Elements Training

The Library's Elements team can provide support and training.

Elements Essentials Workshops

Sign up to join a 45 minute, online workshop on key aspects of working with Elements.  Please note our programme of workshops will re-commence in September 2024; in the meantime if you would like to arrange some training, please contact the Elements team by emailing elements@sussex.ac.uk

Elements Essentials: Profile

Elements Essentials: Impact

Elements Essentials: Reports

Elements Essentials: Publications

Elements Essentials: REF2029 Assessments

Further information and booking.

In addition,we are able to offer individual or group sessions to users who would like training on Elements.  If you would like to request a session, please email elements@sussex.ac.uk with a selection of suitable dates and times, and we will be in touch to arrange an appointment.

For guidance on using Elements, including how-to videos, see the Elements User Guide


If you have any queries or issues using Elements, the Library's Elements team will be more than happy to help. Please email us at elements@sussex.ac.uk.