Selected publications
Cornwall, Andrea and Aghajanian, Alia (2017) How to find out what’s really going on: understanding impact through participatory process evaluation. World Development, 99. pp. 173-185. ISSN 0305-750X
Cornwall, Andrea and Rivas, Althea-Maria (2015) From ‘gender equality and ‘women’s empowerment’ to global justice: reclaiming a transformative agenda for gender and development. Third World Quarterly, 36 (2). pp. 396-415. ISSN 0143-6597
Cornwall, Andrea (2013) Cultures of Politics, Spaces of Power: Contextualizing Brazilian Experiences of Participation. Journal of Power, 6 (2). pp. 309-333. ISSN 1754-0291
Cornwall, Andrea and Anyidoho, Nana Akua (2010) Introduction: Women's empowerment: Contentions and contestations. Development, 53 (2). pp. 144-149. ISSN 10116370
Cornwall, Andrea, Capibaribe, Fernanda and Gonçalves, Terezinha (2010) Revealed cities: A photovoice project with domestic workers in Salvador, Brazil. Development, 53 (2). Pages 299-300. ISSN 10116370
Cornwall, Andrea and Edwards, Jenny (2010) Introduction: Negotiating Empowerment. IDS Bulletin, 41 (2). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1759-5436
Cornwall, Andrea, Coelho, Vera Schattan P and Shankland, Alex (2010) Taking a seat on Brazil's health councils. openDemocracy.
Cornwall, Andrea and Pratt, Garett (2010) The use and abuse of participatory rural appraisal: reflections from practice. Agriculture and Human Values, 28 (2). pp. 263-272. ISSN 0889048X
Cornwall, Andrea and Jolly, Susan (2009) Sexuality and the development industry. Development, 52 (1). Pages 5-12. ISSN 10116370
Cornwall, Andrea, Gideon, Jasmine and Wilson, Kalpana (2008) Introduction: Reclaiming feminism: Gender and neoliberalism. IDS Bulletin, 39 (6). Pages 1-9. ISSN 02655012
Cornwall, Andrea (2008) Deliberating Democracy: Scenes from a Brazilian Municipal Health Council. Politics and Society, 36 (4). pp. 508-531. ISSN 0032-3292
Robins, Steven, Cornwall, Andrea and von Lieres, Bettina (2008) Rethinking 'citizenship' in the postcolony. Third World Quarterly, 29 (6). pp. 1069-1086. ISSN 01436597
Cornwall, Andrea, Standing, Hilary and Lynch, Andrea (2008) Introduction: Putting unsafe abortion on the development agenda. IDS Bulletin, 39 (3). pp. 1-9. ISSN 02655012
Cornwall, Andrea and Shankland, Alex (2008) Engaging citizens: lessons from building Brazil's national health system. Social Science and Medicine, 66 (10). pp. 2173-2184. ISSN 02779536
Cornwall, Andrea (2008) Unpacking 'Participation': models, meanings and practices. Community Development Journal, 43 (3). pp. 269-283. ISSN 0010-3802
Cornwall, Andrea (2007) Taking chances, making choices: the tactical dimensions of 'Reproductive Strategies' in Southwestern Nigeria. Medical Anthropology, 26 (3). pp. 229-254. ISSN 0145-9740
Cornwall, Andrea (2007) Of choice, chance and contingency: ‘Career strategies’ and tactics for survival among Yoruba women traders. Social Anthropology, 15 (1). pp. 27-46. ISSN 0964-0282
Cornwall, Andrea, Harrison, Elizabeth and Whitehead, Ann (2007) Gender myths and feminist fables: the struggle for interpretive power in gender and development. Development and Change, 38 (1). pp. 1-20. ISSN 0012-155X
Cornwall, Andrea (2006) Historical perspectives on participation in development. Journal of Comparative and Commonwealth Politics, 44 (1). pp. 62-83. ISSN 1466-2043
Cornwall, Andrea and Goetz, Anne-Marie (2005) Democratizing Democracy: Feminist Perspectives. Democratization, 12 (5). pp. 783-800. ISSN 1351-0347
Cornwall, Andrea and Brock, Karen (2005) What do buzzwords do for development policy: a critical look at "participation", "poverty reduction" and "empowerment". Third World Quarterly, 26(7). pp. 1043-1060. ISSN 0413-6597
Cornwall, Andrea (2003) Whose voices? Whose choices? Reflections on gender and participatory development. World Development, 31 (8). pp. 1325-1342. ISSN 0305-750X
Cornwall, Andrea (2002) Spending power: love, money and the reconfiguration of gender relations in Ado-Odo, Southwestern Nigeria. American Ethnologist, 29 (4). pp. 963-980. ISSN 0094-0496
Cornwall, Andrea (2000) Missing men? Reflections on men masculinities and gender in GAD. IDS Bulletin, 31 (2). pp. 18-27. ISSN 0265-5012
Cornwall, Andrea (1997) Men masculinity and 'gender in development'. Gender and Development, 5 (2). 8- 13. ISSN 13552074
Cornwall, Andrea (2008) Democratising engagement : what the UK can learn from international experience. Demos. ISBN 9781841801988
Cornwall, Andrea (2000) Beneficiary consumer citizen: perspectives on participation for poverty reduction. SIDA studies, 2 . Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency. ISBN 9789158689190
Book Section
Cornwall, Andrea (2017) The making and unmaking of a democratic space. In: Alvarez, Sonia E, Rubin, Jeffrey W, Thayer, Millie, Baiocchi, Gianpaolo and Laó-Montes, Agustín (eds.) Beyond civil society: activism, participation, and protest in Latin America. Duke University Press, USA, pp. 63-80. ISBN 9780822363071
Cornwall, Andrea (2003) To be a man is more than a day's work: Shifting ideals of manliness in Ado-Odo, S W Nigeria. In: Lindsay, Lisa A and Miescher, Stephan F (eds.) Men and Masculinities in Modern Africa. Heinemann, Princeton, USA, pp. 230-248. ISBN 9780325002545
Cornwall, Andrea (2001) Wayward women and useless men: contest and change in gender relations in Ado-Odo. In: Hodgson, Dorothy L and McCurdy, Sheryl A (eds.) Wicked Women and the Reconfiguration of Gender in Africa. Social History of Africa . Heinemann. ISBN 9780325070049
Cornwall, Andrea (1998) Gender participation and the politics of difference. In: Guijt, Irene and Kaul Shah, Meera (eds.) The Myth of Community: Gender Issues in Participatory Development. Intermediate Technology Publications, London, pp. 46-57. ISBN 1853394211
Edited Book
Morris, Charlotte, Boyce, Paul, Cornwall, Andrea, Frith, Hannah, Harvey, Laura and Huang, Yingying, eds. (2018) Researching sex and sexualities. Zed Books. ISBN 9781786993199
Cornwall, Andrea and Scoones, Ian, eds. (2011) Revolutionizing Development: Reflections on the Work of Robert Chambers. Routledge. ISBN 9781849713290
Cornwall, Prof Andrea, Edstrom, J and Greig, A, eds. (2011) Men and Development: Politicising Masculinities. Zed Books.
Cornwall, Prof Andrea, ed. (2011) The Participation Reader. Zed Books.
Cornwall, Prof Andrea and Eade, D, eds. (2010) Deconstructing Development Discourse: Buzzwords and Fuzzwords. Practical Action Publishing.
Cornwall, Andrea, Correa, Sonia and Jolly, Susan, eds. (2008) Development with a body: sexuality, human rights and development. Zed Books. ISBN 9781842778906
Cornwall, Andrea and Molyneux, Maxine, eds. (2007) The Politics of Rights: Dilemmas for Feminist Praxis. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780415437721
Edited Special Journal Issue
Cornwall, Andrea, Whitehead, Ann and Harrison, Elizabeth, eds. (2007) Repositioning gender in development: gender myths and feminist fables. Development and Change, 38 (1). ISSN 0012-155X