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Staff survey update and focus groups in January
Posted on behalf of: University of Sussex
Last updated: Thursday, 7 December 2023

Listening to feedback from staff about how we can build a Sussex for the future, where colleagues feel they belong and are able to thrive, is vital. The staff survey is one of the ways in which staff can share their perspectives on what is working well and what aspects need attention to strengthen our community further.
Following the last survey in October 2022, the Staff Survey Working Group, which is currently chaired by Professor Robin Banerjee and includes a range of academic and Professional Services staff members, has reviewed the approach to the survey. We are introducing changes to improve the survey process and, as part of this, will be offering more ways for staff to share their thoughts with those responsible for leading Schools, central PS Divisions, and the University overall.
Frequency of future staff surveys
The survey in October 2022 marked the end of the pilot of a twice-per-year cycle with the existing survey supplier. We will be starting a formal tender process shortly, inviting suppliers to submit proposals for the contract to deliver future staff surveys.
Feedback received from staff about the pilot clearly indicated that the process of administering surveys, collating results and revising action plans twice each year was too demanding and potentially counterproductive. Accordingly, it was agreed by the Working Group and University Executive Team that the main, externally-administered staff survey will now take place every two years. This will give the opportunity for teams to deliver on changes identified in action plans, and for those changes to have a positive impact for staff before the next survey is issued. Importantly, as described below, we also plan to support with ideas for additional, internally-coordinated activities to hear staff voices.
The next full staff survey is planned for autumn 2024. The survey dates are subject to confirmation by the People and Culture Board.
Sharing your views between staff surveys
The survey gives us a picture of how people are feeling about working life at Sussex at a given point in time, but as we move to a two-year cycle, we will be making sure there are a number of ways you can share your thoughts throughout the year.
This will be in addition to how staff have their say at the moment, including at the Vice-Chancellor’s Open Forums and other events, and through engagement and consultation around key projects such as catering and facilities procurement. A number of Schools and Divisions have also developed mechanisms to hear from staff locally and gather feedback.
Adding more ways for staff to share their views regularly will give us an opportunity to hear from colleagues through a number of different channels and continue conversations about ongoing topics.
Join our focus groups to shape how we listen at Sussex
Please do join one of the three one-hour online focus groups for staff to be hosted by Robin Banerjee in January 2024. During the sessions you will help us identify the best — and most accessible and practical — ways for staff to share feedback about working at Sussex, in between our two-year staff surveys. Both academic and Professional Services staff from across our community are encouraged to be part of the conversation and help shape our future approach. During the focus group you will be able to give feedback on initial proposals and share your own ideas. Find out more about how to join the focus groups below:
If you are unable to attend one of the focus groups, you will also have the opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas online in January 2024.
How we’re making positive changes following our previous staff survey
As we move to a two-yearly survey cycle, please note that the action plans created using the feedback from the October 2022 survey remain in place and are being implemented across the University. You can view the latest progress in each School and Division’s action plan on our staff survey webpages.
In the coming months, you will also be able to read short case studies from across the University highlighting the great work underway in our Schools and Professional Services Divisions to improve the staff experience in response to survey feedback. Keep an eye on the Staff Hub for these regular updates coming soon.