Application form

Before you submit your application, check you meet our clearing entry and English language requirements.

Your details

If you are not in UCAS, please leave blank

Please can you confirm if you are a UK national who has lived continuously in the UK/EU since 1 September 2021?

We will use the passport information, if you are successful, to provide the Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) you will need in support of your visa application.

Course details

Medical Neuroscience (BSc) [B142]

Qualification details

Please fill out relevant subject areas for A-level/AS Levels, International Baccalaureate and Access to HE Diploma. For all other qualifications complete the other qualifications box.

Important Information

This section requires precise information about your qualifications. When entering your qualifications on this form please note that you should use the exact title of the qualification taken in your own language. Do NOT try and translate your qualifications into British A-levels or any other system. Our Admissions Team will do this when we receive your application form.

We need information on all the qualifications you have taken since you were 16 and will also require evidence of English language proficiency in the form of IELTS or an equivalent qualification. Further details of our English language requirements can be viewed in our prospectus. Please note that some of our degree programmes also require a good standard of mathematics. Please check the individual subject entries in the prospectus for further details.

Scanned qualifications

You may find it easier to scan and attach copies of your qualifications including English Language qualifications to help speed processing of your clearing application.

The form may take some time to submit depending on size and quantity of files you attach.

International Baccalaureate

Use these boxes for International Baccalaureate only

Higher Level subjects Score Standard Level subjects Score
Bounus Points: Overall Score:
Country in which taken Date completed

A Levels/AS Levels

Use these boxes for British GCE A Levels/AS Levels or UCLES/Cambridge A levels only.

A Level Subject Grade Country in which taken When
AS Level Subject Grade Country in which taken When

English Language Qualifications


Name of Qualification Grade Where taken When

Other qualifications

Please list name of qualification, subjects taken, grades obtained, country in which taken and when.

Application support

Please use this section to support your application. The personal statement is an important part of the application process and Admissions Tutors will be looking for a series of paragraphs explaining your reasons for applying for your chosen course, your interests and any relevant experience that you have.

Please provide the name and contact details of someone we can approach for an academic reference.

Additional information

Can an admissions tutor contact you?

The University welcomes applications from students with disabilities. Our Student Support Unit will want to contact successful applications who have a declared disability or special need to discuss what support the University can provide. Therefore please complete the following to indicate what, if any, disability or special needs you might have:


Note that the information provided in this form will be used for the purposes of processing your clearing application to study at the University of Sussex and to contact named referees where necessary. Any personal data provided is processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018, and the University’s privacy notice.

Thank you for using the online Clearing and Adjustment application form. You will receive a reply as soon as possible. The 'Submit' button transmits your requirements to the Clearing and Adjustment team. You should then see a 'confirmation' screen - to exit this, use the 'Back' button on your browser.