Student Voice
The University student evaluation mechanisms and routes for analysing and responding to student feedback have been aligned to key external and internal surveys to create a coherent, well-articulated student evaluation structure that can inform course and programme development.
External evaluations from students
The University participates in a number of external surveys, including the National Student Survey, the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey and the Postgraduate Research Experience Survey
Internal evaluations from students
The university also administers its own questionnaires in order to gain feedback on student's experience of their modules. Click on the links below to find out more about each.
Module Convenors are encouraged to gather informal module feedback from students whilst the module is taking place. This enables staff to to find out how the module is progressing and may lead to implementation of changes that benefit the current students taking a module. To find out more, visit our mid-term feedback webpage.
End of Semester Module Evaluation Questionnaires (MEQs) will run again in 2020/21 . These questionniares will gather formal feedback on a student's individual modules. To find out more, visit our End of Semester MEQ webpage.