Event 1: What counts as QLR?
Anderson, J. (2000): Genders and generations in shanty community development, Lima, Peru. cloud2.gdnet.org/CMS/pdf/888_Anderson_Paper
Brandsen, T. and Karre, P.M. (2011): 'Hybrid Organizations: No cause for concern?' International Journal of Public Administration, 34(13): 827-836
Burawoy, M. (2009): The Extended Case Method: Four countries, four decades, four great transformations, and one theoretical tradition. UC Press, Chapter 2: "The ethnographic visit".
Crow, G. (2008): 'Thinking about families and communities over time' in R Edwards (ed) Researching Families and Communities: Social and generational change (Abingdon: Routledge), pp 11-24
Lassiter, L.E. (2012): 'To fill in the missing piece of the Middletown puzzle: Lessons from re-studying Middletown', Sociological Review, 60(3), 421-37
Macmillan, R. (2011): Seeing thing differently? The promise of qualitative longitudinal research on the third sector (TSRC working paper 67, Birmingham, Third Sector Research Centre).
Pelman, J. (2010): Favela. Four decades of living on the edge in Rio de Janeiro (Oxford University Press), Chapter 12: "The importance of being Gente", pp 316-339 and the methodological appendix 1, pp 341-354
Robinson, L. (2011): '"Soldiers" stories of the Falklands War: Recomposing trauma in memoir', Contemporary British History, 25:4, 569-589
Sheridan, D. (1993): 'Writing to the archive: Mass-observation as autobiography', Sociology, February 1993, Vol.27, No.1, pp 27-40. DOI: 10.1177/003803859302700104
Swidler, A. (2001): 'What anchors cultural practices' in Theodore R.Schatzki, Karin Knorr Cetina and Eike von Savigny (eds) The Practice Turn in Contemporary Theory, pp 74-92 (Routledge, 2001)
Weis, L. and Fine, M. (2012): 'Critical Bifocality and Circuits of Privelege: Expanding critical ethnographic theory and design', Harvard Educational Review, Vol.82, No.2, Summer 2012
Event 2: Research relationships in time
Anderson, M. (1980): 'The relevance of family history', in C.C.Harris (ed.) The Sociology of the Family: Contemporary developments, Sociological Review Monographs, pp 49-73
Back, L. (2007): The Art of Listening; Berg - all of this but particularly Conclusions, pp 150-167
Boddy, J. (2013 in press): 'Research across cultures', within Countries: Hidden ethics tensions in research with children and families? Progress in Development Studies, 13(4)
Coltart, C., Henwood, K. and Shirani, F. (2013): 'Qualitative Secondary Analysis in Austere Times: Ethical, professional and methodological considerations', FQS, 14(1), Art.18
Dicks, B., Soyinka, B. and Coffey, A. (2006): 'Multimodal Ethnography' in Qualitative Research, 6(1), pp 77-96
Glucksmann, M. (2000): Cottons and Casuals: The gendered organisation of labour in time and space, Durham: Sociology Press
Elliott, H., Ryan, J. and Hollway, W. (2011): 'Research encounters, reflexivity and supervision' in The International Journal of Social Research Methodology
Flax, J. (1993): 'Forgotten forms of close combat: Mothers and daughters revisited' in Disputed Subjects, pp 59-71. New York: Routledge
Hare-Mustin, R. (1994): 'Discourse in a mirrored room: A postmodern analysis of therapy' in Family Process, 29, pp 343-364
Jamieson, L. (2013): 'Personal Relationships, Intimacy and the Self in a Mediated and Global Digital Age' in K. Orton-Johnson and N.Prior (eds) Digital Sociology: Critical Perspectives. Palgrave MacMillan: London
MacDonald, R. et al (2005): 'Growing up in poor neighbourhoods: The significance of class and place in the extended transitions of socially excluded young adults' in Sociology, 39(5), pp 873-891
Mauthner, N. (2012): 'Accounting for our part of the entangled webs we weaver: Ethical and moral issues in digital data sharing' in T.Miller, M.Birch, M.Mauthner and J.Jessop (eds) Ethics in Qualitative Research, 2nd edition. London: Sage
McGrellis, S. (2011): Growing up in Northern Ireland, The Joseph Rowntree Trust
Taylor, R.F. (2005): 'Rethinking Voluntary Work' in L.Pettinger, J.Parry, R.F.Taylor and M.Glucksmann (eds) A New Sociology of Work?. Oxford: Blackwell
Thomson, R., Hadfield, L., Kehily, M.J. and Sharpe, S. (2012): 'Acting up and acting out: Encountering children in a longitudinal study of mothering', Qualitative Research, 12(2)
Wiles, R. (2013): What are Qualitative Research Ethics?. Bloomsbury Academic
Event 3: (Re)Conceptualising the object of QLR
Abbott, A. (1984): 'Event sequence and event duration: Colligation and measurement' in Historical Methods, 17, pp 192-204
Abbott, A. (2007): 'Against Narrative: A preface to lyrical sociology' in Sociological Theory, 25(1), pp 67-99
Bjerrum Nielsen, H. (1996): 'The magic writing pad - On gender and identity' in Journal of Nordic Youth Studies: Young, 4(3), pp 2-18
Casella, E.C. and Croucher, S. (2010): The Alderley Sandhills Project: An archaeology of community life in (post) industrial England. Manchester University Press
Casella, E.C. (2002): Archaeology of the Ross Female Factory: Female incarceration in Van Diemen's Land, Australia. Records of the Queen Victoria Museum & Art Gallery, No.108. Launcesteon, TAS: QVMAG Publications
Harootunian, H. (2007): 'Remembering the historical present' in Critical Inquiry, 33 (Spring), pp 471-494
Little, B.J. (2007): Historical Archaeology: Why the past matters. CA: LeftCoast Press
McLeod, J. and Yates, L. (2006): 'Becoming someone as process and product' in Making Modern Lives: Subjectivity, schooling and social change. State University of New York Press: Albany, pp 76-101
Rockman, M. and Flatman, J. (2012): Archaeology in Society: Its relevance in the modern world. New York: Springer
Skeates, R., McDavid, C. and Carman, J. (2012): The Oxford Handbook of Public Archaeology. Oxford University Press
Stanley, L. (2012): 'Whites Writing: Letters and documents of life in a QLR project' in L.Stanley (ed) Documents of Life Revisited: Narrative and biographical methods for a 21st century critical humanism. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing
Event 4: QLR and practice traditions
Bishop, Claire (2004): 'Antagonism and Relational Aesthetics' in October 110, Fall 2004
Foster, Hal (2004): 'The Artist as Ethnographer?' in The Return of the Real, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
Helguera, Pablo (2011): Education for Socially Engaged Art, New York: Jorge Pinto Books
Hodges, J. et al (2003): 'Changes in attachment representations over the first year of adoptive placement: Narratives of maltreated children' in Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 8(3), pp 1359-1045
Kelleher, J., Rodout, N., Castellucci, C., Guidi, C. and Catellucci, R. (2007): The Theatre of Societas Raffaello Sanzio. Routledge
Sjoberg, Johannes (2010): Ethnofiction
Studs Terkel, S. - American Dreams Lost and Found. The New York Press (1980):
Mandelbaum, B. (1980): 'The Psychoanalytical Language in Human Sciences: The visible and the invisible' in Freud and Walter Benjamin.
Wakelyn, J. (2011): 'Therapeutic observation of an infant in foster care' in Journal of Child Psychotherapy, 37(3), pp 280-310
Walkerdine, V., Osvold, A. and Rudberg, M. (article submitted): 'History walked in the door: Embodying history's secrets - towards an approach to researching intergenerational trauma'
Jeremy Deller (2001): The Battle of Orgreave
Joe Kelleher: writing sample/sample extract
Suzanne Lacy (1993-4): The Roof is on Fire
Mierle Laderman Ukeles (1979-present): Touch Sanitation
Richard Layzell: Route Planner
Nikki S.Lee (1997-2001): Projects
French Mottershead (2005-present): The Shops Project
Oppenheimer, Joshua, dir. (2012): The Act of Killing [film]
* a recent documentary employing an extreme form of performative ethnofictive technique
Sarma Oral Site
Santiago Sierra (2001): 133 Persons Paid to Have Their Hair Dyed Blonde
* Interview with Sierra
Stephen Willats (1972-3): West London Social Resource Project
WochenKlauser [Austrian art collective]: various projects
The Last Books