Academic Quality and Partnerships

External Examiners


External Examiners are one of the principle means by which we uphold our academic standards at the University of Sussex. The University regularly reviews its policies and processes for external examining and ensures alignment with the QAA's Quality Code for Higher Education.


The full policy and procedures for the external examining of taught courses at the University of Sussex can be found in the External Examiner Handbook AY24-25. This provides information for all external examiners of taught programmes (undergraduate and postgraduate) and includes guidance on the duties and powers of external examiners in relation to assessment and the Progression and Award Board (PAB).


Information for examiners assessing research degrees can be found on the Doctoral School's website.


For general queries about external examiners please contact:


A table setting out points of contact with external examiners and responsibilities can be found in the Task List for External Examiner Communications [PDF 89.65KB]

Nomination and appointment


  To nominate a new external examiner for a taught course, please complete the External Examiner Nomination Form [DOCX 38.98KB] 

Check the Checklist for nomination criteria [DOCX 24.82KB] for guidance on choosing the right nominee.

For Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) courses, use the BSMS external examiner nomination form [DOC 166.00KB] 


  To extend an examiner’s tenure or remit, complete the Extension to External Examiner tenure/remit of duties form [DOCX 26.56KB]


All external examiners have received their annual letters:


They’ve also been sent summaries and analyses of last year’s reports:


Annual reports


Each appointed external examiner must complete the Report Form External Examiners [DOCX 42.00KB] for the course and modules they are appointed to.

All external examiners should complete the External Examiner Statement of Compliance [DOCX 16.57KB], usually at the Progression and Award Board (PAB).


External examiners are required to submit their annual reports within 6 weeks of the PAB. Following submission of annual external examiner reports, schools are required to review the reports and produce an External Examiner Action Plan Template [DOC 31.00KB] to address any issues raised.


The AQP compiles an annual overview report on generic issues and good practices from external examiner reports, on behalf of the PVC (Teaching & Learning). These are reviewed during the Annual Course Review. Below are extracts from available reports:


Fees and expenses


External examiners receive an annual fee covering all duties for the University. Payment is processed centrally after submitting the annual report. Fee details are available in the Handbook on the policy and procedures for the external examining of taught courses 2024-25 [PDF 588.40KB]


Expenses can be claimed anytime during the year. They are paid separately from the annual fee and require a Visitor Expense Claim Form, available on the Finance webpages Please make sure to attach receipts and submit the form to your designated school administrative contact.



Briefing materials


Slides from the October 2024 briefing for PGT External Examiners are available here.