Sussex ESRC Doctoral Training Centre (internal)


It is important to let your supervisor and the DTC know if you are too unwell to study for a period of more than two weeks.

You should also send in a medical certificate to the DTC. Also make us aware if you suffer from short but frequent absences due to sickness.

Things to be aware of:

  • you can continue to recieve your award for up to 13 weeks (within any 12 month period) of sick-leave, as long as it covered by a medical certificate. You funding end date and your thesis submission date can be extended by the period covered by the medical certificate.
  • if the illness lasts, or is expected to last, for more than 13 weeks you should suspend your award
  • Masters students in the first year of a 1+3 award would normally need to suspend their award rather than take sick-leave
  • if you require regular but short absences for medical or other reasons you should consider changing to part-time study.

Sussex ESRC Doctoral Training Centre (internal)