Emeritus Professor
Research Interests
1. Mechanisms underlying synaptic and behavioural plasticity that contribute to drug and alcohol dependence and abuse.
2. Consequences of alcohol abuse on brain function and its consequences for cognition and emotion.
3. Psychopharmacology, especially of benzodiazepines and excitatory amino acid antagonists with regard to their anxiolytic and cognitive effects. 4. Studies of learning and memory in genetically manipulated animals.
Research Support
My research has been consistently supported by the UK Medical Research Council.
I am PI on current MRC grants studying:
- the consequences of multiple detoxifications from alcohol abuse on brain cognitive and emotional function
- the role of GABA-A alpha2 receptor subtypes in cocaine abuse.
I am PI of the MRC cross-institutional Addiction Research Cluster "GABA" http://www.mrc.ac.uk/Ourresearch/ResearchInitiatives/Addictionresearch/DaiStephens/index.htm.
Within the Cluster, I am PI on the recently awarded grant
- GABA-A receptors in accumbens neural circuits underlying drug abuse: novel targets for treatment.
My work on the genetics of impulsivity and drug abuse is supported by the EU FP6 Programme, under the umbrella IMAGEN
I am a co-investigator on an EU InterReg grant "ALCOBINGE", that studies the short and long term effects of alcohol bingeing on health.
My own contribution is on the consequences of alcohol abuse for impulsivity. ALCOBINGE is a collaboration between the University of Sussex and the Universities of Rouen and Amiens.
Doctoral work in my lab is currently supported by doctoral training awards from the MRC and BBSRC.
Current Lab Members
Claire Dixon
Yolanda Pena-Oliver
Sophie Walker
Leigh Hoang
Eoin O'Connor
Tom Macpherson
Sandra Sanchez
Collaborators (see also publications)
University of Sussex
Dora Duka (Psychology)
Sarah King (Psychology)
Hans Crombag (Psychology)
Tamzin Ripley (Psychology)
Hugo Critchley (Brighton & Sussex Medical School)
Other Institutes
Delia Belelli (University of Dundee)
Jeff Dalley (University of Cambridge) Sylvane Desrivieres (Institute of Psychiatry, London) Jerry Lambert (University of Dundee)
Andy Mead (Pfizer, UK)
Mickael Naassila (University of Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens)
Gunter Schumann (Institute of Psychiatry, London)
Rainer Spanagel (Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim, Germany)
Clare Stanford (University College, London)
Howard Thomas (Imperial)
Steve Williams (Institute of Psychiatry, London)