Dr Anna Maria Sichani
Post: | Research Fellow (Sussex Digital Humanities Lab) |
Email: | as2201@sussex.ac.uk |
Personal homepage: | Personal website |
Dr. Anna-Maria Sichani is a literary and cultural historian and a Digital Humanist. Anna-Maria is currently a Post Doc Research Fellow in Media History and Historical Data Modelling, at the Department of Media, Film and Music at University of Sussex and Sussex Humanities Lab, working on the AHRC-funded ‘Connected Histories of the BBC’ project. Previously, she has been collaborating as an Early Career Investigator (ECI) with the COST Action “Distant Reading for European Literary History” (CA16204). Anna-Maria held also a Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Fellowship as an Early Stage Researcher affiliated with the Digital Scholarly Editing Initial Training Network (DiXiT) (EU-FP7), based at Huygens ING and a PhD Research Fellowship at King’s Digital Lab. She is currently serving at the Editorial Board of The review journal for digital editions and resources and at The Programming Historian and she contributed as Communications Fellow (2017-2018) for the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO).
Anna-Maria recently completed (2018) her PhD in Modern Greek Philology & Cultural Studies at University of Ioannina (Greece) and she holds a BA and an MPhil in Modern Greek Philology (University of Athens) and a MA in Digital Humanities (UCL). Her research interests include literary and cultural history, cultural and social aspects of media(l) changes, born-digital archives, digital scholarly editing and publishing of textual assets, scholarly communication, research infrastructures and digital pedagogy. Anna-Maria's research, work experience and expertise revolve toward the materiality and its relationship to the digital and more generally the entanglements of technology with cultural and literary production and the public sphere. She has collaborated with a number of Digital Humanities projects (Transcribe Bentham, DARIAH etc) and her skills include data modelling, encoding and digital publication of historical materials, data architecture and analysis.
Research Fellow in Media History & Historical Data Modelling
School of Media, Film & Music
Sussex Humanities Lab