

Critical issue: Jobs

Mariana Mazzucato’s research investigates the feedback between the innovative efforts of companies (in both organisational and technological change) and the impact this has on their growth and the structure of the industry in which they compete. The effect of these dynamics on how the stock market values firms, and the potential "bubble" type dynamics (such as the bubble) is also a key concern.

The relationship between structural change, growth, and inequality features strongly in Tommaso Ciarli’s work. His work on structural change and growth analyses how different aspects of the structure of an economy affect the patterns of growth, and the other way round. He develops models that are able to replicate some stylised facts on growth and income inequality associated with different stages of growth, which are used to study the effect of different labour structures - and other aspects of structural change - on economic growth. Firm size, the allocation of workers within firms with different hierarchical structures, and the distribution of wages among hierarchies, show a tremendous impact on growth through the distribution of income and its expenditure.


  • Mariana Mazzucato - R.M. Phillips Professor of Science and Technology at the University of Sussex (SPRU)










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