School of Global Studies

Modules - current academic year

TitleCodeTerms taught
FHEQ Level 4
Key Concepts in AnthropologyL6067Autumn Semester
Practising AnthropologyL6068Autumn Semester
The Anthropological ImaginationL6001Autumn Semester
Anthropology of CapitalismL6070Spring Semester
The Anth of Kinship and RelatednessL6069Spring Semester
Worlds and Selves003ANSpring Semester
FHEQ Level 5
Ethnographic Research MethodsL6046NAutumn Semester
Key Debates in Contemporary Anthropology001ANAutumn Semester
Religion and RitualL6072Autumn Semester
Professional Placement YearGS1PPAutumn & Spring Teaching
Cities and Urban LivesL6076Spring Semester
Culture and RepresentationL6075Spring Semester
Ethnographic Field Research002ANSpring Semester
Politics and PowerL6071Spring Semester
Visual AnthropologyL6074Spring Semester
FHEQ Level 6
Anthropology of the BodyL6065AAutumn Semester
Anthropology of the BodyL6065AIDAutumn Semester
Death, Dying and the CorpseL6307AIDAutumn Semester
Death, Dying and the CorpseL6307AAutumn Semester
Slavery, Emancipation and LegaciesL6303AAutumn Semester
Slavery, Emancipation and LegaciesL6303AIDAutumn Semester
The Anthropology of GeopoliticsL6301AIDAutumn Semester
The Anthropology of GeopoliticsL6301AAutumn Semester
Anthropology ThesisL6078Autumn & Spring Teaching
Cults, Conspiracies & Political ReligionL6306SSpring Semester
Environmental AnthropologyL6066Spring Semester
Race, Ethnicity and IdentityL6090DSpring Semester
Race, Ethnicity and IdentityL6090Spring Semester
Re-Designing Life: Anthropological ApproL6305SSpring Semester
FHEQ Level 7 (Masters)
Anthropology and the Ethnographic849L6Autumn Semester
Anthropology for Development855L6Autumn Semester
Critical Approaches854L6Autumn Semester
Introduction to Qualitative Methods513X8Autumn Semester
Issues in Contemporary Ethnography856L6Autumn Semester
Thinking Like an Anthropologist820L6Autumn Semester
Activism for Dev and Social Justice843L6Spring Semester
Anthropological Research Methods850L6Spring Semester
Childhood and Youth847L6Spring Semester
Ethnographic Methods of Data Collection507X8BSpring Semester
Fair Trade, Ethical Business845L6Spring Semester
Knowledge, Power and Resistance822L6Spring Semester
Poverty, Vulnerability & the Global Econ821L6Spring Semester
Visual, Sensory and Digital Anthropology860L6Spring Semester
Advanced Methods in Social Research584X8Summer Teaching
Conflict-affected Areas570X8Summer Teaching
Dissertation (Anthropology)841L6Summer Teaching
Mass Observation582X8Summer Teaching
Multi-sited and Mobile Ethnography569X8Summer Teaching

Please note that the University will use all reasonable endeavours to deliver courses and modules in accordance with the descriptions set out here. However, the University keeps its courses and modules under review with the aim of enhancing quality. Some changes may therefore be made to the form or content of courses or modules shown as part of the normal process of curriculum management.

The University reserves the right to make changes to the contents or methods of delivery of, or to discontinue, merge or combine modules, if such action is reasonably considered necessary by the University. If there are not sufficient student numbers to make a module viable, the University reserves the right to cancel such a module. If the University withdraws or discontinues a module, it will use its reasonable endeavours to provide a suitable alternative module.