Journal Articles:
- Kaltenthaler, E. & Cavanagh, K. (in press) Computerised cognitive behavioural therapy and its uses. Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry.
- Ormrod, J., Kennedy, L., Scott, J. & Cavanagh, K. (in press) Computerised cognitive behavioural therapy in an adult mental health service: a pilot study of outcomes and alliance. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.
- Cavanagh, K., Shapiro, D., van den Berg, S., Swain, S., Barkham, M. & Proudfoot, J. (in press) The acceptability of computer-aided cogntive behavioural therapy: a pragmatic study. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.
- Cuipers, P., Marks, I., van Straten, A., Cavanagh, K., Gega, L. & Andersson, G. (2009) Computer-aided psychotherapy for anxiety disorders: a meta-analytic review. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 38 (2), 66-82.
- Marks, I., Cuipers, P., & Cavanagh, K (2009) Meta-analyses of computer-aided psychotherapy: problems and partial solutions. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 38 (2), 83-90.
- Marks, I. & Cavanagh, K. (2009) Computer-aided psychotherapy: state of the art and state of the science. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 5, 121-141
- Learmouth, D., Trosh, J., Rai, S., Sewell, J. & Cavanagh, K. (2008) The role of computer-aided psychotherapy within an NHS CBT specialist service. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 8, 117-123
- Marks, IM., Cavanagh, K, Gega, L. (2008) Computer-aided Psychotherapy: a revolution or a bubble about to burst? British Journal of Psychiatry, 191, 471-473.
- Cavanagh, K., Shapiro, D., van den Berg, S., Dawson, J., Barkham, M. & Proudfoot, J. (2006) The effectiveness of computerised cognitive behavioural therapies in routine care. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 45, 499-514.
- McCrone, P., Knapp, M., Proudfoot, J., Cavanagh, K., Ryden, C., Ilson, S., Gray, JA, Shapiro, DA. (2004) Cost-effectiveness of computerised cognitive-behavioural therapy for anxiety and depression in primary care. British Journal of Psychiatry, 185 (1), 55-62.
- Van den Berg, S., Shapiro, D.A., Bickerstaffe, D., & Cavanagh, K (2004) Computerized cognitive-behaviour therapy for anxiety and depression: a practical solution to the shortage of trained therapists. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 11, 508-516
- Cavanagh, K & Shapiro, D (2004) Technological advances in computer treatment. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 60, 239-251.
- Shapiro, D., Cavanagh, K. & Lomas, H (2003) Geographic inequity in the availability of cognitive behavioural therapy in England and Wales. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 31, 185-192.
- Books and Book Chapters
- Cavanagh, K. (2010) Turn on, tune in, (don't) drop out: engagement, adherence and alliance with internet based mental health interventions. In J. Bennet-Levy et al. (Eds.) Oxford Guide to Low Intensity CBT Interventions. Oxford University Press
- Cavanagh, K. (2010) Computer-Aided Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CCBT). In K. Anthony, D.M. Nagel & S. Goss (Eds.). The use of technology in mental health: Applications, ethics and practice. Charles C Thomas Publisher: Springfield, IL.
- Kaltenthaler, E., McCrone, P. & Cavanagh, K. (2010) Evaluating computer based clinical applications. In K. Anthony, D.M. Nagel & S. Goss (Eds.). The use of technology in mental health: Applications, ethics and practice. Charles C Thomas Publisher: Springfield, IL.
- Marks, IM., Cavanagh, K. & Gega, L. (2007) Hands-on help: computer-aided psychotherapy. Hove, East Sussex: Psychology Press.
- Cavanagh, K., Shapiro, D., Zacks, J. (2003) Computer plays therapist: The challenges and opportunities of psychotherapeutic software. In. S. Goss & K. Anthony. Technology in Counselling and Psychotherapy Practice: A Practitioners' Guide. Palgrave, pp. 143-164
- Cavanagh, K., Wright, J., Zacks, J. & Shapiro, D. (2003) Computer programmes for psychotherapy. In. S. Goss & K. Anthony. Technology in Counselling and Psychotherapy Practice: A Practitioners' Guide. Palgrave, pp. 165-208
- Cavanagh, K., Zacks, J. & Shapiro, D. (2003) Empirically supported computerised psychotherapies. In. Wooton, Yellowlees & McClaren. Telepsychiatry and E-mental health care; Royal Society of Medicine Press.