We provide here a list of research done on the EP of a more quantitative nature.
Bailer, S. & Schneider, G. (2000) 'The power of legislative hot air: Informal rules and the enlargement debate in the European parliament', The Journal of Legislative Studies, 6(2)
Beauvallet, W. & Michon, S. (2009) 'Socialization in the European Parliament', UACES General Conference, Angers
Blomgren, M. (2003) Cross-Pressure and Political Representation in Europe: A comparative study of MEPs in the intra-party arena (Department of Political Science: Umeå University)
Bowler, S. & Farrell, D. (1999) 'Parties and Party Discipline within the EP: A norms based approach', in Bowler, S., Farrell, D. & Katz, R. (eds) Party Discipline and Parliamentary Government (Ohio State University Press: Columbus)
Bowler, S. & Farrell, M. (1995) 'The Organizing of the European Parliament: Committees, Specialization and Co-Ordination', British Journal of Political Science, 25(2)
Braghiroli, S. (2008) 'Home Sweet Home: Assessing the Weight and the Effectiveness of National Parties' Interference on MEP's Everyday activity', SEI Working Paper, 108
Coman, E.E. (2009) 'Reassessing the influence of party groups on individual members of the European Parliament', West European Politics, 32(6)
Costello, R. (2009) ' Does bicameralism promote stability? Inter-institutional relations and coalition formation in the European Parliament'. Working Paper, University of Twente;
Dietz, T. (2000) 'Similar but Different? The European Greens Compared to Other Transnational Party Federations in Europe', Party Politics, 6(2)
Franklin, M. & Scarrow, S. (1999) 'Making Europeans: The socialization power of the EP', in Wessels, B. and Katz, R. (eds) The European Parliament, national Parliaments, and European integration (OUP: Oxford)
Garrett, G. (1995) 'From the Luxembourg compromise to codecision: Decision making in the European Union', Electoral Studies, 14(3)
Häge, F. & Kaeding, M. (2007) 'Reconsidering the European Parliament's Legislative Influence: Formal vs. Informal Procedures', Journal of European Integration, 29(3)
Hausemer, P. (2006) 'Participation and Political Competition in Committee Report Allocation: Under What Conditions Do MEPs Represent Their Constituents?', European Union Politics, 7(4)
Hix, S. (2002) 'Parliamentary Behavior with Two Principals: Preferences, Parties and Voting in the European Parliament', American Journal of Political Science, 46(3)
Hix, S. (2001) 'Legislative Behaviour and Party Competition in the European Parliament: An Application of Nominate to the EU', Journal of Common Market Studies, 39(4)
Hix, S,. Kreppel, A. & Noury, A. (2003) 'The Party System in the European Parliament: Collusive or Competitive', Journal of Common Market Studies, 41(2)
Hix, S., Raunio, T. and Scully, R. (2003) 'Fifty years on: research on the European Parliament', Journal of Common Market Studies, 41(2)
Kasack, C. (2004) 'The Legislative Impact of the European Parliament Under the Revised Co- Decision Procedure: Environmental, Public Health and Consumer Protection Policies', European Union Politics, 5(2)
König, T., Lindberg, B., Lechner, S. & Pohlmeier, W. (2007) 'Bicameral Conflict Resolution in the European Union: An Empirical Analysis of Conciliation Committee Bargains', British Journal of Political Science, 37
Kreppel, A. & Tsebelis, G. (1999) 'Coalition Formation in the European Parliament', Comparative Political Studies, 32(8)
Mamadouh, V. & Raunio, T. (2003) 'The Committee System: Powers, Appointments and Report Allocation', Journal of Common Market Studies, 41(2)
Noury, A. (2002) 'Ideology, Nationality and Euro-Parliamentarians', European Union Politics, 3(1)
Rasmussen, A. (2007) 'Early conclusion in the co-decision legislative procedure', MWP working paper, European University Institute, 31
Raunio, T. (2006) 'Political Parties in the EU', in Jorgensen, K.E., Pollack, M. & Rosamond, B. (eds) Handbook of European Union Politics (Sage: London)
Raunio, T. (2000) 'Losing Independence or Finally Gaining Recognition?: Contacts Between MEPs and National Parties', Party Politics, 6(2)
Scully, R. (2005) Becoming Europeans?: Attitudes, Behaviour and Socialisation in the European Parliament (OUP: Oxford)
Scully, R. (2003) 'Review Article. External Change, Internal Development: Studying the European Parliament', Government and Opposition, 38(1)
Scully, R. (1999) 'Between Nation, Party and Identity: A Study of European Parliamentarians', EPRG Working Paper, 5
Scully, R. (1997) 'Policy Influence and Participation in the European Parliament', Legislative Studies Quarterly, 22(2)
Scully, R. & Farrell, D. (2003) 'MEPs as Representatives: Individual and Institutional Roles', Journal of Common Market Studies, 41(2)
Thomson, R. & Hosli, M. (2006) 'Who Has Power in the EU? The Commission, Council and Parliament in Legislative Decision-making', Journal of Common Market Studies, 44(2)
Verzichelli, L & Edinger, M. (2005) 'A critical juncture? the 2004 European elections and the making of a supranational elite', The Journal of Legislative Studies, 11(2)
Whitaker, R. (2005) 'National Parties in the European Parliament: An Influence in the Committee System?', European Union Politics, 6(1)
Yordanova, N. (2009) 'Legislative Power of the European Parliament Committees: Plenary Adoption of Committee Reports', European Union Studies Association (EUSA), Biennial Conference 2009
Yordanova, N. (2009) 'The Rationale behind Committee Assignment in the European Parliament: Distributive, Informational and Partisan Perspectives', European Union Politics, 10