For students
Welcome to the University of Sussex Business School. We have many academic and Professional Services staff dedicated to helping you make the most of your time and studies here at the Business School.
The following pages contain information on assessments, online teaching, and contact information for our support services.
Final year students – gain valuable work experience for your CV with exclusive Career Lab opportunities including consultancy for a local organisation, work from home with the Online Global Internship Programme, and find online events and resources at the Your Way Forward Careers and Employability Centre web page.
Where to go for help in the Business School
Do you need specific help, have a concern, or want to provide feedback but don't know who to contact about it?
Click the flyer to find out where to direct your query. Please note: some of the links in the document are clickable.
Where to go for help in the Business School [PDF 78.17KB]
My Sussex, is our online student support hub. For advice on disability support, emotional wellbeing, exams and assessments, career development and a range of other student queries, please contact the relevant team at My Sussex, our new online student support portal.
Other helpful Student Experience numbers
Student support and well-being, Student Experience Team -
Dr C. Rashaad Shabab, Director of Student Experience, Dr Seun Osituyo, Deputy Director of Student Experience for postgraduate students and Dr Divya Sharma, Deputy Director of Student Experinece for undergraduate students - - 01273 877060
Returning from temporary withdrawal / attendance:
Student Mentors, Student Reps, Student Ambassadors, study abroad: - 01273 873919
Useful videos
We have created a few helpful videos on Canvas, including how to get to the Student Centre and the Library from the Business School.
Do you have a question or request for us?
Ask for an academic reference from a member of teaching staff
Making the most of your time and studies here
To help you find everything you need and take advantage of the opportunities available to you, we've put all of the important information together in one place:
Your key contacts
With the help of the whole team of academic and Professional Services staff in the Business School, the key people responsible for making sure you are supported throughout your time here, and that your teaching and learning experience is the best that it can be, are your Dean, Associate Dean for Education and Students, and Director and Deputy Director of Student Experience. Click on their photos to find out more about them:
Hi, I'm Ingrid Woolard and I'm the Executive Dean of the University of Sussex Business School.
As a student here, I hope that you will enjoy your time with us and be able to participate fully in the Business School community.
My aim as Dean is for you to be given every opportunity to achieve your potential and enjoy success in your degree and life beyond Sussex.
Your voice as a student is an important and influential one - and hearing your views on the things we're doing well, as well as the things we could do better, is one of the most rewarding parts of my job.
Feel free to stop me in the Business School, say hello, and let me know what you think about how we're doing!
I'm Dr Farai Jener and I'm the Associate Dean for Education and Students at the University of Sussex Business School.
In my role, I am responsible for making sure that your learning and the teaching you receive within the Business School is the best that it can be.
I oversee the management of the curriculum - the way that your courses and modules are taught and assessed - to ensure that your learning goals are met.
My work involves meeting and talking with students, individually and as a group, and I look forward to seeing you all in and around the Business School this year!
I'm Dr Rashaad Shabab and I'm the Director of Student Experience (DoSE) at the University of Sussex Business School.
In my role as DoSE, I work ofen with the Student Academic Success Advisors, Student Experience team, student representatives, student mentors, course administration teams and academics to make sure you have a great academic and life experience at our School.
Areas of student support we can, for example, help with include:
exceptional circumstances (when there are health or other good reasons affecting your performance or completion of assessments)
reasonable adjustments (if you have a disability, specific learning difficulty or particular health issue and need support arrangements to be put in place)
attendance monitoring and learning agreements.
It's important to us that your time at the Business School is academically rewarding but also enjoyable. Therefore, we also arrange events throughout the year to add to what you learn in the classroom, including our welcome evening, field trips, guest speakers, employability events, and of course the annual Business School awards ceremony!
I'm Dr Seun Osituyo and I'm the Deputy Director of Student Experience (DoSE) for postgraduate students at the University of Sussex Business School.
In my role as Deputy DoSE for PG, I work closely with the Director of Student Experience as well as with the Student Academic Success Advisors, Student Experience team, student representatives, student mentors, course administration teams and academics to make sure you have a great academic and life experience at our School.
Areas of student support we can, for example, help with include:
exceptional circumstances (when there are health or other good reasons affecting your performance or completion of assessments)
reasonable adjustments (if you have a disability, specific learning difficulty or particular health issue and need support arrangements to be put in place)
attendance monitoring and learning agreements.
It's important to us that your time at the Business School is academically rewarding but also enjoyable. Therefore, we also arrange events throughout the year to add to what you learn in the classroom, including our welcome evening, field trips, guest speakers, employability events, and of course the annual Business School awards ceremony!
I'm Dr Divya Sharma and I'm the Deputy Director of Student Experience (DoSE) for undergraduate students at the University of Sussex Business School.
In my role as Deputy DoSE for UG, I work closely with the Director of Student Experience as well as with the Student Academic Success Advisors, Student Experience team, student representatives, student mentors, course administration teams and academics to make sure you have a great academic and life experience at our School.
Areas of student support we can, for example, help with include:
exceptional circumstances (when there are health or other good reasons affecting your performance or completion of assessments)
reasonable adjustments (if you have a disability, specific learning difficulty or particular health issue and need support arrangements to be put in place)
attendance monitoring and learning agreements.
It's important to us that your time at the Business School is academically rewarding but also enjoyable. Therefore, we also arrange events throughout the year to add to what you learn in the classroom, including our welcome evening, field trips, guest speakers, employability events, and of course the annual Business School awards ceremony!
School office
Jubilee Building G08
01273 872668