Centre for Gender Studies

Events Archive

  • 21st June: The Centre for Gender Studies Creative Methods Festival: A day of playful, practical workshops for researchers and community partners to explore creative research methods across disciplinary boundaries, through crafts, poetry, drama, games and more. Part of the Summer of Research 2024
  • 2nd April: Former Metropolitan Police Detective Colin Sutton gave a talk about male violence - specifically about his experience catching serial murderer Levi Bellfield and serial rapist Delroy Grant. Read more here.
  • Dr Hannah Mason-Bish was invited to talk about my innovative research methodologies by the Woman, Crime and Criminal Justice Network  on 12th April Read more here.
  • 12 June 2018: This was the first in a series of events planned by the Centre of Gender Studies to take place over the next two years, to establish and sustain a meaningful university-wide conversation for academic and professional services staff on issues relating to equality and diversity. A Conversation on university Culture: Processes and Procedures around Equality and Diversity
  • 14th November 2018: Molly Smith and Juno Mac, two of the most important contemporary voices on sex workers’ rights came to Sussex to  talk about their new book with Verso, ‘Revolting Prostitutes’. Event co-sponsored by Gender Studies and the Centre for the Study of Sexual Dissidence. 
  • 19th November 2018: Sophia Cooke Sophia Cooke gave a talk on 'Damaging misperceptions of intimate partner abuse' as detailed below: There are stereotypes of women. There are stereotypes of people who are abused. And there are stereotypes of victims. In combination, perceptions of what a woman, abused by her partner, should look, sound and act like, can cause further damage at every stage and be obstacles in her path to escaping, reporting, and securing both safety and justice. Drawing on personal testimony I will talk about how these perceptions affect how victims experience the court process as lawyers say the victim is too  "strong and intelligent"  and journalists paint you as a hysterical woman. This narrative leads to victim blaming and I will talk about the impact of that and also  urge others to question the stereotypes they hold and not to let them prevent those around them from receiving the support they need.
  • Decemner 2018: This conference which took place at the University of Newcastle, Australia in December 2018 was themed around working within a broader complex political environment, raising questions of how we as educators can respond to current challenges through our pedagogical practices. Gender and Education Association Conference 2018
  • Friday 3 November 2017: This two-day workshop explored the themes of gender and hate in the online context, enabling academics and experts to share and discuss related research. Gender & Hate in the Online Sphere