How is lockdown affecting family life? Study participants needed!
By: Anna Ford
Last updated: Thursday, 7 May 2020

Family life is transformed under coronavirus lockdown (Image credit: Aaron Burden)
Families with school age children are being asked to take part in research for the University of Sussex. A team of psychologists led by Alison Lacey and Dr Kathryn Lester and including Professor Samantha Cartwright-Hatton is investigating how family life and well-being are being affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The team is asking parents and guardians of primary school age children to complete an online survey to help them track the impact of the pandemic on families.
Dr Lester, an expert in child psychology at the University of Sussex, said: “With the entire nation in lockdown, families across the UK are adjusting to a dramatically different way of life. Children are no longer at school, parents are learning how to home-school, and many are also simultaneously working from home.
"As well as worries for the health of loved ones, this situation presents parents with a perfect storm. And for children, the rupture to their daily routines, and their contact with their friends, has been radical.
“As psychologists, we’re interested to understand how family relationships and well-being are being affected by what’s happening. We’re asking parents and guardians of primary school-aged children to take part in a survey to tell us.”
Alison Lacey, a PhD researcher, said: “Parents and children are dealing with an unprecedented situation. Relationships within the family will be under enormous pressure over the coming months as families adjust to the reality of lockdown living.
"We hope that this study will give us an important insight into the emotional and social impact of the Covid-19 restrictions on families with young children. We would like as many parents and guardians with primary school age children (4-11 years) as possible to take part.”
Families who decide to take part will be asked to complete an online questionnaire now and at three-weekly intervals until Covid-19 restrictions are no longer in place. Participants will be asked about their family and household; parents and child emotional well-being; and their relationships with family and friends.
All participants who return completed questionnaires will be eligible for a prize draw with the chance to win £100, £50 and £25 vouchers.
The results will be written into a scientific report.
Take part in the survey.