Use the People link (left) for contact details of all APDE members including Associate Faculty, Postdoctoral Researchers and Postgraduate Students.
Dr Miroslav ChlebikGeometric measure theory with applications to calculus of variation. Non-linear partial differential equations, existence and regularity theory, blow-up phenomena. |
Dr Masoumeh DashtiPartial differential equations, inverse problems, mathematical theory of fluid mechanics. |
Prof Peter GieslDynamical systems. Analytical and numerical methods. Applications to biomechanics; stability of movements of the human musculoskeletal system. |
Dr Gabriel KochAnalysis of partial differential equations. Navier-Stokes equations of fluid dynamics, regularity theory for non-linear partial differential equations, harmonic analysis. |
Dr Konstantinos Koumatos
Prof Michael MelgaardAnalysis and PDEs with applications in physics and chemistry, non-linear equations arising in many-particle models of quantum chemistry. |
Dr Ali TaheriCalculus of variations, partial differential equations and topology. Sobolev spaces and mapping problems, critical point theory and topological invariant. |