An interdisciplinary hub dedicated to advancing the research base for global health policy.
The Centre’s vision is a world in which people around the world can enjoy long, healthy lives irrespective of where they live, and in which all those in need have ready access to effective, affordable, and compassionate healthcare. It is a vision based around the social values of justice, dignity, and respect for human life.
The Centre for Global Health Policy understands ‘global health’ in a broad and enabling way, revolving around three key pillars:
- Improving the health of populations and helping people around the world to live longer, healthier lives.
- Working towards greater social justice by reducing the significant health inequalities that exist in the world between – and also within – countries.
- Taking an international approach to health as something crucial to all peoples of the world, and requiring solutions particularly sensitive to the transnational determinants and consequences of disease.
The principal aims of this Centre for Global Health Policy are:
- To promote global health by attracting external funding for rigorous, innovative and cross-disciplinary research that will benefit national and international policy communities in global health
- To advance the university’s core academic mission by consolidating, supporting and growing a network of global health.
- To disseminate and showcase Sussex research in global health to local, national, and international audiences by sponsoring (and participating in) networking events which allow researchers, policy-makers, activists and students of global health to exchange their knowledge, ideas, passion and experiences about global health.
Contact the Centre for Global Health Policy
Director of CGHP: Prof Stefan Elbe
Deputy Director of CGHP: Dr Anne Roemer-Mahler
Next 28th CGHP Research Café - Ushehwedu Kufakurinanin, 'Traditional Sex Enhancers', 23 April 2025, 10-12.
27th CGHP Research Café - Dagmar Vorlicek 'Infastructuring Global Health Security', 5 March 2025, 10-12
26th CGHP Research Café - Katharina Krause & Katharina Wezel, 'Care-ful Protection', 30 January 2025, 10-12.
25th CGHP Research Cafe - Anne Roemer-Mahler, 'Access to Medicines', 4 December 2024, 10-12
24th CGHP Research Café - Carolin Mezes, 'Monitoring Pandemic Preparedness', 31 October 2024, 10-12.
23rd CGHP Research Café - Aida Hassan ‘Contesting Liberal Norms in Global Health Governance’, 25th September 2024, 10-12,
22nd GGHP Research Cafe - Sindy Putri on Indonesias Health Diplomacy during COVID-19 & Mara Linden on German Global Health Policy-making,14 June 2024
21st CHGP Research Cafe - Christian Haddad on 'The politics of alter-biotic innovation' & Franziska Zirker on 'Web Scrapers and Fax Machines, or: How to Represent a Situation in Real Time', 3 May 2024, 10-12.
20th CGHP Research Café - Renu Singh on COVAX & Dargmar Vorlicek on COVID Conspiracies, 22 March 2024, 10-12.
19th CGHP REsearch Cafe - Mara Linden, 'COVID Governance in Germany', January 26th, 10-12.
18th CGHP Research Cafe - Nadine Voelkner, 'Quantum Ideas in Global Health' & Franziska Zirker, 'Capturing the Epidemic Situation', 24 November 2023, 10-12.
17th CGHP Research Cafe - Anne-Sophie Jung (Leeds): ‘Global Governance and the Microbe: Antimicrobial Resistance, Complexity & Turbulence’, 4 October 2023, 12-2 pm.
16th CGHP Research Café - Christian Haddad, 'From Antibiotic Crisis to EU-Biotic Politics' & Jana Fey 'The Politics of Mental Health Awarenesss in the United Kingdom, 28 June 2023, 12-2 pm.
15th CGHP Research Cafe - Renu Singh, 'Perceptions of Public Health Experts', 5 May 2023
14th CGHP Research Cafe - Christian Haddad & Eva Hilberg, 2 February 2023
13th CGHP Research Cafe - Benjamin Hunter: 'The Moral Making of the New 'Global' NHS' & Stefan Elbe, 'Onomastic Power & Pandemic Politics', 13 December 2022
12th CGHP Research Cafe - 2 November 2022
11th CGHP Research Cafe - Anne Roemer-Mahler and Dagmar Vorlíček, 'Science and information disorder', 28 September 2022
10th CGHP Research Cafe - Annual Review of CGHP, 4 May 2022
9th CGHP Research Cafe - Research Grant Proposals, 23 March 2022
8th CGHP Research Cafe - Laura Jung, 'Madness in the Metropole - Colonial Psychiatry in Britain, 1860-1914', 10 February, 2022
7th CGHP Research Cafe - Anne Roemer-Mahler, 'Legitimising global health organisations: the case of the Africa CDC', 26 January 2022
6th CGHP Research Café - Benjamin Hunter, 'Convergence at the end of aid: the rise of global health's investor states', 23 November 2021
5th CGHP Research Café - Dagmar Rychnovská, ‘The infrastructural politics of biosecurity’, 23 September 2021.
4th CGHP Research Café - David Brenner, ‘Rebels, Vigilantes, and Mavericks: The Architectural Inversion of Global Health Governance’, 6 July 2021.
3rd CGHP Research Café - Stefan Elbe, ‘Who Owns a Deadly Virus? Viral Sovereignty, Global Health Emergencies and the Matrix of the International ‘, 29 April 2021.
2nd CGHP Research Café - Benjamin Hunter, ‘Seeing beyond the state: regulation of private healthcare in Maharashtra’, 24 February 2021.
Inaugural CGHP Research Café - Anne Roemer-Mahler: ‘COVID19 as a lens into the past and future of global health governance’, 4 November 2020.