol. 2000-January (pp. 79-81). doi:10.1109/ICTON.2000.874121
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