Division of General Counsel, Governance and Compliance


The Governance Office coordinates a number of committees to ensure institutional business is handled efficiently and in accordance with the Statutes and Regulations of the University.

Please refer to the Committe Calendar for information on when committees are scheduled throughout the current academic year. Details of the membership, meeting dates and papers of University Committees are published and can be accessed via Sussex Direct.

Please use the Committee Cover Template (January 2024) for Committee papers.

Refer to this link for information on Committees management.

The following committees are currently handled by the division:

Key governance committeesSecretary/Contact
Audit and Risk Committee (of Council) Louise Spenceley 
Finance and Resources Committee (of Council) Lisa Glandfield
Chairs' Committee Laila El Baradei
Council Lisa Glandfield
Strategy and Performance Committee (of Council) Lisa Glandfield
Student Experience Committee Denise Cooper
Honorary Degrees Committee Chloe Ratcliffe Schofield
Remuneration Committee (A) - VC Pay

Jenny James

Remuneration Committee (B) - Staff Pay

Jenny James 


Marta Appleyard 

University Executive Team Dean Machin or Marta Appleyard
University Leadership Forum (ULF) Dean Machin or Marta Appleyard