The Centre for the Analysis of Regional Integration at Sussex (CARIS) was established in 2006 and conducts research in all areas related to regional integration - feasibility, scope and effect both in developed and developing countries. Its main aim is to examine the impact of regional trade agreements and preferences on the economies involved in the agreements, those excluded, and also on the interaction between such preferential arrangements and the multilateral trading system.
CARIS' members have a long standing international reputation in the areas of international trade, trade policy analysis and trade and development. That international reputation stems from the activities and work carried at Department of Economics and Sussex European Institute as well as the University’s sister institution, the Institute of Development Studies (IDS).
The main features of CARIS are:
- the analytical capability and expertise necessary to engage in the envisaged research projects. CARIS has a thorough knowledge of international economics and its application in a range of contexts. This stems from many years of research, teaching and policy advice.
- A deep knowledge and understanding of the institutional – EU and WTO – context in which trade policy is formulated.
- A proven technical capacity to engage in trade policy modelling using a range of methods.
- Considerable experience in managing large projects involving teams from different institutions and countries, and from a range of funding bodies including the EC, DFID, as well as other donor agencies.
- Experience in organising conferences, workshops and training courses on wide range of issues related to trade.
CARIS has developed a systematic framework for the evaluation of Regional Trade Agreement named the "Sussex Framework"
These have been enhanced by the partnership between CARIS and InterAnalysis, a company established on the University campus to produce software (TradeSift) for the analysis of trade policy issues and to provide training course built around this, currently funded by DFID.
Brighton Argus reports on CARIS project supporting trade links between India and Pakistan
CARIS Economists expose flaw in "BREXIT" plan
- Read the article on
CARIS economists publish report for Department for International Development
Economists working in the Centre for the Analysis of Regional Integration at Sussex (CARIS) have published a report for the Department for International Development (DFID).
The paper, titled 'Potential Effects of the Proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) on Selected Developing Countries', evaluates some of the potential effects of EU-US TTIP economic integration on the trade in goods of 43 low-income countries (LIC).
Dr Peter Holmes
New article on G8 trade negotiations from Sussex economist
Dr Peter Holmes has written an article for new journalism project The Conversation on the prospects of the G8 meeting delivering progress in trade negotiations, titled 'The G8 talks trade, but the big deals are done elsewhere'.
Dr Holmes commented that whilst noone wants the WTO to collapse, there are not enough political and economic interests with a big stake in a successful conclusion for the Doha round. The result is that major traders are increasingly turning to bilateral and regional deals, but as shown by the row over the "cultural exception" in the EU-US context, these are not always so easy either.
CARIS economists on the Greek economy
CARIS economists have just written a note on the Greek economy using the TradeSift software.
It analyses the change in trade flows from 2007 to 2011 and finds that austerity has not led to an improvement in Greek competitiveness. Apart from a somewhat unrepresentative rise in petroleum exports, the improvement in the current account balance is due overwhelmingly to a fall in imports
Peter Holmes
June 2012
Greetings to the visitors to our site
Looking at Google analytics. We are delighted that so many people from all over the world have looked at our site. Of course, we don't know who you are! We'd be very happy to hear from any of you who have found the website interesting to and and also to get any feedback.
Please write to the team at CARIS: Peter Holmes (
Peter Holmes