Emeritus Professor
Key areas: IR theory, ethics, law, history
Selected publications
Jahn, Beate (2021) Critical theory in crisis? A reconsideration. European Journal of International Relations. pp. 1-26. ISSN 1354-0661
Jahn, Beate (2019) The sorcerer's apprentice: liberalism, ideology and religion in world politics. International Relations. ISSN 0047-1178
Jahn, Beate (2018) Liberal internationalism: historical trajectory and current prospects. International Affairs, 94 (1). pp. 43-61. ISSN 0020-5850
Jahn, Beate (2017) The imperial origins of social and political thought. Political Power and Social Theory, 32. pp. 9-35. ISSN 0198-8719
Jahn, Beate (2017) Theorizing the political relevance of international relations theory. International Studies Quarterly, 61 (1). pp. 64-77. ISSN 0020-8833
Jahn, Beate (2012) Rethinking democracy promotion. Review of International Studies, 38 (4). pp. 685-705. ISSN 0020-8833
Jahn, Beate (2012) Critique in a time of liberal world order. Journal of International Relations and Development, 15. pp. 145-157. ISSN 1408-6980
Jahn, Beate (2012) Humanitarian intervention - what's in a name? International Politics, 49 (1). pp. 36-58. ISSN 1354-0661
Jahn, Beate (2010) Universal languages?: A reply to Moravcsik. International Theory, 2 (1). pp. 140-156. ISSN 1752-9719
Jahn, Beate (2010) British international thinkers from Hobbes to Namier. International Affairs, 86 (6). pp. 1411-1412. ISSN 0020-5850
Jahn, Beate (2009) Liberal internationalism: from ideology to empirical theory - and back again. International Theory, 1 (3). pp. 409-438. ISSN 1752-9727
Jahn, Beate (2008) A liberal vanishing act: response to Oisin Tansey. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 2 (1). pp. 94-98. ISSN 1750-2977
Jahn, Beate (2013) Liberal internationalism: theory, history, practice. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9781137348425
Book Section
Jahn, Beate (2021) Liberal internationalism. In: Richmond, Oliver P and Visoka, Gezim (eds.) Oxford handbook of peacebuilding, statebuilding, and peace formation. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780190904418
Jahn, Beate (2020) From the politics of knowledge to knowledge of politics. In: Martill, Benjamin and Schindler, Sebastian (eds.) Theory as ideology in international relations: the politics of knowledge. Worlding beyond the West . Routledge, London, pp. 240-251. ISBN 9780429021008
Jahn, Beate (2011) Liberalism and democracy promotion. In: Hobson, C and Kurki, M (eds.) Conceptual Politics of Democracy Promotion. Routledge, Oxon, United Kingdom, pp. 53-67. ISBN 9780415596879
Jahn, Beate (2010) Imperialism. In: Bevir, Mark (ed.) Encyclopedia of political theory. Sage Publications, California and London. ISBN 9781412958653
Jahn, Beate (2009) Mill, Kant und der Liberale Internationalism. In: Asbach, O and Hofmann, W (eds.) Vom Nutzen des Staates. Das Staatsverständnis des klassischen Utilitarismus: Hume, Bentham, Mill. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Jahn, Beate (2008) The tragedy of liberal diplomacy. In: Chandler, D (ed.) Statebuilding and intervention : policies, practices and paradigms. Routledge Studies in Intervention and Statebuilding . Routledge. ISBN 9780415452045
Jahn, Beate (2006) Classical theory and international relations in context. In: Jahn, Beate (ed.) Classical Theory in International Relations. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, pp. 1-26. ISBN 9780521686020