This list represents selected recent SING articles.
Goulard, R., Buehlmann, C., Niven, J. E., Graham, P., & Webb, B. (2021). A unified mechanism for innate and learned visual landmark guidance in the insect central complex. PLoS computational biology, 17(9), e1009383.
Goulard, R., Buehlmann, C., Niven, J. E., Graham, P., & Webb, B. (2020). A motion compensation treadmill for untethered wood ants (Formica rufa): evidence for transfer of orientation memories from free-walking training. Journal of Experimental Biology, 223(24), jeb228601.
Buehlmann, C., Wozniak, B., Goulard, R., Webb, B., Graham, P., & Niven, J. E. (2020). Mushroom bodies are required for learned visual navigation, but not for innate visual behavior, in ants. Current Biology, 30(17), 3438-3443.
Vega Vermehren, J.A., Buehlmann, C., Fernandes, A.S.D. et al. (2020) Multimodal influences on learning walks in desert ants (Cataglyphis fortis). J Comp Physiol A 206, 701–709 (2020).
Buehlmann, C., Mangan, M., & Graham, P. (2020). Multimodal interactions in insect navigation. Animal Cognition, 1-13.
Buehlmann, C., Aussel, A., & Graham, P. (2020). Dynamic multimodal interactions in navigating wood ants: What do path details tell us about cue integration?. Journal of Experimental Biology, 223(7).
Steinbeck, F., Adden, A., & Graham, P. (2020). Connecting brain to behaviour: a role for general purpose steering circuits in insect orientation?. Journal of Experimental Biology, 223(5).
Wystrach, A., Buehlmann, C., Schwarz, S., Cheng, K., & Graham, P. (2020). Rapid aversive and memory trace learning during route navigation in desert ants. Current Biology.
Graham, P. (2019). Insect Navigation. In: Choe, J.C. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, (2nd ed.). vol. 3, pp. 581–587. Elsevier, Academic Press.
Wystrach, A., Schwarz, S., Graham, P., & Cheng, K. (2019). Running paths to nowhere: repetition of routes shows how navigating ants modulate online the weights accorded to cues. Animal cognition,
Buehlmann, C., Fernandes, A. S. D., & Graham, P. (2018). The interaction of path integration and terrestrial visual cues in navigating desert ants: what can we learn from path characteristics?. Journal of Experimental Biology, jeb-167304.
Dewar, A. D., Wystrach, A., Philippides, A., & Graham, P. (2017). Neural coding in the visual system of Drosophila melanogaster: How do small neural populations support visually guided behaviours?. PLoS computational biology, 13(10), e1005735.
Graham, P., & Philippides, A. (2017). Vision for navigation: What can we learn from ants?. Arthropod structure & development, 46(5), 718-722.
Collett, M., Graham, P., & Collett, T. S. (2017). Insect Navigation: What Backward Walking Reveals about the Control of Movement. Current Biology, 27(4), R141-R144.
Boulay, R., Aron, S., Cerdá, X., Doums, C., Graham, P., Hefetz, A., & Monnin, T. (2016). Social Life in Arid Environments: The Case Study of Cataglyphis Ants. Annual Review of Entomology.
Buehlmann, C., Woodgate, J. L., & Collett, T. S. (2016). On the Encoding of Panoramic Visual Scenes in Navigating Wood Ants. Current Biology, 26(15), 2022-2027.
Woodgate, J. L., Buehlmann, C., & Collett, T. S. (2016). When navigating wood ants use the centre of mass of a shape to extract directional information from a panoramic skyline. Journal of Experimental Biology,219(11), 1689-1696.
Knaden, M., & Graham, P. (2016). The sensory ecology of ant navigation: from natural environments to neural mechanisms. Annual review of entomology, 61, 63-76.
Wystrach, A., Dewar, A., Philippides, A., & Graham, P. (2015). How do field of view and resolution affect the information content of panoramic scenes for visual navigation? A computational investigation. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 1-9.
Fernandes, A. S. D., Philippides, A., Collett, T. S., & Niven, J. E. (2015). Acquisition and expression of memories of distance and direction in navigating wood ants. Journal of Experimental Biology, 218(22), 3580-3588.
Buehlmann, C., Graham, P., Hansson, B. S., & Knaden, M. (2015). Desert ants use olfactory scenes for navigation. Animal Behaviour, 106, 99-105.
Gaffin DD, Dewar A, Graham P, Philippides A (2015) Insect-Inspired Navigation Algorithm for an Aerial Agent Using Satellite Imagery. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0122077. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0122077
Graham, P., & Mangan, M. (2015). Insect navigation: do ants live in the now?.The Journal of Experimental Biology, 218(6), 819-823.
Collett, T. S., & Graham, P. (2015). Insect Navigation: Do Honeybees Learn to Follow Highways?. Current Biology, 25(6), R240-R242.
Cheung, A., Collett, M., Collett, T. S., Dewar, A., Dyer, F., Graham, P., ... & Zeil, J. (2014). Still no convincing evidence for cognitive map use by honeybees. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 201413581.
Riabinina, O., Hempel de Ibarra, N., Philippides, A. and Collett, T. S. (2014). Head movements and the optic flow generated during the learning flights of bumblebees. J. Exp. Biol. 217, 2633-2642.
Diez, L., Lejeune, P., & Detrain, C. (2014). Keep the nest clean: survival advantages of corpse removal in ants. Biology Letters, 10(7), 20140306.
Buehlmann, C., Graham, P., Hansson, B. S., & Knaden, M. (2014). Desert Ants Locate Food by Combining High Sensitivity to Food Odors with Extensive Crosswind Runs. Current Biology.
Wystrach, A., Philippides, A., Aurejac, A., Cheng, K., & Graham, P. (2014). Visual scanning behaviours and their role in the navigation of the Australian desert ant Melophorus bagoti. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 1-12.
Dewar, AD, Philippides, A, and Graham, P. (2014). What is the relationship between visual environment and the form of ant learning-walks? An in silico investigation of insect navigation. Adaptive Behavior.
Wystrach, A, Dewar, AD, and Graham, P. (2014) Insect Vision: Emergence of Pattern Recognition from Coarse Encoding. Current Biology, 24(2), R78-R80.
Collett, TS, Lent, DD and Graham P (2014) Scene perception and the visual control of travel direction in navigating wood ants. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B doi:10.1098/rstb.2013.0035 1471-2970
Wystrach, A., and S. Schwarz. (2013) Ants use a predictive mechanism to compensate for passive displacements by wind. Current Biology 23.24 (2013): R1083-R1085.
Collett M, Chittka L, Collett TS (2013) Spatial memory in insect navigation. Current Biology, Volume 23, Issue 17, R789-R800
Wystrach, A., Schwarz, S., Baniel, A., & Cheng, K. (2013). Backtracking behaviour in lost ants: an additional strategy in their navigational toolkit. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 280(1769).
Wystrach A, Mangan M, Philippides A, Graham P (2013). Snapshots in ants? New interpretations of paradigmatic experiments. J Exp Biol
Lent DD, Graham P, Collett TS (2013) Visual Scene Perception in Navigating Wood Ants. Current Biology, 23, 684-690.
Philippides A, Hempel de Ibarra N, Riabinina O, and Collett TS (2013) Bumblebee calligraphy: the design and control of flight motifs in the learning and return flights of Bombus terrestris. J Exp Biol 2013 216:1093-1104.
Collett TS, Hempel de Ibarra N, Riabinina O, and Philippides A (2013) Coordinating compass-based and nest-based flight directions during bumblebee learning and return flights. J Exp Biol 2013 216:1105-1113.
Graham P and Philippides A (2012) “Insect-Inspired Vision and Visually Guided Behavior” In Bhushan B and Winbigler H D (eds.) Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology, Springer.
Wystrach A and Graham P (2012) What can we learn from studies of insect navigation? Animal Behaviour, doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2012.04.017
Baddeley B, Graham P, Philippides A and Husbands P (2012) A Model of Ant Route Navigation Driven by Scene Familiarity. PLoS Comput Biol 8(1): e1002336.
Riabinina O, de Ibarra N-H, Howard L and Collett TS (2011) Do wood ants learn sequences of visual stimuli? JEB, 214, 2739-2748.
Philippides A, Baddeley B, Cheng K and Graham P (2011) How might ants use panoramic views for route navigation? J. Exp.Biol, 214, 445-451
Graham, P., Philippides, A., Baddeley, B. (2010) Animal Cognition: Multi-modal Interactions in Ant Learning. Current Biology. 20, R639-R640
Graham P (2010) “Insect Navigation” In Breed M.D. and Moore J. (eds) Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, pp. 167-175 Oxford: Academic Press
Lent DD, Graham P and Collett TS (2010) Image-matching during ant navigation occurs through saccade-like body turns controlled by learned visual features. PNAS, 107, 16348-16353