Dogs in the Library

The Library expects all users to be respectful of each other and their needs.

In the event a user brings – or requests to bring - a dog into the Library, we need to ascertain whether it is a service animal (e.g. guide dog, hearing, emotional support). If the dog is not a service animal, we will politely ask the user to leave the space. The reasoning behind this decision is because dogs are not allowed in any buildings across campus, aside from service animals and pre-arranged wellbeing events (e.g. therapy dog visits). In addition, we do not know who will be in the building at any time and whether they have allergies, triggers, or anxieties relating to dogs, so these should also be considered.

If the dog is a legitimate service animal, they are welcome in the Library but the user must ensure the dog is kept under control, on a lead and not allowed to wander.

In exceptional circumstances, a user may be permitted to bring a dog into the building, if agreed with the Library Operations Senior Manager, but these will be dealt with individually at the time.

The Library is committed to ensuring all users can use the building in a way that is accessible to them, and to feel safe and confident in the building.

If there are any questions about these arrangements, they should be referred to the Library Operations Senior Manager.


Review / Contacts / References


Dogs in the Library

Date approved:


Approving body:

Library Management Team / Library Leadership Team

Last review date:


Revision history:


Next review date:


Related internal policies, procedures, guidance:

Library Code of Conduct

Document owner:


Lead contact/author:

Operations Senior Manager