School of Engineering and Informatics (for staff and students)

ZJSU student handbook

Welcome to the Joint Institute student handbook. We encourage you to familiarise yourself with this resource. Information is arranged alphabetically within broad categories. If you cannot find the information you need here, or on the Joint Institute student experience Canvas page, please contact our dedicated education team. Our staff will be more than happy to help.

Please find the link to the student experience Canvas page here


You can contact the education team by emailing


Advice and support

Academic advising

As a student at the Joint Institute, academic advice is provided by your course convenor. Their role is to support your academic progress and offer guidance, or referral to appropriate specialist professional services as necessary. You can email your course convenor for academic advice and support.

YH Staff photo FZ Staff photo FZ Staff photo
Dr Yanpei Huang Dr Fan Zhang Dr Fan Zhang
ZJSU-Sussex AI Director of Teaching and Learning BEng Communications Engineering  BEng Robotics & Electrical Engineering
MS Staff photo
 WR Staff photo
 KL Staff photo
Dr Maxine Sherman Dr Warrick Roseboom  Dr Kun Liang
MSc Artificial Intelligence & Adaptive Systems MSc Artificial Intelligence & Adaptive Systems  MSc Robotics & Autonomous Systems


For further information see the Joint Institute student experience Canvas page.

Joint Institute education team

The Joint Institute education team here at Sussex provides quality assurance and assessment support.

Contact the team at if you need information or support related to your assessments.

Staff Name




Catherine Warden

Assistant Education Manager

Oversight and management of course delivery and assessment

Jessie Buckley

Senior Course Coordinator 

Quality assurance, teaching delivery and coursework support

Patrick Meredith

Curriculum & Assessment Officer 

Regulations, exam boards, curriculum and assessment quality assurance

Claire Lloyd

Course Coordinator 

Exam paper organisation and support

Nicky Goodyer

Course Coordinator

Coursework organisation and support


Visit the Joint Institute student experience Canvas site to access wider resources and support for your studies.

Module evaluation survey

Please note that the module evaluation survey has now finished, and will resume again next term.

Thank you for participating in our anonymous termly module feedback survey. Your feedback is valuable to the university as it helps us improve your learning experience. Each time you complete the survey, you will be providing feedback for one module.

Please remember that this survey is anonymous and you will not be identified based on your answer. Please ensure that you answer honestly so that we can try and implement as many improvements as possible.

Please follow the steps below to complete the survey:

1. Select your corresponding level of study (undergraduate or postgraduate) 

2. Select your course 

3. Select the module you wish to provide feedback for 

4. Answer the survey and provide honest feedback for your experience studying this module 

Please note that you can answer this survey for each module you are currently studying. 

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your input is invaluable in helping us create a better learning environment for all students. If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please don't hesitate to contact us for assistance

Referencing and academic integrity

During the second semester of year two, you will study the Academic Communication for Engineering module (Q1156Z), which will introduce you to the Numerical system of referencing, as well as teaching you the importance of how research links to reports, which will be important for your coursework submissions.

All students should therefore familiarise themselves with the Numeric referencing style, as well as the importance of academic integrity, both found on the Skills Hub. If you are having any difficulties with learning the referencing system, please get in touch with the module convenor for Academic Communication for Engineering, David Munn (

Report writing guides

Engineering students should make full use of the following resources when writing a laboratory or technical report:

Guide to laboratory writing.

Guide to technical report writing

Skills hub

Students at the Joint Institute can benefit from many of the resources in the University of Sussex Skills Hub. These will help you to develop the skills which are essential for academic study. Here you will find a wide range of resources, including expert advice and suggestions from successful Sussex students.

Student experience

Visit the Joint Institute student experience Canvas page to access more resources and support for your studies and to discover ways to make the most of your time with us. You can auto-entrol here.


Academic appeals (including informal resolution process)

You are encouraged to try the informal resolution service before submitting a formal appeal. 

Contact the Engineering & Informatics informal resolution team on:

Full details and deadlines are set out on the Student Hub.

Assessment regulations

For undergraduate students 

For postgraduate students

Contact Patrick Meredith, Curriculum and Assessment Officer., for clarification on assessment regulations.

Coursework submission support

Coursework submission support

Exam conduct, information and support

All of your examinations will be held in person on the ZJSU campus. Please note that all retake exams will also be in person. Retake exams will take place in the assessment period following the term in which the module was delivered. General guidance on your expected conduct during examinations can be found here

ZJSU Rubrics for A1 RESIT Exam Papers 2024-25 Autumn Term [PDF 244.18KB]

Exceptional circumstances

You can make an exceptional circumstances claim if you experience something sudden, temporary and unforeseen, which could have an impact on one of your assessments: exams, or coursework. If you have reasonable adjustments and you have a flare up in your ongoing condition, you can also make an exceptional circumstances claim. 

Outcomes of upheld exceptional circumstances claims are:

Type of exceptional circumstances claim Outcome (if your claim is accepted)
Late submission. You must submit your work before the final deadline. Late penalty will be waived. Your submission will show as late but with X7L or X24 on Sussex Direct.

Excused non-submission of an assignment (XNS). You will not be able to submit your original work.

An opportunity to retrieve the mark by taking a new assessment in the retake assessment period following the term in which the module was delivered. Details will be published on your assessment timetable after the end of semester exam board has met. Retake assignment briefs will be published on Canvas approximately three weeks prior to the submission deadline.
Excused absence from an exam. A further uncapped attempt in the retake assessment period following the term in which the module was delivered.
Impairment for a coursework assessment. An opportunity to retrieve or improve the mark by taking a new assessment in the retake assessment period following the term in which the module was delivered. Details will be published on your assessment timetable after the end of semester exam board has met. Retake assignment briefs will be published on Canvas approximately three weeks prior to the submission deadline.
Impairment in an exam. A further uncapped attempt in the retake assessment period following the term in which the module was delivered. 


Important: The mark you get for a resit or sit assessment will be used for progression and/or award purposes, even if it's lower than your original mark. If you don't take the resit or sit, your original mark will stand.

Mark conversion

Please be aware that on the internal ZJSU system, you will have different marks to those on your results page on Sussex Direct. These marks hold the same weighting in both British and Chinese. To pass a module, you must have an overall mark of 40 (60 in ZJSU weighting). 

Here is the mark conversion:


0 0            
1 2 26 39 51 70 76 89
2 3 27 41 52 71 77 89
3 5 28 42 53 72 78 90
4 6 29 44 54 73 79 91
5 8 30 45 55 74 80 91
6 9 31 47 56 75 81 92
7 11 32 48 57 76 82 92
8 12 33 50 58 77 83 93
9 14 34 51 59 78 84 93
10 15 35 53 60 79 85 94
11 17 36 54 61 79 86 94
12 18 37 56 62 79 87 95
13 20 38 57 63 80 88 95
14 21 39 59 64 81 89 96
15 23 40 60 65 82 90 96
16 24 41 61 66 82 91 97
17 26 42 62 67 83 92 97
18 27 43 63 68 84 93 97
19 29 44 64 69 84 94 98
20 30 45 65 70 85 95 98
21 32 46 66 71 86 96 99
22 33 47 67 72 86 97 99
23 35 48 68 73 87 98 99
24 36 49 69 74 88 99 99
25 38 50 69 75 88 100 100


If there are discrepancies between your marks, such as following a resit/sit your mark has not been updated on the ZJSU system, please get in contact with so we can liaise with ZJSU colleagues on having this amended. 

Reasonable adjustments

As part of your studies at the Joint Institute, you are eligible for additional help with your teaching, exams and assessments if you have a disability. This is known as reasonable adjustments, aimed at minimising barriers to your studies. There is a range of support available to you if you meet the eligible criteria.

Please find further information on reasonable adjustments via the Student Hub and the range of support you can get depending on your condition. 

Results information

See 'Getting your results'

If you have any questions about your results, contact Patrick Meredith or Jessie Buckley

Withdrawing from your course

See 'withdrawing from your course'

Other information

Transcripts and letters

You can request a letter from the University to prove your status as a student, as well as an interim transcripts of your grades if you require them. Please see 'Letters and documents' on the Student Hub for the full list of letters available. Please also note that some letters on there, such as council tax exemption, are not relevant to Joint Institute students and are specifically for students studying in the UK.

Please contact for any guidance or questions you have about requesting letters. 

Your candidate number

You will find your candidate number on your Sussex Direct study page. This is the 6-digit number that you must put on your coursework and exam submissions, as well as at the end of any email correspondence with staff. 

School of Engineering and Informatics (for staff and students)

School Office:
School of Engineering and Informatics, University of Sussex, Chichester 1 Room 002, Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9QJ
T 01273 (67) 8195

School Office opening hours: School Office open Monday – Friday 09:00-15:00, phone lines open Monday-Friday 09:00-17:00
School Office location [PDF 1.74MB]